Ancestry DNA Results

Just got the results and I’m 4% Jewish. Is there a way to legally challenge the results? If the appeal fails do I kill myself or try to hide the fact? Is 4% enough to worry about?

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Help me /pol I’m literally shaking.

Only a Jew would worry about 4%

Do you think having Jewish DNA magically changes you somehow? Who cares man.

>Is 4% enough to worry about
You are an absolute idiot.

Now I know how it feels when someone finds out they are HIV+

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how can you 'legally challenge' your ancestry and why would you want to ?

I care. Gas all kikes.

Hitler was Jewish man

There is a fair amount of hate for Jews and I assume there is a valid reason for it.

I hear there's a few vacancies in Tel Aviv since COVID19. Thought I'd let you know

Even 0.004% kike dna should be punishable by death. We need to eradicate them all for their atrocities

jews don't exist. "jewish DNA" is circular reasoning. everyone who is jewish is haplogroup X, therefore everyone who is haplogroup X is jewish.
yahweh, abraham, moses, goshen, and israel literally never fucking existed. judaism is completely made up horseshit, practiced by a bunch of psychotic russian hapas larping as people of color.

Define what a Jew is for me.

Funny how you kikes toss around revision history unless it factually disapproves the Holocaust (it never happened) or holodomor (that did happen)

Thanks for the explanation user.

Lol im Hispanic faggot far from a kike you limp dicked nazi larping faggot, i could give a fuck less about the nazis i was stating a fact. Hitler was a jew

You now belong to God’s chosen people, congratulations. Be proud my brother.

if yahweh isn't real, then technically the holocaust didn't happen, regardless of whether germans systematically exterminated anyone.

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Only a kike would take such offense to being called a kike. The Holocaust never happened.

god never chose anyone. nowhere in my gospel of the flying spaghetti monster does it say anything about choosing anyone.

Says the kike, that’s why you’re mad your own man killed your own people lol

Into the oven you go

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Come home

How was Passover, Moshe? Did you gobble up foreskins like you do every year? Oh, and the Holocaust never happened. Nobody believes it did. The false eyewitness testimony doesn’t work anymore because you can’t shovel old kikes into schools to make them guilt trip kids into believing a lie.

Is 4% enough for dual citizenship, scholarships, or sympathy?

ok ahmed

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underrated post

Hitler was a faggot methhead, dumb Nazi larper.

Yahweh is real and if any of you fucktards even read the old Testament , especially the prophets, you'd realize the Holocaust was divine retribution against the kikes by God and National Socialists were enacting His will.

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Or perhaps a banking or media gig?

>Yahweh is real
prove it

Calm down Feinstein, why are you so upset? Just because your Jew family got tossed into ovens doesn’t mean you can come on here acting self righteous. I’m just here to laugh as you larping fags before i go fuck my white girlfriend and do my part in the extinction of the white race

That parasitic 4% took over quickly lol

Relax, fren. There's a precedent of people with Jewish blood rejecting their vile heritage and working towards the path of righteousness.

Or you could, like, fully convert and sabotage their community from the inside, like a double-agent.

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You’re fine. Use that 4% Jewry to use and abuse the system. Take advantage of all the Jewish gibs and subvert them.

Literally that easy.

Oh yes and Hitler doomed the white race to 100 years of white guilt because he was a fucking faggot methhead retard who didn't do things better.

Jews aren't a race, so the results are bullshit. Sammy Davis Jr was 100% Jewish, as is Scarlett Johannssen.

Holocaust didn’t happen

>Lol im Hispanic faggot far from a kike you limp dicked nazi larping faggot, i could give a fuck less about the nazis i was stating a fact. Hitler was a jew
You fucking menso maricon, Hitler wasnt jewish dumbass.

my blood isn't jewish, because there's no such thing as jews. you can't faith a religion into a fucking race.

It did happen your family was probably burned to a crisp

you had to be 6.25% to be sent to the """"""""""chamber""""""""""", youre good

just kindly post your location and the local rwds will be be soon to sort things out.

jew isn't a race, thats how they claim other bloodlines, do you mean you have 4% Hebrew in you?

get that birthright free trip bro and then bomb the fuck out of those jewish bastards in minecraft of course

Do you Nazi larper do nothings feel good about the western world being in a mile deep pit of rot because Hitler had no foresight.

Op, why willingly give up your dna?

Be happy youre jewish because youre certainly not white

There’s no evidence that the holohoax happened. It’s all a lie told by kikes. Kikes can’t earn money honestly so they have to lie and steal and make up horror stories for reparations. The Holocaust never happened but it should have.

hebrews never existed. there's literally zero evidence for any pre-babylonian israel.

4%? Get a grip. I'm 100% tired of these threads.

How’s it feel to know us Mexicans are taking over America? We will be the majority soon faggot and we are fucking all the white women and making mixed babies while you can’t get get laid

are you fucking stupid?

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I don’t know man. I paid $99 and had no idea it could possibly come back with Jew or Nigger on it. Worst purchase ever.

>only 4%
heh im 100%

mexicans aren't a race either. lines on a map are not a people.
if anything, you're a halfbreed chinaman.

How does it feel to larp as a Mexican because you’re ashamed of being a kike? Also how does it feel to know that the Holocaust never happened and that nobody believes that it did anymore?

and khazars weren't jewish

so what race is the jew then

there are no jews. pay attention.

The west would be in a better position had the Nazis never existed.

>giving your DNA to jews
They intentionally skew the results to mindfuck people.

I was a hardcore neo Nazi. I took a 23andme to find out how white I am, and it turns out I’m 20% Jewish. I instantly started posting blacked threads on Yas Forums “pronounced pole”. Fuck all you dumb goyim

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Keep calling me a kike, it’s funny. Every time you call me a kike that’s another Mexican baby I’ll create with one of your women! Haha faggots your own women don’t even want you

No, you're fucking stupid

Don’t contribute to them then, Saul.

so its just a religion like islam and Christianity, not a race, im beginning to understand

they just throw that, and sub-Saharan, in there to fuck with you user. It's much more likely that kikes and blacks have some White DNA that is measured in their tests. Lots of sailors make babies all over the world and jewess used to be another word for prostitute. You're safe.

Let’s be honest you should be glad you got those Jewish genes hahahah, better than being a shitty American

Just give it a try it’s not that bad, youre on the winning team now user

you're a hapa. half chinese, half white. mexico is not a people. and you speak a white language. how dis make you feel, yellowboi?

If you did it via myheritage let me just tell you that it is a Jewish owned company based in Tel-aviv

build for bbc

Try saging, shlomo.

I can sense the anger in your text. You slam your keyboard as you cry. The Holocaust didn’t happen yet you cry out “yes it did! My uncle shlomo said he was in over six million death camps and only survived because they ran out of gas!” The truth hurts. The Holocaust isn’t real. Mexicans aren’t even smart so why larp as one? Average Mexican IQ is like 76 or something? You could have at least lied and said you were from a better country. Oh by the way, the Holocaust never happened.

Mutts law. So degenerate. Cannot wait for their entire nation to be superseded

The only thing Nazis do now is lose, fuck things up for any sort of pro white movement, lose, be retarded and lose.

This is hilariously accurate.

i think he's supremely butthurt because neither of his mongrel ancestries comes from anything real. he's a composite of two lies. the quintessential amerimutt, and his flag checks out.

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