Does our country have the capacity to pick up all the manufacturing done currently by China? It's obvious they built the world at this point.
Does our country have the capacity to pick up all the manufacturing done currently by China...
No it has to be outsourced to some other shithole or automated. Plus the green movement would freak out over the amount of pollution that would return if we brought manufacturing jobs back to America
that would take years. No one in the world has the capacity China has. They have high speed freight trains, high speed trains, their infrastructure literally is the largest in the world. Hell we don't even build our own gaming systems, tvs, everything.
i bet the green movement also regularly buys new things without regard to how they were made
That's why we should gradually become less dependent on them while we invest in other countries to build their own infrastructure. We have only been dependent on them for 50 years.
They are all hypocrites and barely understand anything at all. Just a bunch of people who have become alarmists and regurgitate everything that fits their narative because they don't have any other purpose in life
If a country can't survive without China then they should consider themselves annexed.
Tassie will have to go it alone in this brave new world.
Bye, Victoria.
Bye, Queensland.
>>for 50 years.
feels like 100
That's a good point. If you are not self reliant then you really are not a sovereign country. This situation isnt really unfolding like most international relation situations do. China and the United States have very little dialogue. Even western countries are not joining together to fight this like they have in the past during conflict.
Tasmania has been grumpy at the rest of Australia ever since the undersea cables connecting us started draining power away from our hydroelectric plants. Mainland Australia burns coal because they have chink venom for blood. Not to mention the amount of food we send them. If we cut losses we would lose "economy" and "income" but we would be up to our necks in wild berries, honey, cream and timber.
If we really wanted we could break federal law and turn Mount Narawntapu into a trillion asbestos panels. Big dollars.
As for joint efforts from western nations, I worry that the Europeans are sabotaging that. The idea of an Anglocentric future gives the Germans and French a disagreeable taste. I believe France is spiteful enough to support China, and German leadership will do the same regardless of the German people's views.
We've moved back to developing nation so it's ok now.
Kek you believe the europoor lies. Detroit is not representative of America
easily, and the quality of our 40k figures would actually go up.
Do we need all that mass produced shit these days? I get it if its to make cheap medical equipment, but dumb consoomer crap?
I hope the US government has a strong vision to develop the country. I live in California one of the more "developed" states and when you compare Chinese infrastructure it blows ours out of the water. We have too many regulations.
That was straight from gornard blormph.
Greenie here. Save the environment and gas all basedboys.
That has been the case. If you look at what has taken place in the last couple of months, western countries are looking to be more independent but are still showing strong reliance with China.
But the United States, as well as, Australia dont share land mass with Asia so that well could be a reason for a reason to be able to shy away from them
it's all self serving virtue signaling
BASEDBOYS, correct?
>Does our country have the capacity to pick up all the manufacturing done currently by China?
Irrelevant. The capitalist musical chairs sans chairs economy does not allow for a high / First World wagecuck manufacturing sector.
>Foxcon has 7,000,000 employees
>implying that Apple will re-train and move billions in manufacturing infrastructure out
>implying that the chinks would even allow it to happen
>while we invest in other countries to build their own infrastructure
Why not just invest in America
California is what I might call "overdeveloped". Sydney and Melbourne are very similar: large pools of disenfranchised poors, lorded over by a rainbow of globalists.
I've heard that eastern Oregon has something nice going for it.
No modern asswipe Westerner really understands what it takes to create this technological lifestyle just like they don't understand the hardships involved with growing food. It's much easier to bitch about Chinese pollution and redneck Monsanto GMO on your iPhone while munching on Doritos.
muh favorite tazmanian export!
Of course we should invest in America. It's not mutually exclusive but if we want our products to be cheap, we need cheap labor so we must outsource. I highly doubt we'll bring back manufacturing jobs unless it is done in tandem with automation
we literally have all the patents and old engineering designs from everything 50s onwards
>invest in america
>american kids do shitty work at school
>think school is a joke
>fuck around all through high school
>decide to "work a trade"
>high tech company opens up -- needs quants and grad level professionals
>"Hey man, I can fix your plumbing"
Unfortunately we barely have the infrastructure to import let alone produce and export.
burgermutts couldn't make shit before china, they sure as fuck are too mongrelized to make shit after china.
we use to make everything but then things like metal lawn sprinklers became unpopular and replaced with their cheap plastic commie chink replacements because muh safety
Since when were metal sprinklers a hazard?
>>after the pandemic
only when it benefits you.
economy is doing well: too many beaners get them out, close the border!!
economy goes to shit: Okay we need AG workers, "AFTER" lets fix it
Fuck china, I am going through our home and anything that can be replaced will be replaced. The fact that we have silverware from China when who knows wtf those chinks mix when they do their metallurgy is a horrible oversight on my part. Just spent hundreds of dollars on new made in the USA stainless steel pots/pans/silverware. Purge the chink goods from your homes where possible.
We literally don't have a fraction of the workforce
We were at historic unemployment levels just two months ago with small businesses (think contractors, physical laborers) unable to find enough workers
a early 00s gm car had all of its shit made in canada and put together with by people in detroit powered by a mexican built engine i took out the dash trim and its made in canada but then again gm used to be simple fisher price basic bare bones cars maybe thats why they were fisher price grade because we could make em cheap with union labor
pittsburg glass used to make the automotive glass for most of our cars now its that commie fuyao
Have you found in stainless steel plates? I have not
>american kids do well at school
>think school is the ticket
>work hard
>go to college
>high tech company opens up
>hey man, we have to hire diversity quotas
>no straight white men allowed
No way, there's nothing special in regards to building a solid infrastructure in America at the moment or in the last 20 years.
propaganda is propaganda but when you search USA infrastructure on youtube you find nothing to in awe about. Look up Chinese infrastructure, sure they eat cats and dogs, but their whole country is brand new. high speed internet all across the country, high speed travel.
In the US i have friends who live 10-20 miles from the closest city and cant not get any big name service provided to give them high speed internet. It's 2020 and they are stuck with slow DSL
new cars probably have chink made wheel bearings a lot of shit people never think about buick envision is 100 percent chink made
those spigots you attach your hoses too on your house fucking chink made
those outlets you plug your stupid chargers into fucking chink made
my clothes, chink made, yeah i know, what else?
your chicken is sent to china for processing
Lmao no. America will never see manufacturing again, at least until automation really kicks off. There is a reason corporations chose China even though they are a semi-hostile country. They get the job done for cheap and there are billions of em.
if its frozen it probably went to china
so what? now what do we do? Collectively we all have to create a better vision so that we dont fall apart. Will the American empire last over 2k years? Will going to the moon be the new goal that will have the american peoples sight set on a goal?
like wtf is going on
They own US meat production they can just ship it all there and use it for themselves and captialist worshipper uncle scam can't say anything. I still lmao at that