If gringos dont want us here then why won't you just do the work we're doing? The issue is you are too pampered.
Why wont gringos work?
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no, that's noot how it is. You have driven down the wages in all trades so far that people cant get by doing those same jobs anymore.
when you do work for less than market you not only cut your own throat because you have to do twice the work to make a living, you cut everyone elses throat and dont pay taxes on the money you do make
fuck off with this shit.
Because you immigrants are taking our fucking jobs you estúpida mierda
I get sun burned. I would have no problem picking crops if the sun did not cook my skin.
You are being exploited to make money so we can live like kings. Back to the field Pedro
I can't wait until the economy crashes, it'll be open season on spics
Social engineering is at work to prop up an artificial caste system until they can replace manual labor with automation as well as all white collar jobs and professions with AI and robotics. It is all a crumbling world of bullshit and lies. They have this set up for an agenda though and it is important to know who and why (((someone))) really wants the West and the USA i particular to be destroyed.
sound like mexican have good work ethics
This is the dumbest pol talking point you'll ever hear.
No one's going to pay you $15/hr to pick carrots, fatty.
I'm actually looking for a fruit picking gig this summer, being out of work and all. Tell me where you go and how you get those jobs.
The reality is that it is back breaking work and the wages are not equal to the work.
Right, immigrants are now setting wage...
I set my salary too, I now make 200k. Bam! user-economics
wages are far to low, it's exploitation no doubt, people seem to forget we live in a hyper capitalistic king of the hill society when it's me first and fuck everyone else, thats' why if ever go to war we will lose badly, niggers and jews won't fight for you so why should you fight for them?
An arbitrary minimum wage creates an under-class of workers who will work outside of the normal system under the table.
Americans grew and harvested their own food for more than 200 years before the 1960s when the immigration bills were passed allowing bus loads of spics to flood into the country.
More small farmers, less homeless people, more actual Americans harvesting their own food.
Problem fucking solved.
I already have a better job that pays more. If crop picking paid twice my current job I would do it.
Blame the people who hire them
Sure they would.
The price of produce would go up and wages would go up until they can get enough people to pick them.
Labor follows supply and demand.
It's what the market has dictated the work is worth.
The illegals are willing to work for those prices. So why doesn't the white man work for those prices? I'm sure the employers will hire you. You just have to get paid what your work is worth.
Or do you expect 15 an hour to pick berries and oranges?
Then hire them, Chang.
>too pampered
all American farming could have been automated back in the late-90s, but we're a giving sort.
Enjoy your job while it lasts.
>hate on a living wage
If your business model is so retarded you require stupid nigger slaves, you might be one. Look in a mirror.
The same reason whites are being pushed out of trucking. Shitskins come in and underbid any self-respecting white man to the point that it isn't worth it unless you live within an 8+ person family group.
You brown skinned fucks just have zero foresight. I almost can't blame you because of the shitholes you come from. You didn't have the luxury of planning for the future; you just had to get through today.
But, that's not how successful white people create successful white societies.
You just wouldn't know anything about it, poor creatures.
Blame the faggot employers for being greedy to drive wages down for profit to buy their boomer boat 9000 to sit in their driveway for 15 years after being sailed 3 times.
It's not that "wages are too low" it's in fact that they are TOO DAMN HIGH.
You can't live in America as an American and harvest crops on a farm because you cannot pay for anywhere to actually live or sleep because the amount you are paid would be ILLEGAL.
Remove the minimum wage and people working on farms could pay for a shack on the edge of the field, just like most people did for nearly 200 years. In that kind of situation it's easier to actually live a decent life because you arent running from the law constantly. You can build something and not have some faggot fed or banker knock it down telling you it's "unlivable"
The farm workers don't bug me as much as the service workers, negrofied dependents, and criminals who need to fuck off.
Those jobs are for naturally low IQ people
also we pay 15 million adult healthy capable people to not work ...and vote democrat.
FU nigger, ganny and I used to pick strawberries every year until she died.
No, blame the failed countries these dirtbags come from that taught them from birth not to take a united stand as common men against lousy wages. Bomb those places, lock the boarders, ship em all out, and then collectively bargain for fair wages once the bottom feeders, sucking up jobs for pennies on the dollar, are gone.
mexicans have always picked the crops, idiot.
I said trades. And mexicans just pimp out other mexicans and take advantage of them.
Half the price and you have to do twice as many jobs to make the same money, simple as that. Its not about what people are willing to do for work, its getting paid a fair wage. When your on welfare and dont pay taxes, you can work for less, thus undercutting the native who doesn't get any gibs.
It's not hard to understand if you aren't a retard.
OP just got SHIT on!
With the exception of gold and minerals, the value of a product is never based on the effort required
The business would scale down the operation before it decides to up wages. Price will go up but not wages.
This was a normal summer high school job for boomers. It will be again.
What does working for peanuts have anything to do with work ethic?
Whites wont work for 4 dollars an hour
yeah, but can you really blame them?
>muh gringos wont work buying the mainstream lie cause your a shit skin retard with a low IQ to understand real politik
Big farmers have been selling out to cheap labor since the founding of this country. Brought in Irish first, then blacks, and now mexicans. To get away with their greedy guilt they then feed the narrative that there is nobody to do the work when in reality they don't want to live in the dirt like a slave in debt to their master. Instead they want a living wage which they're unwilling to pay but some illegal wanting to get into this country has no rights and is willing to work just to have food to exist.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you're essentially defending capitalist slave drivers who turn some poor dumb fuck from some place nobody gives a fuck that shouldn't be here, against hard working natives that used to have decent wages and being pitted against them fighting the slave masters cause.
americans will still do this type of work, they just want a fair wage. central american servants are imported in to work for below minimum wage under the table wages, which they don't pay taxes on while collecting all sorts of free government benefits for their 18 kids. everyone is being taken advantage of by rich jews who own the corporations benefiting from this arrangement.
No idiot, they would just build new technologies and automate it if wages were too high
if the market is 100$ and some fuckers show up illegally that get free shit and don't pay taxes and want to do it for 50$ it fucks shit up and its no reflection of the guy who was doing the work before.
If i went to mexico and started cutting wages do you think they would be happy?
last I checked its still mostly whites working the farms in iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, etc
and last I checked famine and poverty is a calling card of the spic without whites
who is the pampered ones again? do you want to return to third world cabron?
Yeah yeah, your missing the point that it is other mexicans that hire them.
Not even then.
You never hear of the Debeers diamond cartel?
Cunts've been manipulating the price of diamonds for like, the past century.
Has anyone else noticed the immigrant jobs are the only ones not getting replaced by robots?
right on
>You have driven down the wages in all trades so far that people cant get by doing those same jobs anymore.
so that's how capitalism works bitch
my boss is greedy as fuck, lazy too, has a few boats, brags to clients about them, clients don't give a fuck but let him run his mouth
I've already got a new job lined up and two other people are quitting next week, his bitch boy son and daughter are going to have to get jobs and his lazy ass wife will finally realize who was really making the money for the company
not related to agriculture, but the greedy boss thing is 100% relatable, gonna be dumb gotta be tough, his champagne tastes is about to get hit with beer pockets/budget