Anyone remember Red Eye?

Anyone remember Red Eye?

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I member.
Member stitch?

decent show, no fucking idea why they cancelled it

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I miss it.

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They fired him because too many complaints but then the same guys who complained wanted him back.

Putting Greg on The Five ruined Red Eye in the long term

Show ended when Greg became a day walker

Anyone remember Queer Eye?


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me too

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Remember the Comedy Central parody show?

by your graphics it was some retardation on fox that you as a boomer watched.

there's Red Eye Radio if you like listening to RW talk radio at 3am

Remember the time they talked shit about the Canada military and everybody got all offended?!

Remember when they predicted the future?

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Tom Shillue as host got it canceled. Should have been hosted by Andy levy, would have had a better shot. Tom Shillue is corny in a bad way and oddly uber conservative to a fault at times.
Tom Shalu

it was the most cringe

Loved it. It is nothing more than the old Greg Gutfeld Show.

What a fucking weird show. Nick from cumtown used to be on it, and talked about sitting next to, and talking to literal war criminals.
The dude from a cum podcast, talking to people that'll be in history books.

you have to be 18 to use this site

It's easy to blame the suits but two things were happening. One, Greg was getting too old for it and needed a more traditional career to support his russian mail order bride. That means someone else would have to take over. Two, it was edgy and the Roger Ailes thing really screwed over any programs or hosts who were fun and like pushing the envelope at all.

it lasted one episode it was so bad, republicans arent funny

How could I forget redeye

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Remember the phone number? 2124625050

I remember that Gutfeld got his start as editor of Maxim magazine... a soft porn rag magazine for men. He screwed that up (sales declined under his tenure) and tripped into a job at Fox News. Then he rolled Andrew Breitbart right after showing his "Gregalog Flower Killing Intro" and accused Breitbart of enjoying ping-pong.

Breitbart was murdered weeks after attending a dinner with Bill Ayers. Tucker Carlson, another Bush boy, got him the invite and tagged along to the dinner.

Once Gutfeld hopped over to The Five he immediately shoved his nose up Dana Perino's ass for some Bush cover.

Gutfeld was raised Catholic but is now an Atheist. I guess one has to drop their faith to do the work of Satan.

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>I remember that Gutfeld got his start as editor of Maxim magazine..

he is an oldfag Yas Forumstard a shit ton of people at Fox are.

Oh yeah, Greg went from being a libertarian to neocon.
Andy Levy is a liberal now or something

you are all unbelievably cringy fags

Andy Levy hates Trump but that's in keeping with his old libertarian ways

It's more embarrassing seeing him be a doomer over corona on twitter

Looks like Gutfield made it to the thread

Anyone listen to Mornin? Despite having so many Red Eye guests it doesn't feel like Red Eye at all.

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I used to have the biggest crush on S.E Cupp.

What’s Andy Levy do now? He was the funniest in the show. I always thought him and that one girl had a thing going on.

He just shitposts on twitter

The lawyer? I forgot her name

and TV's (((Andy Levy)))
the only good thing about is when they would interview Dave Brockie.