fuck diversity fuck multiculturalism FUCKING TURN DOWN YOUR GODDAMN MEXICAN BULLSHIT why the fuck do mexicans play loud ass music and don't give a shit about anyone it's like the boomer vs zoomer memes have come to life but it's fucking Mexicans this is why I'm racist you fuckers made me racist
Fucking Mexicans blarring music
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what are you gonna do about it?
imagine being forced to live next to someone who has only been using a written language for 300 years lmao
It's time to leave the Barrio user
o yea?
whatcha gonna do... blanquito?
Well then Iceland awaits you bon appetite!
Tell them to tone it down instead of complaining here
>high sperm count
>excellent motility
>where blacks have length, hispanics have girth
Yeah I can see why you mad.
Just call the cops, it will scare the illegals.
Do a follow up by using the ins tip page and anonymously turn them.
Further follow up and report to irs for running a side cash buisness unreported.
That usually gets Mexicans worked up and moved out.
your people might seem more approachable if they spoke our language.
they've invaded everywhere, fuck
It attracts more spics that will take over the area. It's like ant pheromones to them.
OP, it's saturday night here in white pdx.
its quiet, like a fucking cemetery.
to be honest, i wish some shit would just happen or some people would play some music.
we are alive, not dead. so lets act that way
could be worse user. it could be niggers.
Hell, for the ones around here, 10 years.
Jajajajaja beaner trumpet music go *doot doot*
they're unironically quieter because they don't have all their aunts, uncles and cousins living with them. just keep your car inside the garage and you're fine.
Mexican music is just polka, literally whiter than all American music.
Somebody blasted the spanish music too high, OP?
Anonymous tip to the police. Being noisy and possibly imply drug usage and/or gang activity. Rinse and repeat until the spics learn to quiet the fuck down.
>be me, white
>haven't heard any mexican music since my air force days in texas
>tfw you don't hear nigger music when you avoid niggers, don't hear mexican music when you avoid mexicans, and don't hear towel-head music when you avoid towel-heads
I know user I know. Lived in phx 17 yrs Tucson 5. Everytime I visit it gets worse and worse
yeah well not all of us have a pension on top of our income from the days when we played call of duty in an air conditioned office adjacent to a combat zone.
Based lent bro is that you? Or is it based hillsborbro?
My girlfriend is Mexican and I think she's one of those self-hating types because she rages out over the shit Mexicans do because she had to live around them her whole life in what's probably the most Mexican part of Southern California. I only lived there for 4 years and I can definitely see where some of the negative stereotypes come from but I also don't hold all Mexicans accountable for that bullshit. They're definitely on a gradient with regard to decorum and I hate to say it, but it seems to drop lower with higher amounts of indigenous DNA.
LMAO - I did 4 years pal, I work for a living. Point is, I live with white people in white communities, and if I lived around a bunch of people playing mexican music to the point it disturbed me, I would question my own life instead of complaining about it on Yas Forums.
Call the police, dumbass.
I do that all the time here. It feels great to see a patrol ruining someone else’s enjoyment.
Deal with it gringo B-)
Would be a shame if a spic gang was informed that the spic neighbors are part of a rival gang and are planning a drive-by on their ass.
>Doesn't matter if the spic neighbors are in said rival gang or not
>Mention the usual date and time they play their loudass spic music
>Spic-on-spic violence ensues
Or just call "La Migra" on them. If they're illegal, they're fucked. If they're not illegal, it will scare them enough NOT to play their spic music too loud for some time. Repeat it for every infraction and they'll get the message.
bunch of the shitters bought a house around the corner from me that was listed at 584k. now there's another 5 cars parking on the street that weren't there last summer. they move in fast and they bring lots of friends so they can afford places they have no business in.
Imagine having to deal with America problems. Are you enjoying your niggerfied mariachi music inside your unkempt particle board house with bars on all the windows in your Jewish operated taxes to Israel prison nation?
Though I will say Mexican music is loud and obnoxious and Mexicans never miss an opportunity to BLARE it at every party that seems to happen at least once a week until 4 AM. I never really minded because they made good food and supplied plenty of alcohol, it's pretty wholesome for the most part. I didn't like being referred to as "Donald Trump's son" or being insisted upon that I dance every time I so much as step foot outside, but again, it's just some harmless revelry that I look back on with endearment. Annoying to anybody not in on the party, I'm sure.
The worst thing I experienced was living with a really indigenous-like Mexican roommate whose family came straight out of some shithole village in Mexico. Dude was filthy, disgusting, and lacked any sort of manners. Seemed to be of very low intelligence. Had a sort of dumb tone to his voice that made him sound native American (no offense to them, he just sounded "simple" is the best way of putting it)
Homeboy would wipe his ass with toilet paper and leave pieces of soiled toilet paper laying on the floor, which was absolutely revolting. One night I cleaned out the bathroom and took out the garbage. The next night his family came over and it was COMPLETELY FULL with toilet paper. What the fuck? It wasn't until later that I learned that in some poorer Mexican places they don't have proper plumbing, and people just throw their shit paper in the waste basket. I put two and two together and realized his shitty family probably brought that habit with them.
Shut up faggot.
Sounds like something a triggered little bitch would say.
Well....diplomatic molotovs come to mind.