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You’re right, the constitution gets put on hold during flu season.

Honestly the thing is that nobody is even being forcibly kept inside their home. You can go outside all you want. What they're mad about is that they can't force their poor slaves to go into work and do slavework for them, so they can gorge their fat WASPy boomer faces on entitlement and decadence, while calling OTHER people "parasites", because that's what boomer MAGA-type WASPs do and they legit can't live without doing it

It starts with Chili's, then it becomes the grocery store and your forced to eat rations in bread lines.

We believe in freedom here, commie. Sorry. We rejected Bernie's marxist bullshit. We don't want it and will fight against it.

Yep. Way to go OP. If you wanna go to a dick sucking shop the Constitution is there for you. 24/7 protecting your right to suck dicks

Yes, it is. Get fucked.

Yeah it's illegal in California. At least gatherings of two or more in public or private. Some states say 10 or more illegal. It's pretty bad no matter how you church it up. Wake up

They aren't sending their best
these threads are so tiresome

no, you cant
people are being arrested in some states

I agree with you that the ban on gatherings is illegal, unconstitutional, evil, ect. Yes, you're right about that. But that's not what is at the center of these protests, they're talking about "opening the economy back up" and what that means is forcing people to go out and die to keep rich people rich. Forcing them to go out and slave in the middle of this pandemic, because our economic system is not voluntary, it's compulsory. If we abolished landlords, banks, usury and property taxes then we'd have a voluntary system, and I'd say "fuck yeah, open the economy back up, let people make up their own minds". But since that's NOT how our world works when Republicans talk about opening up again what they're ultimately talking about is forcing their slaves back out to the cotton fields, where they're sure to contract a potentially deadly disease or bring that deadly disease home to older, vulnerable loved ones. It's a special kind of sociopathy

>Honestly the thing is that nobody is even being forcibly kept inside their home.
>Except in CA, MI, NY, RD, etc.

IDK man I'm in Massachusetts, 3rd hardest hit state in the union, and we can outside. We can do whatever we want. Bans on gatherings are wrong, as I mentioned here , but I'm not getting the impression from the Trump supporters / Republican protesters that that's what they care about. These entitled WASPs want the economy back open so they can send their slaves to die to keep their bank accounts greased

What part of the Constitution says our rights get suspended when pussies are afraid of getting sick? Must be right next to the part about abortion.

Bullshit lol. It's not illegal to go outside your home in those states. That's absolute bullshit that you're making up.

So do conservatives side with China or not? I'm getting confused.

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if you don't feel comfortable out in public you're free to self-quarantine nigger and I'll have 3 scoops on my waffle cone

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OP is the kind of guy that would suck a dick just to jump the line to suck a bigger dick.

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let them die

Conservatives don’t side with China. I don’t think they ever have

The smart Boomers know the entire economy is a Ponzi scheme supported by new capital and easy money and if it doesn’t return to normal yesterday the entire country will enter a Depression it will never leave as the Everything Bubble finally pops and 2008 comes home to roost. So they’re willing to try to force things back open even though it’s impossible and if they try the wave of deaths will bring their economy to a screeching halt anyway. Stuck between Scylla and Charybdis they despair.

The dumb boomers think the virus is a nothingburger because the smart boomers lied and told them that.

Im gonna come cough on your little sister's cunt

But conservatives side with corporations and corporations side with China, obviously.

>conservatives side with corporations
Way to oversimplify things. Conservatives oppose corporations when corporations push unconservative policies, like mass immigration and offshoring, not to mention corporations have fully signed on with the left in the culture war.

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OP is once again a faggot

In the tri-state area of NYC/Philly/NJ where someone's "home" is a one-room apartment, it is effectively illegal to be outside your home.
>You can go out but stay 6ft away from each other and no gatherings
Literally impossible if even 25% of the population in that area wanted to go for a walk outside. Thus, it is illegal to be anywhere but in your home, or demonstrably obtaining materials you need for survival (alone, at a grocery store).

>33,000 deaths in a country of over 300 million people
>it's 0.001 % of the total population
>no evidence of lockdown actually flattening the curve or improving the situation

Let people go to work and socialize with their friends and families at restaurants, bars, etc., you fucking faggots.

The Boomers did more for this world than any other generation. We put a man on the moon. We stopped wars through love. We stormed the beaches of Normandy and took out the Nazis. We have every right to call you out.

Yeah it's literally not illegal to go outside your home in any of those places. That is Republican propaganda bullshit that you just totally made up


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>boomers stormed the beaches of Normandy and took out the nazis
Lol weak bait but then again you did manage to get a reply from me, so maybe it wasn't so weak after all

i'd rather gas them now than have to stay inside an extra 4 months bc they need to spread it to each other first

It is.