Please do not listen to the traitor in chief

Please do not listen to the traitor in chief.

You have to #StayHome.

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Fuck the government. Boog-time, boog-time, BOOG-TIME!

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The states are the traitors, Trump is encouraging citizens to put down the rebellion.

Yeah what the actual fuck is happening

the only people talking about armed rebellions here are Democrats.. are they planning to start firing on protesters?

If the President thinks the constitution is being violated, why isn't he sending the feds in? Why punt it to his own supporters who'll probably get themselves arrested?


Seems to be a desperate attempt to somehow become leader of the opposition/protesters


because that move could come back and bite him in the arse. better to send in a bunch of red necks with a tweet and be able to say "i didn't tell them to do it"

federalizing state national guards would likely be a nuclear option here

The Virginia governor and his cronies are doing stealth actions in state laws and regulations to make it extremely onerous or virtually impossible to have firearms. A unarmed citizenry is a enslaved citizenry. Totalitarian governments always disarm the masses. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot knew a monopoly of power in possible only with a vulnerable public.

Based Monroe Republic checking in

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Armed citizens should show up occasionally on the steps of their state capitols. Remind the useless fucks they work for us.

They've been siphoning American money to send welfare checks to Israel and replacing whites with browns until the white population fell from 90% to 56%, for decades, while keeping Americans placated with football and porn. The armed citizenry is an enslaved citizenry as well.

>not Oregon Country

>He could be my son
>nice clock axhmed

>let’s not normalize this

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Chris Murphy is a treasonous rat.

Fuck the Constitution. I stand with Trump.

when shit pops off i know plenty of canadians who want to go down south and fuck the left for what they've done up here

>boss tells up to starting kick ass on traitors
>traitors still posting on twitter and running govs
kek we are fail

fuck off

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>he knows what he is doing
but I thought he was supposed to be like, super incompetent and not your president and and and and adn

if orange man bad keeps this up, he might just earn my vote in november

absolutely based

Americans don't have the balls to actually stage a revolution, all they want to do is show off their guns like a bunch of attention seeking whores

He wasn't encouraging the protests about staying home/going back to work. He was talking about the gun laws being stripped away in those states using covid as a flimsy excuse.

Anyone using this meme term is basically admitting that they control through manufacture consensus and manipulating the need for normalfaggots to conform.

No one cares aboot you fags, eh?

Well why don't you load up the boys and come fuck with us? Mind your own fucking business, fag.

What do The Jews say we should do?

Murphy be sweatin'
What's the matter, Murph?
Why you trembling so?
Is that piss running down your leg?
I could bring you a nice cup of soothing tea, if you want.
I know where you live.

They are telling everyone to stay home because there is no work to return to. Once people see their jobs are not returning they will riot.

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>Their are armed men in Boston showing up with muskets, anyone who does this is a traitor to the King of England.
I guess it's a good thing that people ignored the fags saying that back in the day.

Because he's a pussy who won't commit to something that would put his presidency at risk.

They passed a red flag law that Trump himself requested they pass last August. Now he hopes his cult members are so dumb they don't remember he endorsed the very policy in 2019 he's calling for revolution over in 2020.

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I guarantee I can shoot a handgun better than any of those Americans Larping as revolutionaries and I'm a shit shot

Look at that asshole's twatter feed. Nothing but pure soi and emotional manipulation attempt that border on parody even by lefty politician standards. 2 ropes.