What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans????? Why cant they wake up to the jewing they are receiving???

What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans????? Why cant they wake up to the jewing they are receiving???

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socialist bullshit. free money for niggers and unemployed to sit on their ass? gtfo nigger
dont be fat, dont smoke, eat right. simple as.
>rent freeze
you signed a contract, you honor it. that's called being a man. should have prepared an emergency fund.

people need to work. people need money. they need food. they need socializing. they need fun. we're not all NEET wastes like you.

They're obviously demanding the right to earn money for themselves because they're drowning in poverty. I think its stupid too but come on.

>implying UBI and free shit isn't selling your soul to the big gov jew

unfortunately we have niggers lazy people and commies that spoil all this shit that sounds good on paper

Niggers already get it with welfare
Niggers already get it with medicare
>you signed a contract, you honor it. that's called being a man. should have prepared an emergency fund.
Paying the yids to own the libs.

America isn't a monolith. We haven't had a national unity like any Western country you know of and I only know that by living in Europe. It's nice in many ways and yet can never happen here for a couple centuries likely and a lot of dead bodies.
>what's wrong with Americans and all its many nations and regional blocs?
Too much to even explain user. Just let us fall and figure shit out through manifest destiny. Just don't help us at all if you're smart. Take no sides until its all over.

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Id rather sell my soul to jews and get free healthcare than sell my soul to jews and not faggot

>dont be fat, dont smoke, eat right. simple as.
Then get cancer cuz your tap water literally burns.

>should have prepared an emergency fund.
Yes. Landlords really should have prepared emergency funds. Not very smart for business owners to not do that. No wonder they will go bankrupt. They deserve it.

What a fucking pussy. Get some discipline and be healthy you weak shit.

i am healthy, have a high paying job, still makes sense you bootlicking retard

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To be fair we were created to work. Without it we feel useless and like a pos. I worked for 13 years and haven't worked the last 3. It's pretty brutal.

>in 5pa1n
Doubt. You're exactly why socialists are cancer. The concept of socialism necessitates that the able are coerced into providing for the unable and unwilling. Go fuck yourself and everyone like you.

>people are demanding the right to earn money in mutually beneficial arrangements rather than telling rich people to give them free shit

Fucking Sheeple

>the right to... keep making the ruling class richer
user, why are you not able to understand people work to earn money so they can pay for food, shelter, and utilities?
>demanding rent freezes, or UBI
Telling the state to stop preventing you from working at a job others freely want to pay you for because you're providing something of value is rational and easy to understand. Crying for the state to work for you, send you an allowance, and pay for your room is idiotic and infantile. One is saying "get out of my way so I can control my own life." The other is saying "take over my life and protect me from the burdens of decision making and responsibility."

White people will never get any of those things in the US. The best we can do is not have to buy it for everyone else.

Why the fuck do Jews want to replace white Americans, anyway? Literally the ultimate working class.

spain has the 7th ranked healthcare in the world, your country is 27th, choke on those boots youre licking

We weren't created to work you're just a brainwashed retard

I don't have to have any of the things those companies offer. It is your own fault if you aren't satisfied with the market options available and you are unwilling to create it yourself. Any material item or ability you do not own will belong to someone else.

Holy shit get a hobby
what the fuck has modern life done to people

>Oi vey! You want money, what a bad goy!

We were created to work for ourselves, not another person. But its still working.

>implying I'm even american
Doubt intensifies

People have to work to afford food you dumb nigger. How is this a hard concept?
>durrr just bootlicking wage laves
>you should be real slaves depending on fedbux instead
Yea gonna go with a) bc i can find a better job. Fucking fakeass virus and fakeass op

Oy vey, the goyim want to be productive and socialise with each other in person instead of eating chips and jerking off to mindgeeks top picks. They should be protesting for free money instead of voicing their desire for society to return to normal.

>Home of the Bill of Rights
>Citizens demand an end to government oppression
>Citizens want to work and live their lives as they see fit
>Commie faggots don’t understand why Americans don’t want “free” money, health care, and housing

Fuck I hate communists and socialists so fucking much.

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>Company says they want us to stay working from home after the 'rona ends
>Already sold the main office
I have a feeling that this shit permanently changed the face of the world

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Learn personal responsibility you commie dipshit. How's life in your Slav shithole? Terrible? You can thank LEFTISTS for that.
Free market will take care of the business owners that didn't adequately prepare. They shouldn't be bailed out by the government. The strongest should survive. Same goes for the virus.
Corporations are accountable to their shareholders and profits. Governments are accountable to no one. If given a choice between corporate and government rule, I'd feel safer with corporate rule. If corporations become too tyrannical, their customers will stop buying from them and they'll have incentive to change. Government doesn't work this way.

UBI is coming. The current system is a prison simulation with a handful of (((shitheads))) acting as warden/guards. The gigs up.

>bc im lazy and have nothing everyone should share their shit with me instead of going back to work
Communists folks.

What a disingenuous little commie faggot.
Theyre protesting the restrictions of their civil liberties from a CCP psyop. Now go kill yourself.

Not replace, subjugate. They don't want to erase whites they just want you one bracket below them on the pyramid grinding away for their exclusive gain at all times.

UBI, rent freezes, and etc will only get you so far. People are struggling right now, and not everyone has the ability to work from home. Denying working class people from working and feeding their families is far worse than the virus.

No, people need money to afford food. Work has nothing to do with it.

About damn time. I've been saying for years most jobs can be done from home.

>People have to work to afford food you dumb nigger
wrong lol

How about you stop relying on other people paying you to survive? Lmao at city cucks.

The global economy will collapse if we keep staying home. Mass unemployment, poverty, death. It’s not about saving your rich Jew overlords, it’s that the cure shouldn’t be worse than a virus. We will survive and then we will nuke China.

>mortgage freezes are OK for some reason

>less than 1% kill rate
Nah, Americans are just waking up to the fact that this is all bullshit and an overreaction.

Spain is dying with that awesome healthcare. You can use the stock “bootlicker” phrase from amongst the npc if/else table, but it won’t stop you from dying.

>what the fuck has modern life done to people
Well, you guys did this to yourselves.
For some reason your people started to assume that who has the money is always in the right.
This corporate mindset is what people from the EU for example do not share.
We understand that corporations maximise profits, and that they are exploitative in nature. Read that as in they want to pay the least amount of money to their workers, but get the maximum amount of profit from them.
Thats why we have strong workers laws. And we are still very sceptical because we do realize that the workers are getting the short end of the stick, and that the small increases in wages are not reasonable compared to the huge increase in productivity, that happened in the past decades.

You guys on the other hand seem to ignore it, and still live some kind of dream. The more you bleed for your boss, the bigger your reward will be. When all that does, is that workers exploit themselves for no reason whatsoever.
Your people have to often have multiple jobs to pay their bills. That does not happen where I am from. Yet for some reason you guys are defending this.
Do not even get me started on how having health insurance tied to your employer is fucking retarded, cuz you might literally end your life from quitting a shitty job.

Amen. Fuck these parasites and man children that just want daddy government to take care of them. I can provide for myself and my family just fine without this bullshit and no i dont "wageslave for da jeeewwws"