Another britpol thread
Brit/pol/: American Hotdog Edition
Nadiya Husseins willy
First for fuck Pubes and Manhands
Just post full physiques to confirm or deny the validity of the tranny claims.
brit/pol/? more like /shit/pol
I have a special sentimentality with this song :)
are you talking about me? i dont wear wigs or have a man's face shape at all lol, and it's not a man's tit. it's a tit of somebody who's had multiple eating disorders for years but the nipple isn't even that abnormal lmfao it really isn't. trust me :')
>First for fuck Pubes
ffs stop sexualising me it's bad enough as it is
it’s clearly a man idk why you all fall for it
First for SBS in Afghanistan
I'm just kidding babe. She's gone to all that effort to transition she'll obviously want to be the bride.
Izzat what's in the Hotdogs?
excuse me? I was apologising to you.
>it's real
Mein gott...
i dont know what to believe
>multiple eating disorders
yeah just further solidified by the fact you’re clearly a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman
that and you posted about it on Yas Forums back in the day saying you hated pretending, don’t pretend anymore lad, come clean.
who do you mean? the masked user? i'm only shitposting desu ignore me
It does match my nipples desu. Maybe even smaller areola.
bit of a chubby lass i see
mate your country is literally the worst aspects of Britain and America rolled into one
Why do foreigners call us burgers if we're associated with hot dogs?
I'm sorry. I can't resist the easy jokes.
think im going to need to have to compare them in real life, when are you both free?
yeah cause it’s a man
Just post bob and vag(p)eene.
First for Range Rover Murders
>Both skinless sausages
Interesting. Perhaps we shall call you hotdogs from now on.
Souf coast
because the dog part would imply you're pedigrees, when in reality you're mutts
Don't bully
internet phd here, obviously you're a specialist in transexuals.
i've posted about a million things and larps and baits and trolls and blogs back on every board since back in the day you absolute mongaloid :) i'm like you, only evidently waaaaay stronger and just on another level entirely. tell me, are u mad? do you feel like everybody needs to believe what you think soooo bad? :) top life goals mateeee
no i'm not chubby -.-
Why doesnt it just say, 6 thousand mg of sodium in a can?
it’s not bullying if it’s true
meet more or less halfway at manhands gaff?
The brines the best bit, we call it 'sossy tea' and is popular hot.
so you're unironically bullying
how bout you fuck off?
>actually inironically
fine by me
just a bit convenient that back then you were 100% a tranny and then when you started posting and getting attention here you suddenly weren’t
come on now lad, come clean, we’re here for you
Where's that? I'm scared to go too far because I heard it's swarming with pakis up there
Best pot of that I ever had was in a pub in Milton Keynes of all places.
how bout you stop pretending to be something your not?
>back then you were 100% a tranny
in 1 thread, for 1 night for a laugh, out of 100000 others like it about different things.
confirmation bias is through the roof in schizo/pol/
whatever lad, you just do you :)
yeah, it really really is too..
wow this guy is literally OBSESSED lmao. no more yous for you.
You're a man.
hah your chubby dw im still going to give you one out the back of the big asda in blackburn
time to leave again
see ya
probably better down the stairs behind halfords tbhhhhhh just sayin
didn't read a single word of your post
Night night
dogging expert why am i not suprised
Under rated
>in 1 thread for one night
but here you said it was multiple boards on multiple days/nights you’re getting caught up in your own lies again lad, come on now, come clean and fess up
i didnt even look like a dude in the photos i showed my face in lmao :')
ohhhh youre the guy with aspergers from before!
literal autism here, eesh
feel a bit calmer knowing you can't help it lol
go to bed sweet :)
Leave our tripfags alone, yank.
>I didn’t even look like a dude in the photos I showed my face in
so you admit you do look like a dude? because you are one right?
this is horrible im learning to just leave the moment i find myself in "im not a tranny" seethmode. so really, goodnight. gonna listen to LGBTanons tunes and smoke up before bed :)
night cunts
are you pretending to have genuine asperger's? i said i still don't look like a dude you absolute freak, even when i revealed my face
I've never eaten or seen canned hot dogs. Are they any good?
lmao nice manicure