Newfags don’t know what went down in Waco. Good news is I’m seeing a ton of normies online saying how the FBI/ATF committed murder at the compound. Good one to send to Aunt Karen for a binge watch.
Newfags don’t know what went down in Waco...
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>A cult
Whoever wrote that article apparently didn't watch the show
Not just murdered. They incapacitated and burns those children slowly to death.
They should make a Ruby Ridge show next.
Absolutely diabolical and the FLIR removes all doubt.
they had a movie/mini-series in the 90s
The only good thing about waco is that it created McVeigh. Most of the davidians were aussies and niggers.
>Ruby Ridge show next
and then cap off the trilogy with one about McVeigh and Nichols
reminder that all weapon control is a de facto felony, a de facto war crime, and all violators of constitutional law are enemies of the state and no longer enjoy the right to due process.
you could arrest them, but why? they have no right to a trial. they are enemy combatants in an eternal holy war for the human rights of infinite unborn american children. the plateau of moral high grounds.
Is it out? If so is it worth watching it is it just the usual (((netflix))) trash?
does that much fertilizer even physically fit within the dimensions of the vehicle they framed him with?
This is legal hole is a product of the civil war, when hundreds of thousands of (southern) Americans had to be gunned down without "due process" legally.
A huge oversight in our constitution. Lincoln could have saved so much by just having all PoW's given a trial, even a sham one. What a waste.
Waco On Netflix Is Based
A Tragic, Real Showdown between the FBI & A Cult
yes and now we are using it against them. welcome to the future. constitutional law's hierarchy of supremacy absorbed that loophole, and now all that's left is to enforce constitutional law.
Waco is like lolberts trayvon martin moment
Waco: The Rules Of Engagement
is what set McVeigh off.
Mandatory viewing for all newfriends
It was a great series. I know some people close to me who are part of a religious group I consider a cult, and what I liked about the show was that the Branch Davidian were portrayed as being mistaken, and Koresh as somewhat opportunistic, but none of the eventual victims were as evil as the government sent to crush them. Cults thrive on lost people looking for answers, and even the leaders are sometimes just insecure and looking for validation
It was supposedly Deltas that shot the civilians escaping from the back of the building.
Does anyone have a link to the flir?
Pretty based show, I watched it a year or 2 ago when it first came out. Some lefty friends happened to be over during the episode where the glowies gas the branch davidians and burn down the compound and even they were hating the federal government by the time the credits rolled
He allegedly used other ingredients such as compounds used to develop motorcycle racing fuel.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was framed, nor would it surprise me if he was genuine. VBIED footage from ISIS and other terror groups have shown bombs capable of annihilating small buildings and outpost (and that's just with a sedan's worth of explosives). It's perfectly reasonable to believe a moving truck could do the damage to the OKC building if it was placed correctly.
The consequences of electing Democratic presidents.
Ruby ridge was straight fucked.
Waco, you can at least somewhat make a argument about kids and cults. Ruby Ridge is a total fucking nightmare.
Yeah, watch all 6 eps of the docuseries Gaylord
>Waco On Netflix Is Based A Tragic
way to accidentally a word and sound like a mongoloid
No nigger, I just want to see the flir.
What kind of nigger tier grammar is this?
Do you think things would have been different in the age of DRONES? Communications and surveillance would have improved greatly.
McVeigh was working with the FBI newfriend.
Little known facts about waco, building had a huge metal door (100s of lbs iirc) thats why they used ladders to bypass it in the initial attack. After the fire there was an investigation, why didnt they flee the fire? Eye witnesses claim the fbi snipers were shooting the exits during the fire. Well lets look at the door then, was it shot up from the outside? Oopsie, lost the 1/2 ton metal door, dunno where it could be.....
reminder all of this happened when Clinton was in office, and Janet Reno
I almost believed you until I saw the leaf
Elian Gonzales
He was a foreigner and should've been returned to Cuba. Good. Fuck him.
All government employees go straight to hell.
why didnt this faggot read the fucking title before posting it. what a retard.