Well bros. It's over

Corona was a giant nothing burger. Literally just a flu. Turns out

>muh two more weeks!

Fags were just retarded. Is anybody really that surprised?

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Nope and checked

90% of the country is on lockdown. Deaths are only low for this reason.

>just wait two more weeks once we're out of lock down! You'll see.

And here they come....

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I've been saying that since the fucking start.

What's wrong with that logic?

I fucking hate when this place turns into /x/. The schizo and schizo larpers posting fake shit need to be banned.

The corona is fake but the communism new world order is based. Corommunism

I feel cheated but at least it allows me to withdraw my Super

All that matters is all the white women on social media got their upvotes for telling everyone else they are murderes while they got paid 5 times their worth and went shopping with all their children.

The most part of schizos are very intelligent people this is perhaps we called them schizos! Albert Einstein was a genius men but take a look at him his brain was running like a schizo. Think about it lil sheep


That's not even what he said you stupid retard

40000 dead. Well hit annual flu deaths in a matter of months, WITH a lockdown.
It was necessary.

Except flu has a 0.1% death rate and corona has anywhere from a 2%-6% ...

>just a few more months... You'll see! We'll all be goners in just a few more months!

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i have had corona since 2017

Man, math is hard!

I honestly wouldn't have given a shit even if the worst case scenario of 3% deaths came true. It was always a nothing burger to me.

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based nothingburger post bebs and i are ordering thai and getting wasted off this red wine fuckn a bros

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>I wore a condom and she didn't even get pregnant. What was the point? Pregnancy was a nothingburger.

What's life like without an inner monologue, redditor?

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I am seething over this. I want my fucking $20k

That's a nice apu

Nvm sorry thought u were disagreeing

Nice haircut!

/cvg/ was a fucking mistake

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We’ll exceed the presidents 61,000 estimate by May 1st.


>Muh two weeks
>Muh it's over
Florida had a new high for infections added in one day today. Get fucked Chang.

No way it's Joe Biden when he shapeshifted lol

0% of the country is on lockdown. People cram into supermarkets everyday. Malls are still open, only thing thats dying are small businesses.

We're less than 1/10 through this pandemic, brother.

God willing, it will kill all the elderly boomers that would vote for Biden and Trump and us radicalized young people will rebuild the country and implment true socialism.

wasted opportunity

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>We’re 4.5x the death total two weeks ago
>Durr in two weeks
>Durr what is exponential growth!
>Whaysa doubling rate?
>Let’s protest by doing literally the one thing we were asked not to do!

Who is going to the malls when all non-essential is shut? By your definition, literally no one is in lockdown because grocery stores are essential because without them most people would die.

>Checks calendar
>Two weeks from now

Goddamn, we'll see in two weeks, huh?

Yes, you will. We're at 40k right now and averaging over 2k deaths a day. Maybe see you in 10 days? :)

better options? I mean people are just now seeing the ID2020 agenda and advocating for states rights, although for retard reasons like begging for "security" but its a start

>2k niggers in the whole fucking world die

There are 13 days left in the month. We have 39,000 deaths so far. Do basic arithmetic. If 1500 people die every day were at 58,500 May 1st. If 2000 die every day we’re at 65,000. That’s the range it’s been in the last week. There is no fuckibg way the “61,000 by August” number is accurate.

I'm an accelerationist, so no worries :)

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