
Ok you can see ATLAS



This thing must be fucking huge it’s going to hit isnt it? That’s what all this shit is just keeping the normies calm while they move underground and hope for the best.

Download any sky tracking app and see for yourself I’m in a major metropolitan area and it’s plain as day only thing I can see besides the moon.


Attached: E09DF612-0CDE-4471-BE1D-992C0FC7BD47.jpg (1296x730, 191.34K)

Other urls found in this thread: Y1&lat=50&lng=15&loc=ČR&alt=270&tz=CET

>That’s what all this shit is just keeping the normies calm while they move underground and hope for the best.
They can move underground anyway. They don't need normies to stay at home.

Atlas just flew over my house

where lol

Take your meds

Attached: 1586548854073.gif (200x200, 2.47M)

Which direction is this thing supposed to be?

Fuck you captcha niggers I'm Rolling for mass death!
Roll roll Roll

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Is it that fucking hard to download a skywatcher app? Fucks sake.

Download “night sky” on iOS it marks the position of the comet for you.

No wonder they think they can get away with this shit people HERE are absolute fucking mutant brainlets.

Damn, re roll!!!!!

all i can see is a bright fucking star
is that it ?

>walk outside
>stumble a bit
>don't spill the wine
>look up
>sky covered in clouds
>can't see shit
Fuck you user and fuck you clouds

Attached: 1508820857350.png (511x490, 327.08K)

>no pics
>no links
>no useful information

i hate amerifats

C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) was the brightest comet of 2020 when it had an apparent magnitude of about 7, but is currently around magnitude 9,[7] making it about six times dimmer than it was. It is fainter than C/2017 T2 (PanSTARRS), C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS), and C/2020 F8 (SWAN). It can be found with a telescope in the constellation of Camelopardalis as a diffuse object. Due to the fragmentation event, the comet is not expected to brighten, and will not reach naked eye visibility. It will reach its nearest point to Earth on May 23 and come to perihelion (closest to the Sun) on May 31.

Attached: postTrump.jpg (1756x750, 183.84K)

Why? you got "boobs"

a killing bolt will shine in the night

but it will not kill

Attached: 629A1C6D-E5D1-49B5-9FCA-4C07F34944C4.jpg (552x802, 34.64K)


C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) is above the horizon from Greenwich, United Kingdom [change]. Its current altitude is 36° above the horizon. See also C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) rise and set times.
Given its current magnitude, C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) is visible with the help of a binocular with a 40-50mm aperture or a small telescope.

wtf does that mean

OP: "OMG we live in a UNIVERSE!!"

Everyone else: "And..."

Attached: 5-177.jpg (880x880, 41.26K)

North West almost directly above some constellation called Persius.

If you can see a “star” there in a major city, yeah that’s it.

Attached: 1584653784161.jpg (727x543, 38.91K)

But you can see it. Why are shills this thick? It's like you dont even care about your phone faster ag shills are the worst.

You don’t even need a telescope they’re just saying that to deter normies from looking it’s right fucking there hanging out.

You can see it out your fucking window if you’re East coast look due north west.

That bright ass “Star” that’s it.

> plain as day only thing I can see besides the moon.
bullshit. there's no way you can see the moon right now

which direction? im literally standing in pitch darkness facing north over a low horizon

facing north is about all i could gleem from these websites Y1&lat=50&lng=15&loc=ČR&alt=270&tz=CET

>when morons don't know atlas broke up already

Thats not how we do rolls newfag
Lurk moar

North west download the app “night sky” it gives you a position.

Not a newfag, and im juzsayin, something is better than nothing

I thought that was venus??

It didn't hit us
For fuck sake 2020 really want us to suffer

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Mine too neighbor.


I’m not allowed outside.

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ive been dreaming about dying in a global flood with giant kino tsunamis for years and it never happens ffs.
will do

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 31.38K)

Hory shit.

Sorry it's just all these reddit fags clogging up the board
Your post look like it was written by one

Take a fucking photo of it then you moron

That’s Venus nigger

>download this app that will show you where the 'holy shit huge asteroid you can see with your eyes' is

I think your mind might be naked friend

atlas is headed towards the sun

Makes sense, i am borderline retarded

Trying to get me to go outside? Nice try Jew

Attached: 65qfh8rrr.gif (400x225, 2.71M)

>Observed Magnitude (COBS): 8.1
Fucking LOL
Good luck seeing that with anything and anywhere except the clearest and darkest rural sky.