Why is America so based? There's literally nowhere else on earth you can turn up to a protest like this. I'm seething with jealousy indeed
Why is America so based? There's literally nowhere else on earth you can turn up to a protest like this...
except the Middle East and everywhere on the continent of Africa
we don't give a fuck
Was this today in NH? I live here and didn't get the memo that there was a shindig going on. Sad. Are these planned to continue?
I was more meaning civilized nations but whatever
The difference between you and those (sand)niggers is that they will actually pop a few at the cops though. no offense
if your country has hate speech laws then it is not civilized
white people are starting to chimp out and its glorious
also someone "if only you knew how bad things really are" skull mask guy
> America based
Yeah, until the moment you need a doctor.
Just be lucky it's a white chimp out, rather than a nigger chimpout, otherwise the streets would be in chaos.
Thank you for recognizing the blessings of the rights God gives all men who are willing to keep them.
It’s actually just New Hampshire that is based
don't see any niggers when white people are running around armed. wonder why?
>Claims the virus isn't that bad
>wears biochem gear to public rally to protect self from virus
As I've told various Europeans before, American is a state of mind.
>American spelling
Tiresome larp. It's all so tiresome.
Tell me how fucking NOT based this pic is. Tell no one to live down your larp!
Indeed. I would have tipped my hat.
It's New Hampshire, and they are oblivious to this cause because more African than American.
you mean cringe?
The guy in black looks aesthetic as fuck
Wtf you on about
Yeah I do, don't like to admit it though. Shame your country would rather take Mexicans then Brits
Whites don't chimp out little squirts of violence. Its either Buddhist levels of nonviolenve or its doomguy tier of a tidal wave of gore there's no inbetween. The fact that white guys are even bothering to show up in full gear to let everybody else now how fed up we are is a sign that the tidal wave is near
At least the Americans can get some real happenings. Literally nothing is happening in Canada.
You aren’t even allowed to protest Muslim colonization of your country.
Why would they let you have guns? What are you going to do? Stop the invasion???
What's wrong with erring on the side of caution? Nothing. The virus is most likely a nothingburger but given the amount of money and power the elite ruling class it could very well be a hidden bioweapon that activates from whatever means they have to do so.
Gear queers are cringe as shit.
Sick outfit with the mask
This but unironically
the Yas Forums super-sleuths are on to you, amerigoblin
Nice pic but the different looking combat gear triggers my autism. Why can't they all wear the same thing like patrotic front.
Its just us FBI age-uh patriots preserving freedom!
If you are shooting at cops you're starting an insurrection lol. I wouldn't call that a "little squirt of violence"
Why the bizarre Brit larp? Do you have some sick psychological need this site fulfills?
They let you have guns cause you're not threatening anyone, you dummy. You're actually doing what the power wants, which is more bodies to the workforce.
Retarded submissive Amerimutts thinking they have power, god.
You got called out. Which state are you in?
impossible, there are no cops in africa
It’s just cos the guy on the right is hot af and you want succ his nuts isn’t it
I like the guy on the lefts gear, it's very right wing death squad looking.
Kek France weighing in about literally anything...you frogs still have those rapeugees welcome banners?
Get fucked faggots
>pic related
If I was American the day and the month would be visa versa
There's one in Pennsylvania on Monday. See you there.
lmao these faggot larpers would piss down their leg if an actual "boogaloo" happened.
Yeah I would be covering my face two for dressing up like i'm in call of duty irl without reason
stop adopting our spelling customs. have some pride for gods sake
>wearing camo in public
If you go to a protest, dress like someone who wants to be taken seriously. Where's that picture of the guy in glasses and a white shirt holding an M16 next to an airplane? Like him
I fucked that up, here's another
shutup you overweight sack of shit
>you mean cringe?
seething rabbi seethe
Kentucky state capital.
>I can adjust date/time and regional settings
KY State capital
Optics wise they looked tight as fuck out there in Michigan not going to lie. Those are the people that are usually serious and come out only for rare occasions because they don't want to be known or seen by the lawdogs to be monitored. There's hundreds of thousands like them across the country that you'll never see at those rallies for that reason alone. They'll only come out when shit truly does hit the fan if ever.
Go to sleep, Nigel
See, that's how cowardly Amerimutts are. You only attack those who you think are below you, too afraid to look up.
You're a bitch that's been housebroken, giving you weapons is like me giving my little brother the unplugged controller when we were kids
I'm almost fail to see the difference between libertarians and the far left at this point
>We're libertarians, we do as we please
>We're anarcho communists, we do as we please
It's all dildo's at the end of the day
>Get called out for your call of duty larping
but it's extremely aesthetic
Cops are just meat shields for the people that are really in control. If you really wanted to change anything you go for the people at the very top its not that complicated. Besides niggers shoot cops in Detroit and Chicago every fucking day Hans. When a white guy like Timothy McVeigh got fed up with the feds he filled a truck with fertilizer and erased half a building in Oklahoma city racking up a triple digit body count. Pulling a trigger is ez. Leveling entire buildings is where shit gets real
Haha my dad kept me out of school because he was a nutjob big into David Icke and Alex Jones.
Ironically my dad is called Nigel too haha. I can't I'm at work bored out my head
Well if your a Native here you can do this as well even get away with killing a cop.
Why is it that the french girls at my uni are well-adjusted, funny, sociable, and kind (and the three french guys I know) but the Frenchmen on Yas Forums are bitter, seething, annoying, butthurt, and generally unpleasant?
You can always tell when a Eurofag is jealous of the 2nd Amendment.
France is below the US. You are less than us.
At 4 AM on Sunday? The fuck, dude.
I'd take anarcho commies over bootlickers tb.h. At least they share a lot of the same hatred of the government.
not an actual libertarian though.
>Wtf you on about
He's a retard who thinks everyone always spells words the same way based on nationality ignoring how everyone's been Americanized to death the past few decades with pop culture and the public internet.
My point being I'm not very good at English and spelling in general
Can someone do a pixelated close up of the baaasedyy boy in the back
>let me tell you what's white
Shalom, guess the Shabbat's over. Are JIDF essential workers?
How would you like me to prove it faggot?
No...concerned. I love all the Frenchies I've met in real life. We're worried about you.
you being no exception
There are precisely zero Brits in England who use American spelling *in England.* You're a dumb fuck.
Yup for minimum wage too:^)
The word a slave uses to comfort itself.