Bill Gates: the truth

All you people are arguing over whether or not big boy bill Gates is evil. Well, I'll tell you the truth. He is neither. He is an Asperger's.
A lot of you people here like to throw around that word without quite grasping what it entails. Aspergers see the world and those in it different to you and I. People to them are inconvenient meat sacks that get between them and whatever they want. Be it Thunderbirds, sonic hentai or culling of the overpopulated masses.
Their obtuse thinking and intelligence gives many of them the power to easily achieve their goals with one small caveat.
Aspies are incredibly fearful people. They equal part despise and fear normies and thats what keeps them in check. Bill Gates is no different but now his auststic fixation has become a global focus and he will stop and nothing to achieve his goals.

Any aspies wanna chime in and tell me if what I'm saying about you is true?

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Melinda Gates is a tranny.

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>Well, I'll tell you the truth
Sorry lowIQ-kun. Bill Gates is evil - in the sense he is selfish. He does not comprehend how his actions affect the world as a whole. He put in a free browser just so that he could bankrupt Netscape. What did that lead to? People from Netscape started the Mozilla foundation that developed the idea of selling your data to companies in return for a free browser.


That would imply he does what he does with malice. He's an autsist that does whatever stimulates his autistic brain.

>That would imply he does what he does with malice.
Evil must not be confused with malice lowIQ-kun. Malice is merely one (of many) facet of evil. Evil is being self-centered to the point you forget that you co-exist with others in the world. That is why the good (those who understand how to coexist in the world) seek to destroy evil (those who are extremely self-centered).
>He's an autsist that does whatever stimulates his autistic brain.
Ok. If his brain is titillated by mutilating your mother, I think we should let him, because you seem to think that is ok.

>or culling of the overpopulated masses.

I wish you retards would stop this "BILL GATES WANTS TO GENOCIDE PEOPLE" BS.
He donated billions to save fucking Africans for gods sake. The biggest over breeding races on the planet live in Africa. If he wanted to "cull the population" then he wouldn't help them.

>Their obtuse thinking and intelligence gives many of them the power to easily achieve their goals with one small caveat.
By the way. You got this wrong. Bill Gates didn't achieve much on his own. Most of it was off the back of Xerox, Apple and Paul Allen. Did you ever wonder why EVERYONE in Silicon Valley hates Bill Gates? Not a single innovater likes Bill Gates. They all hate each other - BUT THEY HATE GATES THE MOST. Why is this? Because deep down everyone knows Bill Gates just took things from others - without actually giving something meaningful to the world.

This picture is both unsettling because the pose is the whole Illuminati cover one eye thing, but also hilarious because those shitty Xboxes showed those red rings more often than not

I'm willing to have him be the villain and take the fall if it means he depopulates Africa

He needs to show he's doing good as a cover for sterilizing them and other things. He gave them a machine that turns poo and pee waste into water. These people can't even into water.

Couldnt you have just posted in one of the existing Bill Gates threads?

scary motherfucker

First day here Bruce?
>“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent …”
>he means the niggerinos will begin to slow their reproduction once they realize what they're doing

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> People to them are inconvenient meat sacks that get between them and whatever they want.

You described me, but I still believe Bill Gates, no matter what, is evil. Also he's behind the famous microchip that most people (on western world) will have. With the chip (((they))) will be able to track you, know what are you doing.

Hehe younger me shat my pants every time a red light would come on my 360. Should’ve sued that fucker for making such a piece of shit console.

he actually comes across as not autistic. He is more manipulative than most aspies. The way he talks reminds me of barbara spectre.

how can anyone look at those faces and not know they're kikes.

if he were fearful, he wouldn't have gone on Ellen.
Gates is likely a psycho POSING as an aspie.

RIP my XBOX 360 (2014-2017) I should have bought a PS3 considering I use PSN on PS VITA and PS4. Xbox 360 was always meh for me, plus you have to fucking pay Live Gold suscription to play online. And XBOX 360 controllers require batteries to make them live...

well I guess as long as we're all locked up in our homes while he plays with viruses and drives the world superpowers towards WW3 then it's OK as long as he's just being autistic
think he posts here by any chance user-kun?


>you seem to think that is ok.

I never said that. I don't think he's evil in the same way I don't think Pitbulls are evil but still must be treated as such and put down

fuck off mental kike

how can anyone look at those faces and not know they're kikes.

I see most others as being obstacles in the way, don't know if that's aspergers (which I supposedly have) or just me seeing things clearly for what they are.

I find aspergers is basically just that, seeing things clearly, not caring about unnecessary bullshit.

By investigating their families (parents, grandparents) ancestry.

I've met two females that were diagnosed with aspergers. I was able to identify the second after about 20 minutes of conversing with her. And by "conversing" I mean politely enduring a mind numbing onslaught of trite, frivolous verbal diarrhea before shouting "WOW THATS REALLY INTERESTING, I HAVE TO GO NOW". Aspies are the most neurotic, obnoxious cunts you'll ever meet. They just talk and talk and talk and never shut the fuck up. They have no metric of whether or not the victims of their ceaseless gibbering have any remote interest in the shit they say. Thats what makes them such sad cases and so hard to relate to. They drive everyone they know away with their drivel and most people act too polite to tell them how fucking annoying they are. You're way off the mark with the aspies, buddy. You're lucky to know so little about them. What you described sounds like a sociopath.

Based and truth-pilled. Evil is just selfishness - a lack of regard for the other. It is an absence, an omission rather a commission at its root. It is cold rather than hot. Like darkness is the absence of light.

He's a malignant narcissist.

Attached: Malignant narcissism.png (2823x895, 211.51K)

Everything you wrote reminds me of a friend I had between 2016 and 2017. Even though is conversation topics were boring mostly, his form of talking was very funny that me and other friends we used to parody everything he said.

Asperger's with 145 IQ...I disagree. There are wide ranges of autism, Asperger's included. Not all of us are fearful. Maybe in childhood, but that is not an excuse to take zero steps towards practicing empathy and compassion for others. If you are a high functioning autist, you find ways to fit in IF it's important to you, or you find contentment in solitude. You know the difference between right and wrong, and although it's hard to read other people's emotions, it's a skill that is learned as you socialize and familiarize yourself with people you frequently interact with and their mannerisms. There are a lot of manipulative autists that know people walk on eggshells around them to be politically correct, or because they know theres a huge intellectual gap, and take advantage of that. Having autism does not exempt you from being power hungry, intentionally cruel, or evil. But it also doesn't make you incapable of seeing the value in those around you as human beings.

I used to go out after storms to try to save worms on the sidewalk, and cry super hard over movies where animals or kids were mistreated. I have always helped anyone that ever asked for it. I have volunteered in my community my entire life. It is 100% a choice to cut yourself off from the world and follow an egocentric self serving life.

Autism often makes you respond very intensely to emotional stimulation. Sometimes movies and songs can emotionally hijack you and make you disassociate. Sometimes having too many options gets shopping for clothes and everything starts to look like the same outfit in different colors. It's your choice how you direct that emotion or overload of the senses. If he is a genius level autist, he should have the ability to analyze himself, his emotions, and his behavior very thoroughly. Your brain is a computer, after all. He knows what hes doing. He's been playing 5D chess for a long time now.