Is pay for sex morally wrong?

Is pay for sex morally wrong?

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that's a male

Don't worry about morals, you're going to hell anyway monkey..

Serious discussion?


99% of sex happens because of money, either exchanges in goods and services (drinks, dinners, tickets) marriage (where she owns half+ of your shit) or cold, hard dollas.

Whores are just the most transparent about it.

Why? Is GOD a Yas Forumstard?

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how do I get a qt brazilian trap gf?

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I agree

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average brazilian man.


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Unironically looks like my Ex, except she had blue eyes and red hair.

Your ex was a man.

Did you suck her Dick?

I want to put my hand up her skirt

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Sex outside of marriage is morally wrong.

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But whats wrong with Marriage?

This plague doctor mask lacks authenticity.

PAYING for sex, what a loser!!
I just had sex today, and she brought me free food to boot.

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And at that point it's a transaction for a service from a business perspective and expectations are met on both ends, no bullshit. Whereas women in relationships usually have an agenda and multiple socitial factors playing a role which leads to false entitlement and unrealistic expectations which ends in you spending more money on a vagina that's only losing value.

It should be legal, but also both parties should be recognized as sad and pathetic low-tier society members

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No, you are just trading goods for services.

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You have to be an atheist to do so, and most of Yas Forums identifies as Christian.

Yas Forums is pagan

How many years have you been posting this question and still you do not find the answers you seek?


No, because it is a voluntary mutually agreed upon contract, involving only the two parties.

>brazilian pagans

you are prostituting your time and energy to her

>things that didn't happen

how can she consent if she is being forced to do if for money?

Who exactly is forcing her to prostitute herself

do you think Toguro is pounding that boipucci


Do you have any doubts?

hitler outlawed it

This, I think, is irregular behavior

truly a man of superior taste

Do you think saiury is pounding Toguro?