Americans explain

Why has your country not wiped out wild predators like Europe?

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The civil rights act.

Unlike you we enjoy our natural wildlife and protect it. We don't eat anything with legs that's not a table, chinkoid

Also we have guns and we aren't afraid of them

desiring to genocide wild animals is peak euro poor .... are you Mediterranean, do you like to kills little birds if they stop to rest in your garden? how do u have such contempt for life

>like Europe?
sure thing meme flag

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Europe had not either retard

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Why would we want to?

Just look how cute they are.

My ass.
It's dangerous retard.
Why don't you kill them off then?
Most dangerous animal in Britain is a badger.
Yes we have.
Absolute 3rd world tier.

I think it is nearly impossible in commiefornia but everywhere else people blast them as long as its not in city limits. Animals return to the areas they were pushed out of after a perios=d of time.

Professional courtesy.

I've had a black bear walk over me while I was star gazing, it's really not that dangerous desu. Just don't bother them and they won't bother you.


Lusatia is full of wolves. Wolves are making a Comeback in Germany, hopefully to attack refugees.

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What accounts for thirteen percent but also for fifty?

Winter chan was a disappointment but wolves coming back to Germany is based

>hopefully to attack refugees.
Uhm, I meant of course to attack them with a shocking wave of love and cuteness in the form of wild-life documentaries. Nothing to see here.

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Wolves are not dangerous as bears and mountain lions which can be found all over America.

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>wild predators
>rape numbers
Ok white boy, once Europe is 56% half whites we will flatten the curve.

that's a coyote

We like kitties.

>Winter chan was a disappointment
No, actually she will come. Global warming is real, but it will end the thermohaline circulation (look that up), which will in turn cause a new little ice age, making Africa hot and Europe cold. We will get rich by selling fridges to the niggers.
>wolves coming back to Germany is based
Let's just say biology will solve itself ;)

Because we find that they are vital to the health of our ecosystem. We like our big cats.

That's 'Merica.

Oh yeah, lets go ahead and wipe out the ICONS of the Natural World in North America. Lets wipe out the cougar, lets wipe out the grizzly bear, lets wipe out the coyote. They're not only necessary to the environment, but they're necessary to the culture of America.

But yeah, you're right Eurofag, we should just wipe out our natural heritage, just like modern society has been trying to wipe out our cultural heritage.

1st, fuck off Kalergi flag OP faggot.

2nd, that's a Coyote, see 3rd, bears and lynxes are making comebacks as well, just slower.

4th, wolves are dangerous when hardpressed and hungry (see examples in Russia where they can attack and kill horses and people). Once the boomers die out, the Greens will completely turn back wildlife regulations, which will in turn result in more Wolves. Modern wolves are relatively tame, but still great at scaring people.

They are cool and dont fuck with people normally.

>predators TOTALLY aren't important at all to a functioning ecosystem....

we have niggers here too, explain that

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What is darker than nighttime but much louder?

Bears, wolves, lynx, wolverines are all common large predators of Europe. Maybe get an education.

Why do Europoors hate animals?

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Ecosystem needs them.

>Wiped out animals
>Lets in boatloads of wild predators every day.

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Amermutts you are the biggest dumb goy niggers in the world.

Wild animals carry diseases like coronoavirus. Why else do you think there has been no world wide diseases coming out from Europe after we killed off everything but domesticated animals like cats and dogs?

One day when dumb retard eats a bald eagle, we will all die from whatever disease it has.

idk it doesn't seem right to wipe out an entire continent.

We did our damndest. Our continent is just so yuge that a handful of wolves, pumas, aligators, and grizzly bears managed to hold out until we decided we probably shouldn't kill all of them. Now that they aren't shot on sight they are making a come back. Apparently even jaguars are showing up in Texas from time to time.

They are cool and have learned not to fuck with people.

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OP is clearly a chink, wants to kill (and then eat) all animals. Also like Mao with the birds killing that caused mass famine in chine, doesn't understand ecosystems.

>mad cow disease
>foot and mouth disease
ok eurofag

When you kill some of the animals here the females instinctively go into heat. Like coyotes. Kill one and five more take its place. Bobcats were hunted like that and were almost made extinct, letting their prey boom out of control, causing objectively more damage, so we put protections on them to allow them to move back into their lost territory. They’re popping up again in my area but the wildlife agencies are trying to cover it up, telling people it must have been coyotes

god you meme flags are insufferable. at least you help remind me where i stand. i hate that youre a necessary evil, i hate that you have to exist, if not for the reason i have to pity you.
If youre posting just to shitpost, or youre genuinely more retarded than us autists. if there comes a day we can put you out of your misery and blind ways, we will do so swiftly. until then, you serve as a reminder for the rest of us, a reminder we are still human, and the reminder that people like you post in a certain way, expect a certain reaction. However, you will never outdo an aussie poster, because they are actually funny

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