""Racist"" Zoomers Expelled

Didn't see a post about this but thought it was pretty fucked up. Its all over the local news.

>Chad and his gf make """"racist""" TikTok video in their home
>make pretty mild jokes that blacks eat watermelon and make poor decisions
>Niggers and leftists freak out
>Get doxxed
>Expelled from high school,
>Faces plaster their faces all over the news and social media
>Futures permanently damage

What the fuck. Why does shit you do in your house effect school in the first place?


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I'm sure they're not racist now.

There;s been like 10 threads on this broski. Freedom of speech doesn't really exist in America. If this happened in bongland you'd probably get fined albeit, but wouldn't wreck your life.

They actually cant expell them if it was public school but I doubt they have any money to take the school to court.

Fucking wife material. Love me a based girl.

this is white genocide. we must liberate these two white angels

I bet you wish you could afford an education you fucking disgusting platano. I fucking hate your people you know that. You and the porch-monkey Puerto Ricans

>>Faces plaster their faces all over the news and social media
>>Futures permanently damage

Because their appearance will never change, and they will never move from where they currently live.

and every single person in the whole world will remember them forever and ever.

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Is there a go fund me for them? I would donate

I think this really comes down to money and who owns schools and businesses. I would buy products and services from companies that exclusively cater to white people and white values. Once you have that this problem goes away for good.

>Why does shit you do in your house effect school in the first place?

Their own fault for posting this shit all over social media. I assume white people say all kinds of racist shit in their own homes. The smart ones keep it a secret, something the zoomer generation can't seem to do.

We need to start another gamergate over this, but this time about the media as a whole and instead of woman niggers

Why would you want to give them money for no reason?

if they're smart why wouldn't they infiltrate black communities? some retarded ass white people.

If I owned a business I'd hire them. They'd know who to watch out for

>They actually cant expel them if it was public school

They can in the US. This is based on a Supreme Court case from 2015. The guideline is that schools can expel students if those students are so 'disruptive' that they endanger school safety.

Oooooo now there's an idea but we would have to make sure its not just some kikes or niggers taking our money.... Who knows about how to do this?

Because they are being oppressed

>yes goy, only post on Taiwanese embroidery hobbyist sites about race realism. This will surely help your cause

She renounced her views and said her bf made her do it. Fucking simps I swear.

I hate cancel culture and feel bad for these young dumbasses, but the fact is you are a retard if you do something like this and don’t expect unsavoury consequences. Have some street sense and read the fucking room.

Trigger niggers

Don't post it on the internet with your fucking name on it, you dumb niggers.

>Why does shit you do in your house effect school in the first place?

Because we allowed the Left to take over the National TV airwaves, the Local TV airwaves, and we have allowed the Left to take over the Schools and Courts.

You can post countless videos on TikTok about killing unborn babies, 2 men marrying each other, ripping down the border wall... and the Public Schools won't even think about disciplining you for it. But make a joke about watermelon, and it's the end of the world... the Right refuses to fight back and boycott the big Tech Companies and Cable TV/News companies...

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How is there no reason? The reason is that they need to know people still support them and their nigger hating ways, the more whites hate niggers the quicker we end Weimar.

>MAGAtards will defend this
>black unemployment numbers
>we love subhumans don’t we folks
>this is the greatest country on earth isn’t it folks
>who cares if we are no longer a white country race doesn’t matter
>make sure to vote for me in 2020 goy
>Israel is our friend
>I don’t care if Jews run our legal system and financial system and our government
>these two fucking goys were RACIST they deserved what they got and you will too if you don’t get in line you fucking goy

>Chad and Stacy
Alright I’ll bite. But what will the money do for them besides get Chad a new car?

in true female fashion, she threw him under the bus

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Imagine thinking you have freedom of speech in America. Your life is torn apart after this lol

the word you want is "affect". affect is a verb, effect is a noun.

White girls are weak, they have no loyalty

everyone who makes a tik tok video should be hung for being a chinese traitor and then burned for being a faggot

Oppressed for being retards. Even if it was a funny joke, they obviously knew what the consequences would be and still chose to show their faces. They own it.

And no, I don’t care about racism and think censoring or punishing people over humour is the sign of an oppressive and totalitarian society that hates critical thinking. But you have to act accordingly in your environment to survive and if you chose to make a stand or act out, you should be aware of the consequences and accept them. They should try to become right wing media darlings and milk that for as long as they can.

To show solidarity in support of Whites who are being harassed by institutionalized racism

Get them into a private school, as their not allowed in public ones anymore. Also they deserve something in return for all the hate their getting from the left.

Hahahaha just to piss this jew off lets get a gofundme going for this couple

Remember that a good 50% of American flags on here are nonwhites because this country is a good 50% nonwhite.

This can’t be real kek threw that poor chad under the bus, that’s awful

Holy shit is this real? How quick she is to throw her boyfriend under the bus. Fuck women.

It will be a show of solidarity to this uppity niggers that they can't just lynch mob our children because we hurt their egg fragile feelings

>The guideline is that schools can expel students if those students are so 'disruptive' that they endanger school safety.
What school safety? They were Seniors and the school is closed due to the virus. They can't just be deprived of their HS diploma because of some shit said on a website out side of school on their own time, when ti wasn't directed at any particular student, so there is no case of bullying. Maybe you should provide your source .

We need to get him into some chat with Chan folk and set up gamergate v2

This is pretty shitty, but they'll be able to finish their educations at another high school in the area, the real problem is potential blacklisting from employment later on.

School should be sued. Nothing in the video was racist. Literally just stereotypes.

Good move on the school, there's no good reason to allow racist people in a classroom,since the video already went viral at the school the only thing it would do is radicalize and strengthen racists, which would disrupt the dynamic or the students both inside and outside racial lines.

Don't wanna be treated like a piece of shit? Don't be a piece of shit

Fuck off nigger lover

All right so let's get a go fund me started for the guy and fuck that evil cunt kek. She realizes that just everyone hates her now right?

kek so this is the freedom of speech I hear so much about...impressive

The absolute state of women. No loyalty in 2020

It's one of those bullshit rulings designed to be open to interpretation by any kike with a Law Degree.

its racial statistics. negros commit more crimes due to their low iq and ability to think. cope. To this day people are still ignorant of science.

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Not sure what else they expected in today's political and cultural climate in which "white people bad" is the reigning ideology. Why even show your faces? As insane as it is, there's folk and groups out there who exist solely to fuck up the lives of people who do shit like this.


How can you be expelled from highschool for speech made off campus?

Public schools still have to abide by the Constitution. These students cannot be punished for expressing their 1st amendment right at home.

It doesn't really make sense does it? How can two reasonably looking people be so dumb and think its a good idea to post a video like this for everyone to see?
The video they posted wasn't even racist jokes. It was like they were just trying to be racist for the sake of getting publicity. It seems suspicious.

Can schools even expel you for something like that? It wasn't illegal and they did it at their own home. Nogs post vids of themselves with guns and drugs and the schools don't give a shit.

Most employers won't care, won't notice, will just be happy if they speak English and don't rape the customers like feral niggers do.

The real question that no one is asking here:
Why are those "athletes" outside and practicing together if we are supposed to be in lockdown? Close the school!

shut your fat beaner mouth

>why should anyone show courage
>why should anyone have balls
>why should anyone stand up for themselves
>why should anyone go against the grain
>why should anyone take a risk
>why should anyone fight back
It’s all so tiring

Its what women do.

There's nothing wrong with what they did. The wrongness is in the way that leftists are programmed.

Many gen Z whites are highly redpilled but also naive. They're just angry and lashing out like teenagers do. You can't blame them.

Muslim parasites literally rat on students at UK universities which are anti islamification and get them expelled. You are no better

why does he walk in, look up, and make that fucking face
i dont get it

Oh! I was wrong. Holy shit what a weak bitch

>yeah-uh you heard that right
I had to rewind it to confirm the blackness
Checks out kek

There's been 10 threads because Jannies keep deleting them

The fact that you cant tell that that is exactly what's happening in this thread shows how unaware you are, which is a good thing for my side you absolute retard.

How do we get in touch with this guy?

Talk shit get hit m8

Right, he's definitely not RWDS material now. Kek. Absolute Nazi factory.

Why don't they just not post their racism faggotry on social media

We need to save the BF, he martyred himself for us

>mild "jokes"
oh no those poor kids lmao

Get lynched fucking nigger

>Futures permanently damage
Time to sell heroin and crack in leftist(gentrified) and nigger neighborhoods, respectively. Sell guns to niggers as well.

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We need him to start a go fund me for legal fees to take on the school

All of what you said is true but to be courageous, stand up for something, go against the grain, take a risk, fight back etc implies you are pushing against something big that will retaliate with disproportionate consequences, not simply practicing speech within a comfort safe zone with zero consequences.

So why are you surprised by the reaction to your high school martyrs? It’s what is to be expected and even should be hoped for, because they are now another cause for fighting against white people cancel culture.

This is the future you chose

Are you actually a retard or do you just play one on the internet?

Somebody has been posting info about the girl who ratted them out, causing the firestorm in the first place, all so she could get likes and subscribers from the outrage mob. At some point one of these doxxers who makes it their mission to destroy someone's life over politically incorrect speech is going to get killed when their target snaps.

>I believe blacks are human too
Is that another low key joke?

Haha alright then

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Let's see if you can make me shut up with more of that pathetic impotent rage of yours.

Schools totally have the right to expel students for behavior that's happening out of school, you can be expelled for bullying or harassing other students, even if you didn't do it during school hours you magnanimous retard.

This reasoning is why the Spanish colonies became corrupt pieces of shit and English colonies became world powers. Your obsession with intruding into others personal lives has raped every high society you stupid Hispanics infest.

Ok, but how do we get the money to him? Also, how do we know if the person running the go fund me won’t just steal the money.

cleverest trick to avoid going to school with niggers that we've ever seen.

Fuck the heroin, hard to get and a problem. Sell clonazolam to leftists. They LOVE that shit and it completely wrecks their lives.
A small amount goes a LONG way(500ug is a standard strong dose).
Best part? Clonazolam is not scheduled in the US and is not illegal to possess or sell.

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Sure, donny jr 4d

Whites are a stateless people, we need a nation for ourselves.

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Big brain poster has big brain
>why would you hire them!
everyone deserves a second chance, they were just dumb kids ;)

>you can be expelled for bullying or harassing other students
Except as I've already stated retard, this is not a case of bullying or harassment. So use your 60 IQ beaner brain and come up with an actual reason the school has the right to expel them.

I'm wondering if whites can mask up and flash mob like niggers do. Think about what you could accomplish with 50-100 people just showing up out of nowhere and beating the absolute dog shit out of anyone that looks different than they do. Would be hilarious snaps and tik toks. I'm not advocating for this in any way shape or form. I'm simply wondering what the videos would look like. Dont commit acts of violence.

Not buying it. This entire thing is too retarded to be real. And the way the media is running with it proves it.

So why can she run lynch mobs to ruin their lives but Yas Forums Jannies won't let us ruin her life? Fucking cvck website

>we had the freedom to say nigger, they didn't, we fucking won
That hypothesis of yours would put a lot of arguments between historians at rest, why don't you submit your work to academics, user?

I made a thread about this last night. I asked the same question about literally every other time this has happened. It's always some middle class white high schoolers who SOMEHOW don't realize that posting "FUCK NIGGERS" on the internet (under their real identitites) will have even some form of consequence. It's never any redpills, nobody trying to argue the holocaust never happened, or blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime. They always present themselves as cartoonish racists with nothing to defend, it's as if they're just putting a massive target over their heads for no discernible reason.

They always get doxed within minutes, and they get kicked out of/fired from everything.

What amazes me more is you see so many people on twitter being unironically racist yet the cancel culture crowd seems to ignore them. I've seen people come in and spew racial obscenities at the mobs but they never seem to give a shit, continuing to fixate on their target. As though they just randomly select and decide to publicly flog a specific racist on the internet.

It's like it's all just a script being repeated over and over and over.

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The left hasn't taken over any of those things. Any time these establishment shills like this faggot get to talking about the left controlling everything it's a lie. Every time. They say the left controls everything so the righty establishment can't be blamed or acknowledged for the shit that do, like the shitty direction of the country. Government establishment and big corporations are all right wing.

>Niggers and leftists freak out
These fuckers were looking for drama and that's what they got.

>Expelled from high school
They weren't expelled as punishment. They were expelled because the school doesn't want the conflict if these two came back.

>Faces plaster their faces all over the news and social media
One news report isn't "plastered everywhere" and they posted the video themselves on social media. Fuck off.

>Futures permanently damage
No it's not. Not in the slightest.

Fuck off.

>muh Christ
>muh college
I'd report her if this was real just to punish her

according to her she DIDN'T post it, she sent it to a friend who posted it 2 years later.

>What school safety?
The school knows they can't control the wave of angry niggers chimping out over it so they take the easy route and expel the kids from the video.

Ya, negro women are just the peak of loyalty I bet

Going after racist trolls on twitter changes nothing. By making an example of these two kids, they are scaring the rest of the populace into silent obedience.

Is there a go fund me? If so link please

This is actually a fair assessment and I'm disappointed that I didnt think of this as well. Scratch that gofundme.

The school's decision will be reversed at a higher level, or in court. It's not an option they have.

Kill yourself shitskin defender. Go move to apefrica if you love niggers so much

It was a public school right? I'm pretty sure they can sue the school district.