Remember when this slimy jewish fuck shittalked rich people like Bezos for ”only” donating a dollar when he himself hasn’t donated at all? He got a lot of shit about it both on Twitter and YouTube. He gor really upset about a poo though so he made a 35 minute rant about why he is innocent. The dislikes are way higher than for a normal video of him. Enjoy
Ethan responds
You’re a fag
I’d lick his balls if it meant you’d fuck off for a year you eceleb spamming nigger
Imagine getting BTFO'd by a Pajeet
Anyone got the pic of him and his wife with the kid laying in the background?
I cant stand this kike
Based leafy BTFOd this kike hard
isnt this the second time he has attacked a poo?
based pajeet truly our boys
>make shitty reaction videos in a small apartment
>some of them get popular, not insanely popular but you develop a cult following
>release one really big viral video
>suddenly can afford a 9 million dollar mansion in the Hills
>suddenly knows endless amount of celebrities
Hmm, anyone else find it odd? Did they sell their souls to a demon?
Celebrities are just scum constantly trying to claw over each other and anyone else. E-celebs are the same just worse at it
Can you stop posting this, Ethan? Fuck off
That's not my point. How is he so fucking rich? How does he know so many Hollywood celebs? Wasn't there a picture of them with a famous pornstar and another celebrity and you can see a kid passed out on the floor behind them?
Because other celebrities see someone up and coming and instantly try take advantage of them
yes there (((was)))
I hope this kike doesn't ruin muta. I actually like his creepypasta and deep web stuff :(
Is muta like a Yas Forums oldhead or something? I just discovered his channel like 2 months ago and he seems fairly based
yes, he's been here since the beginning but hasn't gained much subscribers
that's why this annoying faggot ethan came for him, easy meal for the hungry heim
i do too, i love the deep web stuff he does, but if golem comes after him it's inevitable that the lesser golem will hump muta's dead corpse until he's nothing but a dead channel
Where is it?
mind you, ethan was kinda good, before his vape naysh days, but now he's a massive hypocritical cunt that will throw his friends under a speeding train, (Pewdiepie and Jontron) and even relentlessly make fun of a youtuber (Trisha Paytas) who has been nothing but nice to him
Yeah man he's an oldfag. He's literally one of the only YouTubers i have subscribed to as his content is comfy to watch at night and now this kike is probably going to assemble his goy and normie army to wreck him
dude it's been wiped probably, but it was a very dim image, it was pretty disturbing too
u would prob lick his ballz anyway cuz ur gay lmao
sage in all fields.
go to reddit.nigger/r/fudgefisters to talk about this gay shit.
who the fuck cares.
Muta might be a fucking pajeet, but at least he's a decent fucking pajeet, unlike this kike asshole
Mutahar is a based aryan, he use to do deep web videos and report pedos.
>not my heckin poolerino
this dude is cancer tier, stop posting yt drama channels op it's how he makes money
even if muta fucked up with his info, making a 35 minute butthurt response video is incredibly pathetic
e th an
controlled opposition
I want to know who it is that’s posting all this h3h3 / Ethan Klein bullshit all the time... I have a hard time believing he himself comes here.
why do fucking losers watch or care what this fat dough faced fucking loser thinks or does again? seriously how fucking simp has the entire world population become when this guy was made internet famous and a millionaire to begin with?
they need a place to take their rage out on zoomers
Im still able to remember when he had just moved into his new apartment and was begging for shekels on his secret twitch channel at the time. Now he's worth millions? Something always fucky with jews