Post your top 3-5 political issues and another user rates how based you are

>ending immigration
>tax capital gain at twice the rate of labor, reduce income tax
>reducing air and water pollution and fining littering
>end student loan programs and only require in debt students to pay the principle investment
>end cash bail

Attached: The-Inequality-of-Cash-Bail-Criminal-Defense-Attorney-in-Miami.jpg (696x464, 33.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Retarded and a nigger 2/10

>Hate Crimes

i dont know where you stand on any of those. 0/10

1. Extermination of the jews
2. Re-industrialization
3. Repatriation of all shitty minorities back to their native lands

Datamine thread

OP is most definitely a faggot.

>#1 kill all niggers
>#2 kill all niggers
>#3 kill all niggers

Where do you think I stand on the topics, you stupid fucking nigger?

I believe the US needs to destroy the cartels and dump a shit tonne of cash into the Mexican economy. The only reason we have so many illegal immigrants is because Mexico is such shit. We need to move all our business out of China and into Mexico.

mexico needs to settle their own problems. if we used lethal force on the border for just one month then no one would ever cross it again and we could stop worrying about them.

wow what convincing rhetoric and clear positions. i dont know why i couldnt see it before!

Single payer healthcare
Free college
Decriminalize all drugs
Kikes & woke leftists/trannies interment camps

corona was engineered to be a bio-financial weapon

Mexico seems to be incapable of solving their own problems. It's not our responsibility to fix Mexico but it benefits us to do so.

>Decriminalize all drugs
Drug addicts are scum but throwing them in prison does absolutly nothing to fix the problem.

Legalize, Educate, and Rehabilitate.

>IS op a faggot
>Why is op a faggot
>If traps are gay then why is OP a faggot?

>MM enters the chat

zimbabwe is incapable of solving its problems and you dont see us proposing shit tons of cash and invading their country

In order
>Debt Slavery - Greed
>Tyranny - Lack of Representation

Zimbabwe isn't our neighbor. I don't give a shit what the guy that lives five towns over is doing. I'm concerned about the guy that I share a fence with.

It rhymes with pluck grannies, fannies, chiggers, sinks, and bikes

Attached: 3CAFAFBD-95E9-4FA7-A4FB-A6B6199BCC3E.png (323x291, 105.05K)

>Stop gun control laws and repeal the National Firearms Act
>End oppression of free speech in schools, businesses, and other establishments
>End welfare programs
>Regulate trans fats
>Regulate trans people

>new tires for my truck
>new fuel hose for my truck
>new brake pads for my truck
>new tailgate support for my truck
>new carb kit for my truck

You end welfare programs with UBI

This man has his priorities straight.

Mexico is likely more than 5 towns, let alone several miles, from you.

This is pretty much what I would expect from most actual Yas Forums and not /leftypol/ users.

This is one option but not one open to your country or really anything less than 1st world. For 1st world it's experimental or in testing or pushing for testing

Based and "my truck," pilled

>guns. All of them. Full auto if you want, when you want.
>free speech
>white ethnostate
>ban circumcision
>blood-eagle for every yid

>Secure Demographic Majority for White British
>Productive Enterprise over Usury
>National Self-Reliance over Free Trade
>Pro-Natalist Policies
>Free Speech and Pro Gun Policies for Natives

Attached: meintrex.jpg (1178x1200, 908.28K)

Hey actual unironic mex here, if you wish to fix our problems how about executing every single politician including the president, all cartel leaders, (((grupo salinas))), and any CEO with links to cartels

they're all buddies with eachother, and deserve to die equally. Also get rid of any canadian "foreign investment" (its literally hired mercenaries murdering whole towns for their mining resources)

are you going back to ireland?