Why is it so easy?
Why is it so easy?
Because we don’t have snipers and pillboxes
Because our politicians know very talented doctors and nurses should not be trapped on one side of a fake made up line on a paper.
kek, do they just jump down and hope they don't break anything?
>climb ladder
>straddle wall
>pull up ladder
>lower down ladder
>climb down
You have poor critical thinking skills.
Based Mexicans I hope more of them come in
>looks good, doesnt work
sums up america
I think they've got a rope ladder down the other side, if you look.
They have the best food
or just climb down a fucking rope hooked onto the wall.
honestly a better plan is to walk to the border with 60-ft rope ladder coiled up, and have each of four people carry a 30-pound weight. then when you get to the wall, you tie the weights on one end of the rope ladder and have the two strongest people throw that end over the wall. then you have the lightest person climb up and over, and their extra weight stabilizes the ladder for the other people to go up and over. muy facil.
I dunno it's like they don't bring guns when they hop over, fucking duck hunting is harder then this.
The ones in the pic are prime examples of genetic trash. You can tell that they are both physically and mentally unhealthy, and that they have really poor genes.
>too lazy to look for the gumball among the marbles
Git gud
Wow, so fat they need to climb over, from the look of that pic, I could slide though.
Besides that being a photo op, there will likely be a BP truck along shortly to escort the fatties to the nearest welfare office.
>Rusty as hell. Old wall.
The new sections are twice as tall
Lies. They work hard, strong Catholic faith and beautiful culture. I wish we had more.
thats obama fence.not trumps replacement
>a handful climbing over the border wall
>a caravan walking in India turned
I’ll take the first one every day
*walking in undisturbed
I rate they ate shit, going down must be a spine splitting experience.
you can clearly see another ladder dangling from the top
>Pull up 30 foot ladder while straddling atop a wall
You clearly have never even seen a ladder let alone used one
>Why is it so easy?
Because Zion Don built 100 miles of fence instead of a "big, beautiful wall."
We need one of those walls from Jurassic Park, kill 'em.
It high traffic areas, there will eventually two rows of walls. Check San Diego.
they're going back into mexico
The wall is a publicity stunt to fool dumb magats.
That's an old section of the wall. Don't get me wrong, a rope will still get you along just fine but a lot of those sections are marked with sensors and god knows what else so by the time you make it up the BP will be on your ass unless you paid of the BP to look the other way.
Good, now try getting a caravan of thousands passed that wall. That's why the globalists have bee crying for three years now.
did you know it is bad luck to cross underneath a ladder when it is hoisted?
Move to Mexico.
>Easy to climb to the top
>Easy to break their leg as they FALL down the other side.
I wonder if more than one will try while watching their buddy scream with a sliver of bone popping their flesh?
Which is why libtards have been crying three straight years.
No point. With Mexicans moving here I get the best of both worlds.
>They work hard, strong Catholic faith and beautiful culture.
No they don't, flag related. No joke, there's more JV's and Mormon's that go to a temple than the Catholics. Catholics burn candles to unrecognized saints and "la santa muerte" and think it's being faithful to scripture. As for culture? Meh. Depends on where you are. Anything out of Sinaloa is a joke for example.