Give me a reason to stick around or convince me not to

Give me a reason to stick around or convince me not to.

I am financially fucked.

Every friend I have is ignoring me because I openly won't comply with the quarantine.

Every girl I've got a shot with is ignoring me for the same reason, except the black chick with 2 kids.

What is a good live stream site to broadcast my demise on?

Attached: EVQ14sPUcAAL6RB.jpg (848x1200, 114.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No one will watch.
You're forever ignored

Just stick around and see what happens, yeah this world is fucked, and that's why it's so interesting to see how it turns out, just ask for forgiveness from God and get ready for the next world.

don't kill yourself, man.
log into your favorite Muslim or Israeli minecraft server and spawnkill as many players as you can before the admins kick you

I’ll watch but you have to start your first show by putting your shoe on your head. This well in turn prove your existence and will be the beginning and of you no longer being ignored.

Jesus isn't ignoring you. Search for him.

I lost my faith in 2014, and I've been trying to find it since 2016.

Which site should I use to broadcast a shoe on my head? No sharpie in the pooper though.

>no sharpie in pooper
well you lost my interest

My pets don't even want to see me anymore today. They usually always jump at the opportunity to see me, but both refused tonight.

There are many streaming services. Dlive and YouTube are two off top. Lmk if you live stream. I’ll hop on and watch.

Just made a dlive profile.
Trust the plan.


So...hows those Trump bux treating you?

It's a drop in the bucket.

My land lord wants 3x that much just so I can move in with my parents.

I already jumped back to my parents. Felt like I was camping but clearly they are the ones camping. Buying s’mores and what not.

Don't think dlive is going to send a confirmation email any time soon. I have a custom domain email address that I receive mail through on g suite on. It's not working. I cannot live stream atm. Looking into youtube.

Is this the end? I thought about becoming a g-urchin, but I work for small biz and always will. I can't justify unemployment. I know it'll hurt my boss who I respect immensely.

I don't think there will be a live stream, boys. I appreciate you reaching out.

I don't feel motivated to write a note at all, but I think it's worth mentioning that Yas Forums and other chans are the last Bastion of free speech and expression. Even though I've never know you anons, we're bonded is some way or another. Thanks for everything through out the years. Stay strong and good luck.

It’s to bad you can’t live stream, I’d of hated for your first adventure becoming shoe man anyways. I’ve already seen it, it was a live stream of this priest who was taking requests. Anyways, I’d take the unemployment. I mean corona ain’t your fault. Does your boss give you the same respect? I doubt this is the end though. I go back to work Tuesday as long as I don’t pee in a cup I’ll be good. Been smoking tree during this “epidemic”

see you tomorrow, bro

How old are you

Been pissing unclean since I can remember, boss is aware. I told him myself.

I certainly hope so. That gun I keep next to my pillow has been calling me for some time.

If you commit suicide without writing a note what’s the point? If I committed suicide I would write a note blaming everybody but one person. Not that that one person truthfully deserved any recognition. The recognized person may feel blessed it would be like a placebo I could test in the afterlife with me of course knowing it’s not true. Any ways if you’d like to know my method of dieing myself I can tell you more

Attached: EC5B6307-5A6C-482E-8D19-E789C77B3092.jpg (500x317, 14.41K)

Please tell me more. I just feel like there is nothing worth saying that will get across post death. I've been wearing the truth as I see it on my sleeve for 3 years now and nothing positive has really come of it. I don't feel the need to communicate the reasons why. I just don't. I feel like my legacy has a better outcome if I just exit in silence.


You’re just a fucking baby, dude.
Not even an insult. You’re young and have been retarded and maybe got some bad breaks and maybe have clinical depression (or maybe your situation just warrants some extreme depression, or some mixture).
Killing yourself is not the right answer

"I dedicate my life to the aspirations of adolph hitler and the dream of the fourth reich"

You still have ample time to do something with your life.

If you're in debt youre fucked. If youre just strapped for cash, you'll be ok user. I said so

damn right it's's a bio-financial weapon

I know that feel. There's two on my desk right now, one under the pillow, one next to the bed, and one hanging on the back of the bedroom door.

Suicide is cuckoldry
Being a welfare drain on ZoG, even with a shitty life, is a contribution to your people which is acceptable
Just live in the bear minimum, move around the country, enjoy yourself a bit more and maybe you'll find a calling, user

Are you from NM? I watched your videos earlier today and enjoyed them. I could use friends like you.

If you need friends, post a discord link, user

no one cares. stop looking for attention. quarantine, you spineless idiot.

>peoplemsalty because I dont want the government to oppress me
>to show them, I'll kill myself

What is the point in going now? Don't you want to see where this shitstorm leads? See if the world will actually end? You can always do it later if shit hits the fan.

dang man
youre checking out now that its getting interesting?

I’d climb to a rooftop with about a 21’ elevation. I’d find the nearest thing to the edge and tie piano wire to it. Idk maybe a roof vent or an AC unit. Anyways I’d tie the other end around my neck. Consequently I’d super glue my hands to my head. Waiting for the glue to dry I’d laugh at all the people I’d blamed for my suicide and pray that God gets the ironic joke. Then suddenly without thinking further I’d jump. The after math would consequently look as if I’d pulled my head of my own body with rage like strength. I’d also note my means of offing myself in my letter to make it more believable. I agree that you should make a discord.

lmao, i've wanted to do that for years. It'd be a wonderful end, but I've tried this suicide thing before and failed. I feel like it would cause more problems that it's worth for the lulz. I've done some research and the only sure fire way to go is either blowing your brains out or driving into a concrete wall at at least 100mph or more. I cannot afford a failed attempt.