NOOOO POTUS didn’t get cuccked by China,
NOOOO POTUS didn’t get cuccked by China
Low energy.
Admit it. It’s the first step of leaving a cult.
Trump faggots are in denial. Explain to me this: why did Trump pull out of TPP, a trade deal that would have allowed the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia, NZ, Chile, and Peru to collectively assfuck China?
The TPP was literally designed to form economic partnerships with Asian countries other than China, SPECIFICALLY to reduce our dependence on Chinese trade and kneecap the Chinese economy. Obama proposed it in early 2016.
But then Trump came into office and threw it all away because OBAMA BAD.
He's paved the way for China to dick us even further. Why? Because he wanted to OwN tHe LiBs. Hope you enjoy bending over for Chinese cock, Trumptards. You asked for it.
I should say this to you. Trump has been going on about how shit China is since his run. Why would his supporters cry over this?
>Outsource even more critical industry to Chinese satellites
Obama is a nigger, but you're a leaf. I'd take a nigger over a leaf.
Trump has been kissing China’s ass for the past two months and let in 40K people from China after his “travel ban”
Hey can’t Trump supporters think for themselves?
This is exactly right
you do realize we know who you are, personally, right?
Yeah, because thanks to Obama all of our medication is made there. Also US nationals had to be brought home.
I wish I worked for one of those companies. My life would be way better.
That’s a lie. Trump supporters still can’t get over Obama’s successful presidency. It’s funny.
>Hey, if Trump hates China as much as he says he does, shouldn't he have agreed with tpp
Now I've seen everything.
>TPP was good
No, you disgusting dog fucker liberal shitstain.
>Obama’s successful presidency
Please leave
Sure, hurl insults instead of explaining why you're right. You're doing yourself and your country a great service.
This used to work >.>
Not an argument
The polls would disagree.
He has no argument. Trump supporters are starting to realize they’ve been conned. NPC insults like Obummer bad for now but soon they will realize how badly they’ve been deceived
If you aren't a jew, you're at least a subhuman disease.
Neither is anything you've said in this thread, other than you love nigger cock. Real strong argument.
Not an argument
1.Polls, for the most part, don't mean shit.
2. He made the healthcare problem worse for the common man.
3. Everydeal he made gave america the short end of the stick
Polls represent people’s opinion. Most people think Obama has a successful presidency. Obama gave tens of millions of Americans healthcare. Your last two points show you don’t know what you’re talking about and just watch Fox News
Polls are cherry picked data at best. If you have ever seen how they are run you would know that. "gave tens of millions" -> he didn't do shit but make it more expense for the average guy. Also, he gave them insurance, not healthcare. And pro-tip, insurance is Bullshit and drives up the cost of medicine.
Never watched Fox News a day in my life.
Kill yourself
There’s a consensus in the polls. There’s also polling methodology that avoids cherrypicking as you call it.
Tens of millions of people got healthcare because of Obama. That’s a fact. Cry about it. It’s a fact.
I’m not going to kill myself. I have too much to look forward to. You’re grasping so hard for straws.
Nigger, I would be counted as one of those americans who was forced to pay a fine. They didn't get healthcare, they got insurance, by force. Oh yeah, i forgot, polls aren't clearly flawed. Trump stands no chance to win in '16, Im not grasping at anything.
Hold on. Just a second. Laughing at your lack of insurance.
Listen here, Ameriburgs, and listen good.
I have little control over what happens in your country's politics. As a Canadian, all I can do is sit idly by and try to steer the direction of my country with my vote. But, it's a bit like trying to steer a sailboat with a single oar. Ultimately, the political climate in North America is defined by what goes on in the US.
You can lie to yourself all you want. You can pretend Trump has your best interests at heart. You can pretend he takes a hard-line stance on China, if that helps you sleep at night.
Just know the direction your country is taking.
Just know that in ten years, when a Chinaman has his boot on your throat and another is having his way with your tradiwife, that you might wish you'd been more proactive... that you'd followed your instinct rather than entrenched yourself even further in an idea you knew was wrong at heart.
You'll get yours.
I don't want it. It is cheaper to just pay cash. Insurance is for the unprepared.
Yeah, we aren't talking about trump or china...
i can smell the puppy on your breath from here,you chink heathen