How can you lose a leg from Coronachan?
How can you lose a leg from Coronachan?
Punishment for being in a pedophile ring
So Coronachan dindu nuffin..
Because they bypassed his heart and lungs. His blood is being pumped and oxygenated in a machine.
Bacterian infection
so, AIDS?
He might have had an infarction in his leg and they are just reporting it wrong
I thought it is just a flu, Jose?
If your body parts can't get enough oxygen, they start to die.
Damn, guy took the phrase a bit too seriously
it's just a flu when you enter the hospital... but that soon changes with the IV goes in your arm creating an open interface between the hospital air and your blood. You are required to wear the IV support if you are a patient, NO EXCEPTIONS.
No you are wrong. If you're body has low oxygen levels all of your tissues die not just the muscles of the leg.
he has a wife and kid. he's 41. coronachan is no hoax.
Oxygen deprivation. Coronachan affects your hemoglobins ability to carry oxygen. That’s why ventilators don’t do shit.
Legs have worse circulation, that's why diabetics lose them all the time.
bacterial infection from a virus
>mexican education
Witnessed, also he's clearly a kike
staph infection
Maybe but the article fails to report where in the leg is the amputation supposed to occur. Bacterial infections of the appendages typically happen at the most distal ends of the appendage and then travels upwards. So if he did have a bacterial infection then its possible they may amputate the foot and they just were inaccurate with how they are reporting the story. If the bacterial infection travels so far as to require a complete amputation of the leg, then that would be indicative of sepsis, which means this dude is already dead
>Because they bypassed his heart and lungs. His blood is being pumped and oxygenated in a machine.
doh, really? so the ecmo machine has some bad side effects, I guess.
You mean the toes or the feet not the whole god damn leg
They fell for the retarded "don't ventilate, oxygenate" meme.
rtfa: blod clots
got shot trying to flee the pedo roundup
Thrombosis. Blood clots.
Because you can get internal infections from viruses (indirectly)...
Literally one of the first things i learned in high school biology.
No fucking shit. Now I understand why Apple store told me my Mac had a liquid damage even though I never spilled water onto it
Diabetic by any chance?
Americans are not smart.
Arterial thrombosis or embolism is also a likely cause for need of amputation
No. Yas Forums is just retarded.
Diabetic caused by Coronachan
That baby's face is perfect reaction image material.
Nazis were fags so I get why your dumb ass is ignorant so I can't be mad. Let me explain this to you; When your body is ravaged by a virus your immune system goes to shit. You get any sort of bacterial infection and that shit spreads because your body is already taxed nearly to death.
Why are "Nazis" such idiots?
What is a jacket for 500 Alex?
Sepsis does not equal death. Bacterial super infections are common. But covid causes vasculitis, dude probably have a deep vein thrombosis. Or maybe even necrotizing fasciitis
Doctors and nurses were to busy and stretched to their limits
>FBI (6, 2, & 9)= 17
>EL (5 & 12) = 17
>"El" is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity", or referring (as a proper name) to any one of multiple major ancient Near Eastern deities.
Which deity do you think Q is a dedication to? Well, according to Q parrots & Hollywood's Roseanne Barr:
># = a number
>23, 23, 7, 1, 23, 7, & 1 = 85
>Words with a simple gematria of 85:
>The Devil
In English gematria, WW1WGA has a value of 468. Other words of this value:
Jewish gematria has it at 2607. Other notable phrases with this value:
>"I Love You Jesus Christ"
>"Barack Obama January
Eighth Mmxiv" (2014)
>"Lies Will Not Save You"
>"Aleister Crowley Wall"
>"Do What Thou Wilt Harlot"
>"Yahweh Is Not The Father
Of Human Souls"
We're witnessing the birth of the new order
You're right
air contains humidity, those detector stickers can be ruined by breathing on them, which saves the apple employee a lot of time on "repairs" aka LOSS giving more focus on "replacements" aka SALES
LARPing attention whore.
But I don't agree with the DVT diagnosis. thrombosis probably occurred in the arteries of the patients
>bisexuals don't exist
he might be sharing needles with roid users. never expect these sportsnigger types to be very smart
If the patient is unstable given his covid infection, IR will not take him to cath and gen surge/vascular surgery will only operate to save the limb, but again, if patient is unstable, no matter what amount of pressors or life support you have the patient they will not take him to the OR. Given the vasculitis arterial occlusion is on the differential but DVT is a far likelier diagnosis
I've never understood why so many people fall for the Apple meme. I bought one of their ipod touchs and it's the biggest piece of shit. My $99 android piece of crap performs better. Louis Rossman as proven time and time again that Apple is a dirty company.