Is it possible for communists (not liberals) and fascists (not neocons) to work together in the short-term against identity politics-loving corporations, open borders types, etc. for the good of the common working man?
Why or why not?
Is it possible for communists (not liberals) and fascists (not neocons) to work together in the short-term against identity politics-loving corporations, open borders types, etc. for the good of the common working man?
Why or why not?
In the past, I would say no.
But now, I just need to ask them whether white people exist and how many genders there are.
If they answer white people don't exist and there are more than 3 genders, then no compromise can be made.
No, both end goals are vastly different at the end of the day. Commies get the bullet, too.
Actual active communist OP here.
I would take someone who rejects liberal bullshit over some self professed radical who believes in all that shit any day of the week. Same goes for the idea of open borders. Complete nonsense.
yes because Communism is 99% exactly the same NatSoc.
the only difference is that the commies want everyone to dress and act like poors and the NatSocs want everyone to dress and act like the rich.
i think in an ideal society com and natsoc would coexist together in a merged ideology. what one ideology lacks the other can suffice
Yeah, OK, too bad your kind isn't the majority of coomies, at least not in the West.
>yes because Communism is 99% exactly the same NatSoc.
Low IQ post from Turk
No, coomies ideal is the destruction of class society, natsoc ideal is class colaboration.
So what’s the difference? You aren’t race realist or what? We recognize the same problems but because you are brown you can’t swallow the race pill. I’ve seen it a million times before. Day 1 in a communist America the white workers would realize that the black ones are violent and refuse to do anything. In the end race, an extension of your genetic family, is the answer. National socialism or bust. Nazbol is natsoc for browns who either aren’t redpilled on race realism or are and are minorities in white nations who know they need the work of whitey to get by. Have had this argument a million times with my ex gf who was nazbol. In the end nazbol ends up being “I understand the problems but we still need whites to carry those of us who they have no genetic relation to.”
Reject false dichotomies.
In the past pandering to the rich might be useful because they still gave some token support for nationalist causes, some might even actualy held them. Name a rich man alive today who is not your enemy. I'll wait.
That's why I said short-term though. In my opinion it wouldn't be a very public alliance or anything. Just short-term cooperation on the likes of reporting thots to the gov body responsible for tax (not a burger sorry)
It would be easier if you were all together, for bombing purposes.
Race comes first and above economics. Capitalist kike worshippers are not our friends, nor are Jewish Bolshevists.
You are a retard.
But how so? What really is the end goal?
Fuck off tranny piece of shit.
Anyone who calls themselves "far left" or "far right" is a retard. The left-right dichotomy is a liberal construct and has nothing to do with modern ideologies.
That preamble out of the way, people who call themselves "right wing" offend self proclaimed leftists because they have latched onto a dumb word as their identity. People who call themselves "left wing" offend self proclaimed right wingers because they likewise have latched onto a dumb word as their identity.
Thus, a union between left and right is impossible, just as the elites want it.
But what about a union between third positionists?
I am not opposed to the idea of shooting billionaires into a giant pit that they dug themselves (the only manual labour in their life for most). I am not even opposed to labour unions so long as they are White. And if one wants socialism, you need nationalism too. For a people without a shared heritage, culture, and identity have no reason to work together. There is no common good between blacks and Whites.
So while I do not expect any self proclaimed leftists to help shoot the rich jews in the American government, I would not be opposed to a third path that benefits the working class White man for a change. That would be a refreshing new take on politics.
Anyone who opposes White people having a break from the racial animus is a liberal.
This. The final factor yet again is race. This is a hard pill to swallow for brown people who are redpilled. They either deny race altogether or cope using nazbol or something. In the end you need white people for a first world country and whites don’t need niggers or mexicans.
Among western Marxist-Leninist parties (excluding burgers), I'd say its a lot closer than you'd think. In some countries/parties we'd even be in the majority. Obviously this isn't reflective of the population as a whole or what they view as "the left", nor can I blame them for thinking we're shit.
The right wing nowadays is not the right wing of old.
The right wing of old is about royalty, church and tradition.
The right wing of nowadays is about free market speech?
The americans and their retarded love of freedom really ruins the concept of right wingness.
Nope. The left has been taken over by idpol. Bernie bros are starting to realize this and are coming over to the far right (just like in 2016, but even more this time). They finally realized Yas Forums was right all along when Biden won.
>destruction of class society
>state officials are obviously the higher class
M-L parties in western world are fringe, regularly get outvoted by the greens.
And these guys compromise with libs and greens all the ways.
What race are you. I’d bet my life you aren’t white.
In coomienism, there is no state.
idpol is good though you civnat boomer faggot. It’s anti white idpol that is bad.
We're not the same nor do we have the same long term goals. I still think there's room for short term cooperation in the here and now though, as neither of us have state power in the west atm.
In your own words describe national socialism.
Yes if there was a coherent vision of what the future a c t u a l l y can become.
The true Stalinists in western world are even lesser than the amount of far rights, and these Stalinists are heavily ideological and will team up with liberals to own fascists.
Some good points made about left right stuff. I'm absolutely not against nationalism at all, nor were/are any actually existing socialist states. Only liberal capitalist states today are.
Nothing new. That's how nazis started then they cut the far left off the branch once they come into power.
Getting rid of the politically illiterate moderates and gassing the rich jews and their corporations together sounds great, but it's harder to cooperate than it seems. It might seem like a compromise can be made for short term goals, but communism is associated with Jewry too much. Even the Molotov-Ribentrop pact was broken.
What race are you
That's what coomie lord Marx said, user.
I am 99% sure you watch Jreg
Stop using old labels. Anyone against current neoliberal U.S-USSR convergence world order should be allies, even if we secretly hate each other. United resistance is all that can be done.
We do but this is largely because radlibs make up enough of our ranks to sway us away from actual class-based politics and into idpol trans shit. Not always the case though to be fair.
If you are nazbol you are just a brown person who wishes they were white so that they could be natsoc. Prove me wrong.
Yeah, they heavily outnumber you and you can totally subvert your party easily.
Race is more important than class though. In a meritocracy, on a large scale race is class due to genetic differences. You are race realist right?
>What race are you
Genuinely no idea who that is
The rich backstabbed fascists first chance they got. And current rich don't even pretend to care about their host nations. They are no allies at all. What's your plan, convince soros that we will make better cattle than brown, formless masses?
And nazbol is better than natsoc because? You aren’t race realist then.
Yep. This is a regular occurrence. I try to push back against it and have gotten #cancelled for it but at the end of the day who gives a fuck what Twitter radlib roasties have to say? I'd rather ordinary workers think we were half sensible than have all the radlibs in the world onside desu.
Can't say I am, though I haven't read up much on it. I've always found it not that relevant to my material conditions and that. That's not to say it isnt relevant to the bigger picture.
The irony is that this whole anachronism of left vs right stems from the French Revolution. The bourgeoise revolutionaries sat on the left, the aristocracy sat on, yadda yadda yadda. We've all heard this story.
But one of the reasons why the bourgeoise overthrew the old order was to IMPOSE a free market on France. And American "right wingers" look back on Thomas Jefferson and the old Republican party as the ideal president and ideals. Yet the old Republican party supported the Jacobins of France. And I, someone who shitlibs will scream am a "rite wing ekstremist" support overthrowing the government like the French revolutionaries. So who's left wing now?
Then we are Third Positionists.
I will gladly agree with your (communist) critiques of capitalism. Yes, it is exploitative. And from my perspective, I denounce it because a nation of cut throat capitalists is not healthy. How can a race work towards common progress if the prime motivator is making money off your fellow man?
That said, what is your opinion of farmers and land ownership?
national socialism is literally just building a society that is focused around making your own people and country better. same with communism.
And that has what to do with the differences between natsoc and nazbol? For instance I would vote for a bernie like candidate if all brown people disappeared from the US instantly. The reason I don’t want him is because it’s de facto racial redistribution of wealth. Marx himself never even dreamed of brown or niggers counting as people so I laugh when modern communists pretend they are marxists. It’s the same as the boomer who calls himself a patriot and loves legal immigration and niggers having rights.
Not a nazbol. Only picked the flag because it seemed relevant to the post desu.
If this is a red line issue for you, you're not all that different from the radlibs I hate desu.
You don’t know what race is. Your entire worldview is completely wrong. Come back when you read more. There’s always something missing from the nazbol.
Horrible. You have no idea what you are talking about. Are you in middle school or something?
I consider myself a nationalist and a socialist, though due to the material conditions of my country not necessarily always in that order. Didn't Hitler and other Nazi's believe that socialism and Marxism were inherently different to one another though? And that we (communists) had corrupted the word socialism?
I'm not saying we're the same, just that there's more room to work together than some might think given the current situations we find ourselves in.
Okay so you are what exactly? A localized tankie communist? What exactly do you want?
Like I said not actually a nazbol. Genuine question, any suggested reading?