Aus/pol - tomorrow get your 10k edition

Tomorrow you can withdraw 10k from your super and it will be in your bank account within 5 days tax free. Then on July 1st you can take another 10k tax free. What are we all buying?

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what if i still have a job. first you cunts get scomobucks now you get to access your supercash too this is bullshit

what the fuck why do neets get cash out while I still have to go into the office and wage slave until I die from the wuflu?

>want to buy anime figures with neetbux
>mail system is fucked
>figures are delayed

Seethe little wagecuck

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I've only got like $1800 worth of super, not even worth it really.

who's ready to go back to work for the dole next week?

Is that true? Can you really get $20k out this year alone?

I hope so I have a few ideas I want to invest in

Pisses me off too. I guess if I make it to retirement the $10k will be worth a lot more than the magic beans people will be using it for. I want that choice though.

Can I say one thing? The hate against Foster's pils is recalcitrant Australian made up hate. That dismissing of it is just edgy behavior. The beer is perfectly drinkable like any 'lager' in the world.

It really isn’t that bad I agree

I wouldn't be surprised. I'm eligible for it now but I still haven't had my initial interview with my new JSP.

I’m going to buy extremist fringe far right wing white supremacist nazi literature.

be happy with a fly swatter and some antihistamines

Super is the gayest shit ever. It was made so boomers were forced to save a bit of their money for retirement.

I'm not looking to wait until I'm old to take out what's mine. I know what to do with it.

Buy LINK BTC ETH and maybe gold silver and other shiny boomer rocks
> Halving soon
> Scarcity
> Decentralised oracles
> Fourth industrial revolution
> Virus means businesses are gutted, cash economy ded.
> Switching to digital dollars plus smart contracts
> If data is the new oil then LINK is like armoured trucks for data
> It also allows value to be fetched for the smart contract
> Have a look at docusigns smart clauses

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it's10k per financial year, max 20k. so u could take out 10k now and then another 10k on July 1.

this, wagies have really been screwed over during this pandemic. what did we get? Job keeper? My boss is having us come back into work to clean, paint and reorganize the workshop and other menial tasks, including gardening and landscaping because even though we have no work, he wants us to earn the $750 a week the government is giving him for free.

that's one huge joke desu, it was to replace having to go into work and then having that job when this all went back to normal. but jew employers are going to take huge advantages in it.

Do you guys have savings?

Whats the tax loophole around this?
I read something online, you can effectively double it or sonething? if you are still working that is....

It's tax free.

Two transactions with a maximum withdrawal of 10k each.

Nvm found it

I say this because it applies to the common Dutch 'connoisseur' regarding to Heineken. Heineken is just like Foster's an average pilsner and not bad at all. If someone comes here with that attitude and we go to a supermarket, I will point him to all the garbage that's available, so he can feel what bad lager is.

there are employers out there who plan to keep parts of Job Keeper payments that their employees won't work for, or are demanding a percentage, just enough that it's still better than the double dole, for the employee to keep their job. Highly illegal though, but business owners hold all the cards when the unemployment rate is so high

yes, and I have annual leave and RDOs banked. I don't see why I have to burn through them all because the government shut the economy down to save boomers. I was planning on having a holiday at the end of the year, but now I'm being told that THIS is my holiday.

Reminder that malcunt prepbull is still a sadistic faggot who thinks anyone would give a shit about his toilet bowl "memoirs"

Why would the chunks need to do this

Just take out the 1800

Whats for lunch lads? I got subway.

Got my bucci smashed in last night lads, got me backdoor creampied in. Having trouble walking today.

What did you lads get up to last night?

something is afoot here bro
Govts are giving away trillions, way too rapidly and recklessly, all of a sudden.
It's almost like they're aware that where we are headed, we won't need it.

fuck that, invest in cactus.

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if fosters were actually available for sale, I would buy it if the price was right

My mobile phone will be going in the bin and I'll move back to the cheap and nasty version.

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It's expensive? Beer is ridiculously priced there anyway. I'd just get Australian wine.

No, it isn't stocked for sale anywhere, I can't buy it even if I wanted to - - it's an export only brand