Wtf Yas Forums you lied to me

you told me that the left can't meme

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City faggots gonna city fag

They can't.
Also Pay Rent


woah pol btfo

have fun in extra hell I guess

You could be one too, for cheaper than rent. All you have to do is leave the city, nigger.

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Somehow it was worse than I even expected. God damn lefty's there are so many critiques you could have made by being (((realistic))) about the landlords

the left can't pay rent

pay rent or move

All landlords are Jewish, is that your critique?

>/leftypol/ faggots are back again to try their soft power grab

post the real version

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The landlord was the hero of Rent

there we go

How's it feel to be a literal leach?

Society would better off without parasitical landlords.

its the same picture

This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw OP's

t. a miserable, worthless parasite

Renting is a voluntary contract. Buy a house. Even the poorest niggers can afford a house. Buy one yourself.

>the left can't pay rent

They can pay, but they choose to spend their money on $6.00 coffees twice or more each day, $1000 iPhones, and Bellinis at some bar restaurant full of ugly jewesses and hindoo cunts that think they're mega hot but in fact they have huge schnozollas with bad skin.

So for those of you who call landlords parasites: Do you rent? If so, why?

Damn. The original is spicey. The left really has to steal everything.

Since when is stonetoss left wing?

>just lift yourself up by the bootstraps bucko. stop buying those darn avocado toasts and starbucks lattes kiddo, take life by the horns and you'll succeed.

Are all these anti landlord threads shilling against commercial real estate landlords by chain store tenants?

Actual landlord here. Pay your rent before I evict you.

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they make great memes

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hope your tenants behead you and squat on your land.

So many salty tenants here. My mortgage on my rental that i formerly lived in is 2000 and i rent it out for $2600. I’m not rich or evil


Sorry Muhammed, we don't rent to you non-whites.

Well, I know who isn't worrying about their landlord, those caricatures of millennials you let live in your head
>rent free

Pay rents.

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The hell we don't we rent to as many non-whites as we possibly can. Better their shekels go to us than some marxist jews.

But this is shit unless you are an underage commie faggot

Conservative women are so much hotter than pink haired bowl cut piggish leftist women

>And then they become the landlord
meet the new king

Anything browner than a paper bag will damage your property and lower the value of both the neighborhood and everything they touch. They can die on the streets.

i thought it was by holo roast

[It's funny because the landlord is a Jew]

>people who own (insert thing) and charge an amount of money to rent said (insert thing) there for they are evil

The left can't business.

And it will never change as long as you don't acquire the wealth and power necessary to change it.

Rent to as many non-whites as possible, it's a great opportunity. Section 8 everything!

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Leftwing comedy is boomer comedy

>Even the poorest niggers can afford a house.
Yeah in the shitty regions. Or in the case of the US shitty suburbs in the shitty counties of the shitty states.
If you want to live in a decent house with 2 or more bedrooms, a decent neighbourhood (white and asian area), close enough to work and with nice schools around you will be paying around 1 mill NZD in any of the three largest cities here.
I imagine it would be similar in the states, that's not really affordable if you're on a normal wage with a college degree although I suppose if you add your partners wage to that then you have around 150k per year once your career takes off but that still isn't enough to have a decent savings in only three or 4 years. Most people would have to wait quite a while before they can start a family which is the problem.

Just demand sexual favors from them instead user. We know you're that kind of pathetic shrimp.

Open up a liquor store in the ghetto. Take as much money from shitskins as you can and put your money where your mouth is. Just try not to get shot on your way to work.

I paid rent for a long time in an expensive pretentious city and I simply lived a frugal even a Spartan life and saved my money and bought a cheap apartment on a busy street. I paid $69k for it, paid it off, and sold it 29 years later for $630k . I moved and bought a nice house in a quiet suburbs, almost new. I love it here. Life is good. I always worked at shitty jobs where everyone hated me too and I never complained about it. The world is full of assholes so I might as well be one too. And guess what? I made them suffer more than they made me suffer ha ha ha..

>pull yourself by the bootstraps capitalist
>fascist flag
Just becouse you are a literal faggot doesn't mean you should represent yourself as one.

Imagine paying thousands a month to live in slum towers. City fags are pathetic.