What about Larry David?

What does Yas Forums think of Larry David? I know you guys don't like Jews here, but I just finished the most recent season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and he seems pretty fucking based if you ask me.

Attached: Larry-David-2008.jpg (1136x1600, 267.23K)

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Larry is based and his daughter is cute

Him and Jerry are 2 of the better Jews

There are no good ones

he made the MAGAtards cry

Right? After watching Curb, I understand where a lot of the humor in Seinfeld comes from. Larry doesn't give a shit what people think, at least in the show.

Idk man, have you watched Curb? It's pretty funny.

He was accused of being an anti-Semite so I’d say he’s pretty based.

Larry doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him, in minecraft

Was Larry "Based" when his precious wife was getting fucked by Al Gore? lmao.

Was Larry "Based" when he made a sketch pissing on the face of Jesus Christ?

Was Larry "Based" when he made a film with Woody Allen, and defended him last week after reading his autobiography?

Was Larry "Based" when he was notorious for basically working the other Seinfeld writers likes slaves (O, you mean it wasn't written by just him and Jerry?)?

Was Larry "Based" when he said he could give a fuck if Trump supporters were alienated by his depiction of them, and that they SHOULD alienate themselves?

Your friendly neighborhood billionaire comedian.

all he does is shit on Christians I suppose youre into that, even if you are isn't it kinda getting old?


He lives

>memeflaggot kike

Attached: 3DF95473-71C4-4C64-9F55-B671A1E559CF.jpg (682x768, 148.99K)

Yeah, seems pretty based

Pretty good Jew, to be honest, he's pretty critical of Fragile Jewish bullshit:


We will spare Larry for sure, use him to re-educate other Jews.

new season is utter tyrash

What are you talking about? Almost every episode is him trash talking some annoying social nicety, he acts like a jackass, and he gets his comeuppance. I don't recall him constantly making fun of Christians

Really? I like it. The coffee stuff is funny.

Really? I thought it was hilarious.

i love larry. favorite scenes are when larry goes to the coffee shop for a latte and when the lady thinks larry has a boner but it's really just loose khaki pants bulging around his zipper.

Love Seinfeld and the first 7 seasons of Curb. He's objectively a brilliant comedic mind, and he seems semi-redpilled on Jews and is even criticized in Israeli media for making "antisemitic jokes" on occasion.

One thing you will observe in Curb, however, is every time there's a goy character they're incredibly stupid, over-the-top Republican Jesus freaks, so I think he has the typical Jewish nepotism/hatred for goyim, sadly.

>the role is the actor

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>Was Larry "Based" when he made a sketch pissing on the face of Jesus Christ?
Lol this gets brought up every time. What about the dozen times he cocks jews and muslims?

>Was Larry "Based" when he was notorious for basically working the other Seinfeld writers likes slaves (O, you mean it wasn't written by just him and Jerry?)?
who cares? he literally made their careers.

>Was Larry "Based" when he said he could give a fuck if Trump supporters were alienated by his depiction of them, and that they SHOULD alienate themselves?
I must have missed the part in that episode where he portrayed them negatively whatsoever. It was the other way around - it mocked how libshits are irrationally upset at anyone who supports him.

>Was Larry "Based" when he made a film with Woody Allen, and defended him last week after reading his autobiography?
No, this is not based. But it doesn't change anything. What's YOUR personal record like?

>Lol this gets brought up every time. What about the dozen times he cocks jews and muslims?
Okay but can you point to a single time in all of Curb that a white goy was portrayed in a positive way? I just rewatched the entire series and I'm not sure it EVER happens.

oh, aside from specifically Cheryl, since it's his Jew-by-marriage wife and she basically only interacts with Larry's Jew squad, with the rest of her family portrayed as moronic Jesus freaks.

Entirely self aware and unabashedly based. Larry is my Jew.

He shits on everyone and everything you fragile twat

>can you point to a single time in all of Curb that a white goy was portrayed in a positive way?
Hmm, I'm struggling to think of a single time anyone was portrayed positively.
How about Bob Odenkirk's role as an ex pornstar? Definitely not a Jew character and he was chill.
How about the underwear salesman Cheryl left david for? He was portrayed to be superior to Larry in every way.
How about the fictional wrestler Thor who scared the shit out of Larry? Though I guess that's not really that positive
How about Kevin Nealton? He was the guy whose house they were at when Yoshi attempted suicide. He was just a regular guy who Larry and the others offended by continuing to play poker

Damn you're right actually, well I'm happy to be corrected since I genuinely like Larry a lot.

Also the doctor, played by the library cop, who didn't want Larry to use his phone. He is just a straight man role, worst thing he did was accidentally drool on larry's head
Also the first wheelchair girl larry dated (Denise Handicapped), she did nothing wrong

is larry david himself even portrayed in a positive way on the show?

I'd say so, but ya I admit I was wrong about the "no good Goys" theory I had. I just watched the series and was sort of noticing the strange amount of Jesus-freak characters he seems to constantly interact with, but I'm a Leaf and that's really not very common here.

Heeb douche bag !