If your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you, is it okay to slap her? Why or why not?
If your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you, is it okay to slap her? Why or why not?
i would beat the fuck out of her
They'd never be seen again
kill her better to spend 25 years free food and board then 18 raising a bastard
Slapping her shows you can't control your temper and that you are a thinker in the moment.
If it's a girlfriend, just cut ties immediately.
If it's a wife, make sure she gets nothing from you and leave.
Otherwise enjoy jail. If you can't keep her from getting dicked you think she's going to be able to be stopped calling the cops on you?
Strangling would feel much more satisfying I'd imagine.
Just use the pillow trick, no bruises no proof
I prefer the psychological route. But you can always put nair has in her shampoo, or put a strong laxitive in her breakfast smoothie.
She better not.
Never show your power level
Idk... about slapping.. would just fuck her mom or sister right infront of her.
Then leave her.
>if you're not enough of a man to satisfy your partner financially, sexually, and aesthetically, is it okay to attack them like a nigger
It works for the blacks.
I've slapped all of my girlfriends. You have to, when they transgress a line. You'll know. Your body will slap her before you even realize you just slapped her.
If you don’t, she'll not respect you. Women want to be punished when they transgress
Lol oh shit
Nice red pilled
She's not going to stop trying to undermine you in secret because you physically endangered her. Quit thinking "she" and "him" - it's helpful to try the singular they to comprehend this stuff.
Humans: they're not going to stop trying to secretly undermine you because you physically endangered them.
>t. virgin
>cheats instead of breaking up
Honestly I would find a dude not guilty for killing his wife and the adulterer if he caught them.
>food and board
you fucking aussie, your criminal ancestors would be ashamed
its ROOM and board
get it rite faggot
Throw the bitch to the curb and find another bitch.
I would never give a female enough power to control my emotions like that..
>Hit female
>Go to prison while she fucks everyone and forgets about you
>Hit guy who's scheming/fucking your girlfriend
>You go to prison while they laugh and forget about you
Many such cases
Rape and kill her
wrong order
>Wife cheats on you
>Just slap her
>Not killing her, her lover, and all of her children (her adultery makes any children that are supposedly yours suspect)
While I agree that at any point when any person in a marriage commits adultery, the marriage is effectively over.
You should notify her father to inform her that his daughter is a cheating whore and that you will not be privisioning her to survive any longer and that she is now his responsibility again.
Unfortunately this tactic does not work because of family court, so the correct strategy is to not run the risk in the first place by getting a marriage certificate by a state-licensed pastor.
Avoid women at work at all costs ensuring that at least 2 witnesses are around and make sure all interactions with women are documented if this is not the case. I've been lied about and subsequently lost my job.
Didn't even see it coming.
nice bait. kys btw
Fuck off, glownigger
Is it cheating if I'm fucking my daughter? My wife knows I do it
or you know. don't get married. Live peacefully. Sex is fleeting after all.