High school kids doxxed for tik took video

Two high school seniors were doxxed for a "racist" tik took video. If you know them then send this guy
>pic related
Communication info. He is a lawyer who is trying to create a White version of the ADL. Basically what the adl does, except to defend whites. Please bump.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go on stormfront if you want to find the info.

>please bump

The power of guac compelled me.

What did they say that was offensive to niggers, spics, kikes or greasers?

There has been 3 threads on this user, this thread will get deleted like an earlier one today.

They made a video where they poured water into a sink saying God made biggers by adding "fried chikcen" "no dad" "steal shit" and other stupid stuff. Now they are getting harrassed. Have been barred from graduating. Death threats are coming in. Etc. Etc.

I know. (((Jannies))) would rather this place be fruitless slide threads and shitposts than anything meaningful happen or be discussed.

I know all the fucking retarded cuck threads stay up with pictures of shirtless black dudes saying, "Why do you hate black people, user." But thread like this get deleted fucking idiotic.

>go to public school
>life is ruined because you didnt stay within "approved humor"
yup, sounds about right. public schools are child abuse

As in fat people. That *is* offensive, if true. Most fat people have glandular issues, and making fun of them is wrong.

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>Page 8
Fuck Jannies. Fuck Yas Forums. The entire reason I never come to Yas Forums anymore is because it is just bait and circlejerk content.
>muh white resistance.
It will never happen through this board. This board, and others like if are one of the number one ways of sabotaging any possibility of real resistance.
>people settling for staying online saying nigger and 1488. Never doing anything to help the people in the real world.
This is why we will lose in the end.

>messaging the girl when she did this
women have no fucking loyalty, let that whore burn

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*their people.


blacks. it was a pretty dumb video, not sure if anyone actually found it humorous. it was literally them just saying mean things about blacks and laughing and then pouring water cups on a piece of paper that had the n word on it.

>barred from graduating
Why? Did they fail their classes or something?
Oh wait no they just posted wrongthink on the Internet

You can say nigger here fren

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Yea, i live like an hour away

>finds a way to blame men
Fucking roasties

give her a kiss on the cheek for me

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Wait are you counter doxxing them or what is this? I can't follow this shit.

Obviously those kids need to be reprimanded, but ruining their entire futures is a bit too much but then again you live in an Israeli controlled Trump country so, whatever.

This is the info of the bitch who leaked the video and doxxed them initially. Since she likes doxxing so much, I thought it would be good to reciprocate.

>Obviously those kids need to be reprimanded

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Had to search up the video after everyone making it out to be the worst thing since slavery and the only thing those two retards are guilty of are being criminally unfunny, low-tier shit you'd see being posted on Yas Forums daily at best

Grow a pair and do what needs to be done

Info in OP. Plus OP pic.
/ourguy/ lawyer wants to help. Has been trying to make his own version of an adl for Whites.
He is trying to contact them so he can help. If you have their contact info DM it to him.


This would have been much more based.

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A white version of the ADL would be great, only problem is white cucks will be the ones to shut it down.

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I thought that was the GDL.

Wtf is up with the slide replies. Stay focused please.

Haha awesome

Which will be removed, because it's unconstitutional. They'll go back to school, be applauded by their peers, and everyone will forget about it.

If this guy was based he should bait them into saying more racist shit and then destroy what's left of their sorry lives

>tfw you will never be as comfy as that goat

We have to try. We can't just complain.
>I would rather try and fail than sit on the sidelines and bitch.

bitch deserves to have her jaw broken

Jesus women are fucking useless man. Straight up fucking useless. They will always revert back to comfortable social “truths” no matter what. They don’t have ideals, they shouldn’t vote.

Hey wild rich is literally a brown jew. Dont understand his end game


People are arrested in the US for putting up it's ok to be white fliers.
White nationalism is considered a terror threat.
Do you really think everything will just sort itself out in this situation.
Open your fucking eyes.


>People are arrested in the US for putting up it's ok to be white fliers

This nigger logged on and made a truly jaw-dropping take about the absolute state of White people with regard to the taken-down video. How is this not against Twitter's terms of service?

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Report tweets for "targeted harassment"

>People are arrested in the US for putting up it's ok to be white fliers.
I don't think so, but would be interested in seeing an instance of that. Maybe vandalism or tresspass from posting the fliers.

>I believe the blacks
They probably aren't going to like that.



Don't have the link for the arrest.
>links prove that FBI investigated it and students were expelled for it.

>People are arrested in the US for putting up it's ok to be white fliers.

Prove it

I am going back to stormfront if this shithole ever gets shut down.

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