>Health Minister Mañalich, commented the misunderstanding on the identification covid-19, wich will start being given since monday and will bw for those who allready tested and have built immunity and are not able to transmit.
lol >“The initial COVID-19 vaccine supply will be limited, so it will be essential to verify each dose reaches a real patient. Corruption, leakage, and even accidental duplication waste precious supply and are deadly,” he said. only argument they're bringing for it what the fuck is wrong with people vocaroo.com/kE9MDLAW9gI the size of the shitpills people can swallow this is a delicious avocado
This (((vaccine))) will be your new godly nectar to be blessed with salvation from the scariest invisible enemy the world has ever seen. It will be extremely limited and valuable so only those who are worthy of its blessing shall receive it. The real virus is in your mind destroying any chance for retaliation or survival.
This would be functionally near impossible to enforce. It would require flat out marshal law and even then is questionable.
What we ARE seeing is the mask slip and see who the enemy are. That and who is legitimately fucked in the head.
Jason Roberts
there isnt any. this is just jews and paranoid anons trying to shill this. if they were really trying to do this it would be being shilled in the msm by now.
Jason Anderson
>This would be functionally near impossible to enforce. It would require flat out marshal law and even then is questionable. That's why they're telling everyone to stay at home, people are voluntarily giving up their freedom. >What we ARE seeing is the mask slip and see who the enemy are. That and who is legitimately fucked in the head. They've been planning this for decades. They're going to unleash the SJWs soon to protect their figure heads like Bill Gates. Spread anything that implicates these fuckers retaliation will follow once there is a critical mass of people who will be out for blood.
Angel Gomez
Woah there, be patient. Things have only kicked off and you expect chips to be mandated before next weekend?
Jace Myers
Lmao god what a brilliant movie
Kayden Ward
remember how hard they tried to shill insect eating? that quite clearly failed. theyd be shilling by now on the msm. if it were the mark of the beast, theyd need the antichrist to be here by now, a well as the two beasts.
Nathaniel Jones
Benjamin Thomas
Remember tranny washrooms? All of that was a shittest to see how easily non conformists could be shouted down. 10 years of shittesting before the real work begins.
Jaxson Reed
Anyone remember that Unabomber anime girl pic with her reading the book? I can't fucking find it, help me out anons
>Remember tranny washrooms? no i dont remember that. no where i know has that. never have I been anywhere with that. the only places which have it edgy placed in commiefornia and jew york.
I will gladly take a blood test. I will not take a vaccine or a microchip.
Owen Howard
Finger prints?
Bg deal.
Aaron Murphy
The point is, the media then was enraging but for no clear reason. In context it seems that it was a test to see how stupid and complacement people are. The news isn't even news anymore, just 100 reasons why you should be afraid to leave your home. If goys accept a one year lockdown who knows what they'll accept next. Everything in steps.
>it would require flat out martial law ummmmmmmm m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_EltoprrY0 they are doing what they always do. don't panic about the 18 wheeler headed right at you
Ethan Kelly
That's called the 2nd amendment and having the balls to actually use it on zogbots