How CAN we measure the hate?

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Hate is love

Hate is measured in PPM or Pepes Per Minute

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How do you measure fun, love, or spirituality?

What's weird about this article is the thumbnail, it makes the "white supremacists" look cool. Normally they look like fat faggots.

Yas Forums is science

We b hatin.

This is a board of peace

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more of an enantionmorphic relationship between forces of identity

love is association
hate is dissociation

I am that which I love.
I love that which I am.
I am not that which I hate.
I hate that which I am not.

With varying degrees of intensity.
Both are constantly at play.
I am innate dissociated from other humans and hate other humans because they have their own agency and experience.
I am innately associated with other humans and love other humans because I am human and understand other humans to some extent.

Then let's go for the high score.

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Nigger say what?

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The Hate Spectrum?
I thought hate was binary, either you agree with Rolling Stone or you're a Nazi.

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Hate is a normal human emotion. Fuck off kike thought police.

Normies & trannies eat shit

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Dis rite here bbc board

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i think it was measured in microhitlers

Hate is measured by the amount of times racial slurs are used on a site

Oi vey!

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Muh dick makes more niggers.

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How can we measure hate in the press?

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Well done, old bean.

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My hate is over 9000 i hang niggers every day and build hyperloop to auschwitz

1.21 gigakikes!

I use the classic BJPM. Burning Jews per minute. Common unit back in the 1940s.

>May 10, 2018

just shitposting.....didn't expect the TRUTH

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I dare say, you are indeed BASED my good chap.

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>Rolling Stone
trash, they should have been sued into bankruptcy after this.

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