both mexico and canada are american vassal states.
Yet only mexico is a shithole.
Why is that?
both mexico and canada are american vassal states.
Yet only mexico is a shithole.
Why is that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>canada are american vassal states.
You don't even know what a vassal state is
Cartels run that shithole.
A vassal state is any state that has a mutual obligation to a superior state or empire, in a status similar to that of a vassal in the feudal system in medieval Europe. The obligations often included military support in exchange for certain privileges.
brown girl has a fine dumper on her
>Canada is not a shithole
no worries, we're getting there fast
Since that went so fast, let’s talk about why Mexicans are such a pestilence how they can best be contained.
How does one roll back a Mexican infestation?
They run Mexico too, dingus.
damn that beaner is built like a jelly bean
Because Canada was a beneficiary of the British Empire and it’s access to Britain via the North Atlantic.
But now that Britain is nothing more than a small island again, Canada will collapse. Mexico’s GDP is already close to surpassing Canada’s. Within 10 years, Mexico will be a top 10 GDP nation.
Imagine the smell
Is that a “New Canadian”, bringer of diversity?
We are equal parts India, China, UK and America, put together.
Do you honestly think Mexico will suddenly be a nice place to live once it hits a certain GDP number?
idk bubt i'd give her my cummies
been to Mexico a lot have you? travel more. most places in the USA look like shit, and there are lots of nice areas in Mexico.
A white majority country will always be better than a brown majority country,
And France
You forgot France.
Personally, I hate you leaf faggots on a higher percapita basis than I do Mexico.
We refer to them as dairy farmers.
No. Not at all.
Mexico was built by a European elite with an Indian underclass. It will remain that way. Whereas America was built by a mono ethnic North European people. Thus, more egalitarianism was logical.
I live six miles North of Mexico
All of observable Mexico is a shithole.
And since the Jews wanted to flood our society with shitskins, ours and Canada’s destiny is something that’ll look like Mexico or Brazil or 1950s South Africa.
Mexican food. Hella carbs.
Flat and Flatter living on Flat earth.. No big deal
Mexico is an impoverished Dump ! Get Real. W'dya think so many Mexicans want to live here?
canada is a shithole too user.
That isn't why the US was more egalitarian dummy. It had a lot to do with access to firearms so the industrial revolution, resources, etc played a big part. Same thing happened with Pericles in Athens you dumb cunt.
>what is technology + diffusion
Canada is still majority WHITE !
What? Canada is a Chinese vassal.
What makes you think that canada isn't a shithole? Quebec will become Haiti 2.0 soon, BC is the new chinkland and Ontario is India
Because Mexico has cartels that will kill you if you question their authority. Mexico had a group of 40 protesters that were killed by cartels. 2018 was the year that more than 100 people were murdered when they ran for office.
Keep coping nigger.
This country was built for white men. And we let the Jews in the backdoor who are succeeding in bringing us down. Americas collapse is imminent and I don’t give a fuck.
why do so many mexicans look like a milk duds with legs. that ass, its disgusting
So America is a shit sandwich you say?
Campbell's soup can sized turds come out of there.
The pot calling the kettle...