Say it ain't so pol?

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So do 12% of white men

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I wonder who is behind this article ((()))

Written by some jewish guy....they gotta try harder.,

...and 100 percent of Asian women want to have sex with white men!!!

this picture doesn't do the balcks any favours looks like she is about to peg him

Despite being 87%

>The BBC fascination has extended beyond white females

99.9% of me has fucked 100% of your mom.

god she's cute

Not political. /thread

You were never a catch to them. Abandon white women if you aren't black. Let them do whatever they like because you can't stop them. It's their right to pursue whatever they desire anyway. If you can't stack up to the standards they are looking for, then don't even enter the game.

OkCupid has different things to say, and you haven't cited a source. I think you're a kike or gook shill who needs his throat cut

It's not a real article, nigger. I just searched for it.

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If you don't see the look of unbridled desire that women has to fuck that black man than you're beyond clueless

Roughly the same amount would also fuck a dog
White women fuck black men for literally the same reasons they fuck dogs
It's about breaking taboos as a degenerate because women are terrible gatekeepers of sex

According to new study from 5-6 years ago that specifically asked white women, and only white women if they would consider having sex with a black man.

Seething whitebois your best cope is to work up the courage and transition

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White women are not humans

I wonder (((who))) could be behind that study and the (((propaganda))) that causes it

Source, nigger

nigger seethe
The only "white" girls they can get with is the kike bitches who sold them into slavery.
They fuck their master because their master beckons.

The only pollster was Madonna.

Thought it would be higher

>Sample size: I'M COOOOOMING

I hate cucks. Seriously if you know any of these people IRL, beat them savagely.

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54% of American born Asian girls outmarry. 54%. Not the 40% I previously thought. That’s a majority. Pretty mindblowing.

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whatever you say jovan andrade
how is maryland these days?

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asian women aren't a prize dude, sorry. I have end stage yellow fever and i can't get enough of the yellow nectar but i know im afucking loser who cant get white women

Where do people take "polls"..?
Ive never once been asked to take a poll, and yet I see numbers from them everywhere
Are they on tabloid websites? People with clipboards walking around in public?

Bullshit ! White women are usually repulsed or frightened by niggers ! Black sluts LOVE white dick !

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>Beta white guys

Asians are only prizes for losers, chad's get white stacys. At first I was worried about the yellow fever problem, but now I just realize it's a way to trim the heard of the beta white boy problem.

white men aren't doing their job.

The modern (((American))) dating culture is totally incompatible with traditional Asian culture. Asian children in America are raised to adhere to Asian cultural norms but when they enter the (((public))) school system, the girls end up being resocialized by their peers to a greater degree than the boys. The result is you got Asian boys who don't know how to chase women and are expecting family connections and politicking to land them a wife whereas Asian women raised in America act like any other American whore and go for the first Chad who makes a move on her.

what about the 0.1%?


debunked in a previous thread of the same image you posted


What is the science behind this?

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nice b8 nigger

Well no shit, no link, no author, no date.

I will tell you something that is true though, all black girls fetishize white guys.

You can debunk your shitty graphs in the same way too