Why are nurses fat and frumpy looking?
Why are nurses fat and frumpy looking?
From all the loads of semen they take
Because the doctors already married off the hot ones, who quit the profession to make babies and be lazy.
Tinder. Fat bitches have no need to loose weight because dick is easy to get
Most people are ugly
Report all nurse videos to their superior's and hospitals.
alot of nurses are single mothers, I would love to see a real statistic on this
Digits don't lie
Digits confirm
Their uniforms aren't exactly flattering tbqh.
most women are nowadays
Fiancé is a nurse. Long shifts where instead of proper meals you just snack incessantly on the chips and chocolate and shit someone will have brought in. After this pandemic is over my fiancé’s coworkers will be morbidly obese.
Every nurse I've met is slut and/or single mother.
Most people in the medical industry and politics are ugly
>Report all nurse videos to their superior's and hospitals.
This is what should be done. These cocksuckers need to hang when this is over.
All the ones I have known were coke head single mothers that got their shit together about the time their welfare was to get cut off and dick was getting harder to get.
Long hours and eating out three times a day.
Because they are all single mothers
All single mothers are fat and frumpy. Most look 10 years older than they really are, too.
Most women are fat asses these days.
They believe being nurses gives them value. I can only laugh. To the gas chamber with them.
It's the scrubs dummy
This. They just wanted their MRS degree, not to actually work
That's called af homo.
True in my family's case. My mother went to nursing school, divorced my dad right as she graduated. Took my two siblings and myself across country to fuck over my dad. She then had two more kids with two different men, neither of whom she married. What a train wreak. Think she pulled in more in child support payments from the three dads than from her nursing job.
Under worked, and overpaid.
Mixture of stress (due to having to deal with or handle people), shit eating habits (due to lack of opportunity for eating health due to work environment, demands, etc) and carrying out work or other labour that isn't physically demanding (so no work = exercise like that in construction or other trade, etc).
Suspect possible lack of sleep is also another possible factor too.
>Under worked, and overpaid.
It really seems that way in the US at least. And they complain more than any other profession.
Most nurses only work 3 days a week and anything more than that is overtime pay. And the starting pay is usually at least $20/hr anywhere in the country with just a two year degree.
Because they have their life together, don't need a man and their son Aydan is their king
This guy gets it
Makes me wonder why women want so badly to be career women and join the workforce, just to be treated like shit.
why do incels seethe so much at them?
Women in general love to eat. As a man you don't understand the level of women's need to eat. Their tongues can taste food 5 times more sensitive, and their stomachs can stretch.
Women need to eat like niggers need to fuck, white men just can't understand.
based and redpilled
they're all single moms
Money and status (and in that order too).
Why do you seethe so much at them?
every one of those asswiping slampigs should be fired
heh, feels good to be beautiful
In America, yes.
it's one of the professions with the greatest number of hot women like models, actresses, fashion people, artists but more accessible than these
Because they've been indoctrinated since birth by (((them))) that having a career is the meaning of a woman's life. And to speak out against women working is considered "hate speech".
Kikes sold them a bill of good. Like everyone else pretty much. It's always the kikes. No exceptions.
Tell me about it nibba. I had some snacks and this bitch would eat them all the time, then she'd complain about gaining weight. She's like, user, my dad used to tell me to stop eating and let my stomach rest. Oddly enough, she wasn't actually fat.
I hate people in the medical field about as much as I hate landlords. I can't fucking wait for robot doctors to become a thing and devalue what it is to be a doctor.
Thankfully not. My mother like so many other leftists loves to talk about equality and crap like that but she always moved us into areas with less than 10% blacks and never dated any of them. She was a slut but not a coal burning slut.
it's the reason working women are frumpier in general, reverse natural selection
it's not the meaning of someone's life per se, but it is important because as an adult you shouldn't be financially dependent on someone else. why are people who get welfare so hated but "trad" women put on a pedestal?
Dont forget that they successfully (unfortunately) convinced them that motherhood is in the enemy, well aside from single motherhood that is :^)
Long / late shifts, not much time for proper exercise & eating.
When I was seeing my GF in hospital after a long day of work, I wasn't getting home till like 11pm-12am, fuck cooking a normal proper dinner at that time. I ended up in burger king for 4 days straight, felt horrible.