As a person of color, why shouldn't I be happy to see whites in a state of decline?

As a person of color, why shouldn't I be happy to see whites in a state of decline?

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Because we are the reason you have as good a life as you do.
We will merely decline, you will have your programs and gibs cut to zero.

Because the United States is better with a white super majority than if the United States became just another Latin American country.

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I dunno, ask Zimbabwe...

Because the white race is metaphysically superior. You should want all human souls henceforth to only be of the white race.

Because you’re a victim of propaganda.

look around...we fucking built it

Feel free to be happy about it. Just don’t deny white genocide when it’s happening right in front of you

Who is going to pay for your welfare?

How do you think souless chinks or prone to mental disorder jews will treat you when they are gone

You should. To quote the philosopher Susan Montag "The white race has caused an immeasurable amount of damage to humanity and the planet through hatred and genocide"
White people are a plague. And i can say that as a british white american

As soon as we die out your subhuman race will be ruled by Chinks forever. Never forget that untermensch

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ok kike

Because we are all human and overall success pushes everything forward. Pocs being behind doesn't help whites, vice-versa.

you should be. we are enemies.

Name a first world country besides Japan and South Korea(benefit of doubt here) that isn't a majority white european population.

unless your asian, white people are the only thing keep you fucks from starving to death

Because you're a parasite.

Because without whites the Jews and Chinese will do things to you that are 6,000,000x worse than what the worst group of whites did

Meh, at least chinks aren't faggots, I'll take them over you.

>how do you think “people of color” will treat you when we’re gone

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We cant even cook food and you think we are superior? Lol

Whites are the nicest masters.

>look at my sherry picked quote from one mentally ill self hating white guy, this proves I'm right
Neck yourself

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Funny way to spell Rhodesia

>fellow white people

>waaaaa i don't like whites becuase they did stuff!
Yet we managed to build the world, we were the ones that propelled humanity forward.
Kys traitor

Because the Chinese will genocide you and your people will cease to exist.

She's already exposed as a racist for that statement alone, plus she is just neglecting all the good things whites have done. Her overall viewpoint is sad.

Pick one

Then why are the best chefs white?
Kys mutt

> giving a fuck about how shitskins feel

all I care about is eliminating you subhumans from our nations, fuck off nigger

>Calling the race that dominated and enslaved your people for centuries faggots

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As a person of light, why shouldn't I be happy to see shitskins in a state of decline?

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Your quality of life is literally thousands of times better because of whites than it would be without us. As whites go, so goes the civilized world.

The chinks are just the willing bug slaves of kikes

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because the jews would destroy you if we didnt protect you lol

Native Americans hate niggers. Also why the fuck would you identify as a "person of color" are you seriously that devoid of culture and such a faggot Marxist?


uncle ted would like a word with your simpleton mind

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Who the fuck think pays for your food stamps and protection tyrone

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Someone upload a webm of nigger justice.

That's why user.

Yea, white guys like to anally rape their boy slaves, much like Muslims.
They even try to justify it by saying it's not REALLY gay if it's a little boy.

Because you have no first world nations when you are MAJORITY.... 34 latin nations lal third world, and all of africas 54 african nations all third world.

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Sure thing mr Rosenberg

Got an argument?

I’ve never met an Indian that liked a nigger. That’s a stupid fucking picture.

>As a person of color, why shouldn't I be happy to see whites in a state of decline?
You really think it will make your life better?
Or worse?
And as for your pic, some of the largest slave-owners in the U.S. were Indians.
None of them fought to free the slaves, either.

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look around, most inventions here created by whites, the rest were invented by asians

Lol what?

Funny, natives used to own slaves.

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Because the last time whites had it really bad they took over the fucking planet and enslaved your ancestors.
This time they'll probably just exterminatus non-whites seeing as you guys are nothing but vicious little shits.

yeah nice cope faggot. Keep your gay fantasies to yourself.

There were injun slaveowners, kek

Detroit is proof that niggers need whites.

Tell me OP, what do you contribute to society? How do you justify your feelings to a demographic that basically constructed the modern era?

I'm gonna be straight up with you OP, I could care less about the homogeneity of any race isolated or collectively as a civilization. The only reason I exist is to reflect an echo.

Because they pay your welfare

Uhhh that Indian in reaity at the time those garbs would be normal would have scalped the darker one for a new trophy and wore his ears for a necklace... not hugged him or cried over him.

boooo hoooo FUCK 'EM!

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Whites created capitalism, fascism,and feudalism. Our entire world has become commodified because of whites. How did we not destroy the world again?

>Muh history
get over it fuckboy, slavery was the best thing that could happen to niggers. Look at you now, you kill each other by the thousand each year way more than white slavers ever did

Because you are a vindictive piece of shit. Not to mention that everything good that you enjoy has been a direct or indirect product of European ingenuity. If the whites do bad, everyone does bad, and everyone knows that but they are engaged in cognitive dissonance

No chinks are not faggots

The lack of fagness will lead to them exterminating and enslaving nonchink

Tales will be told of the good times when the rules were made by white man

as a native american i'm actually rooting for whitey, you go guy, give em hell

fuck off coon

Speak for yourself.

Modern Europeans are the most gracious, forgiving, peaceful, and altruistic race on the planet. Once they are gone it's going to be a fucking free-for-all. Nigger.

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If you where a 'person of color' you wouldn't be calling yourself a derogatory term like 'person of color'
Fuck outta here white trash.

>what is japan
Bro shut up you sound retarded.

>Person of colour

You mean the colour of shite. You're all the same, black and brown. Whites have multi-coloured eyes and hair and skin tones from red to snow white.

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Without white people you’d be in Africa wishing you weren’t.

Because you never experienced any negatives in your life from whites, only gains from leeching off of our society.

The world you enjoy was built and is maintained by us. When we're gone. The world will be like Africa. You'll regret everything you did to us.

If we go down you're comin' with us.

Whites invented industrial genocide in the 1940s we fucking suck and you are too busy smelling your own farts to realize it


>hurrrrrrrrrrrr whitey declines
>that must mean I will get better
delusional nigger
if you had any where to progress to you wouldnt have been conquered by white people in the first place stupid subhuman shit

>Yea, white guys like to anally rape their boy slaves
Are you calling Jews fags?
How anti-Semitic...oh, wait...
Never mind.

You can be, as long as you recognize your own culpability in the problems your people face.

Using enslaved people.

You are not people of color. Whites are.

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Whites are the difference between you having electricity or not.

To put this picture in context, the Indian just fucked the nigger in the ass with no lube.

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Be the change you want to see in the world. You should kick off the white mass suicide.