Seriously, we need to do something about the faggot/tranny community. They're gaining way too much power.
>This man can be extremely racist toward niggers, spics , chinks, mudslimes or crackers No one gives a shit >This man can insult disabled people No one gives a shit >As soon as he touches faggots and trannies NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE HECKERINO BOIPUCCINO HE IS A GOOD BOY, YOU PIECE OF SHIT INTOLERANT DEVIL
Tl;dr: Lowtiergod, Streamer known for his antics has been recently banned from several video games tournament because some faggot ass Asian tranny got "his" feelings hurt. He deliberately stream sniped him, trolled him and once LTG got mad and finally gave this tranny a reality check, He cried on Twitter saying how homophobic he is because he basically told him to fucking Dilate. The clip:
It is totally UNACCEPTABLE to let the degeneracy win and make mentally ill people successful. We NEED to put the Faggots back in their place. If we don't, they will control everything, including politics and shift the world.
This man is not based, he is a mentally ill lulzcow who chimps out over video games on a daily basis. Fuck trannies though.
Easton Cruz
The thing is, they have too much connection with powerful (((lobbies))) You can't just take on this community. Mind you, I live in one of the most ghettoest poor town here, literally full of Nafri and Niggers so you'd think you wouldn't see some gay parades right? But no, somehow our Mayor made the first gay parade in my city last year. Of course some of the locals got butthurt and try to tear shit up, but they're way too protected now to do something.
Ian Evans
He's has to be one of the most honest doesn't give a fuck guy in the entire surface internet. He openly spits Facts toward any communities including going really hard on his own people, predicted the whole simping disease like 3 years ago and countless of other Redpilled stuff.
Then if you support them, why don't you transition as well or date a tranny? I can't wait to see what kind of glorious STDs you will contract from having unprotected sex with.
Colton Taylor
You lost me at BOIPUCCINO LMAO I love this meme
Jackson Clark
Why would I transition? >I can't wait to see what kind of glorious STDs you will contract from having unprotected sex with. Gotta die sometime. Meanwhile, I'd probably blow out a testicle cumming inside her.
Because trannies are "cute" right? Why don't you become one of them? Be supportive to end you hypocrite.
Ian Murphy
Aaron Torres
I don't care if I'm cute, I care if she's cute. I'd support her to the end. I tell you what Frenchie, since you're so concerned with what my penis is doing, why don't you come over and let me see if you're cute. Maybe I'll butter your croissant.
he's just mad because his culture is based around having sex with children instead of men in drag
Brayden Young
It's alright. I like it when they're feisty.
Grayson Rogers
Being a tranny is wrong :)
Caleb Walker
Why is USA so full of faggots? Honestly I never see a country so eager to suck a cock or fuck a tranny “boipussy”.
Julian Robinson
Of course the country that came up with the gay pride and all other faggot abomination and imposed it to the world are the only ones ITT supporting faggots, trannies and other mental disease. Not surprising from this Sodomite nation, having on par with Russia the highest HIV infection rate of the Western World.
Hudson Parker
Even if that's true, I'd leave beaner butt out of the equation. You people look like you're covered in a thin layer of grease and dirt. Most of you look like you smell like three day old axe deodorant and un-washed socks.
Brody Flores
I'm telling you, you might like it my hoppy fren.
Ryan Clark
We need to seize the memes of production and make of these.
Camden Rodriguez
He's an establishment porno pet, casted by establishment faggots and his shit is manufactured and written buy them. Stop deep throating your faggot ass pets fuck off
>he's so awesome he did these establishment things scripted for him!!! (must uphold establishment pets!) No. Fuck off you establishment shill faggot
Asher Perry
You have absolutely no proofs of that you fucking retard. Dude is at this blackballed by everybody.
Bentley Hill
The Black DSP -- Let that sink in.
Carter Young
LOL Dsp isn't worth 1/10000000 of LTG
Jackson Davis
Oh thank God I look and smell like shit. Please keep sucking “cute” and “feminine” cocks dude.