picrel is me. I look prussian and nordic and german asf
Face thread
There's a built in reverse image search feature here.
100% Nordic Germanic here
you look like a hipster faggot
Weev's brother?
>gay tintin haircut, poo brown edition
>bald under lip
>glasses, literally a disability aid on your fucking FACE where people look to judge you
>wanting to look disabled
besides that I think everything is ok.
someone post steinhauser
>come to Yas Forums
>post own face
you're not even a man
are there many Jews in Arkansas?
I think Beardson is from Indiana though
You look like a Mischling.
Excuse me it's Sigismund.
That’s a mutt nose. You’re a nigger, Harry.
no, he's a lizard, harry.
the goat right there
30 IQ
hairlets seeth as much as manlets.
roger stone and gregory house my two favorite fictitious people
You look like the only time you get to touch a woman's pussy is to lick the bvll's coom out of it.
Fuck ironybros (except Fuentes, he has done some good work)
What happened to the money beardson?
this is a pic of my uncle. i dont want pics of myself out there
Do you have the pic with the crooked arm?
you look like a beardo sóycuck
Damn I hope I look half as good when I'm a cop.
rocking them boots
I'll let everything else slide but the juul has got to go. Stop killing yourself
you look like you belong on reddlt