Why should we be mad at homosexuals if they are born this way?

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Because they act like faggots about it.

true. my buds always compliment me on not doing that
>"user is gay but he's not some fag who will throw it in your face, which is why he's alright"

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It's a choice.

>Should we punish a murderer for being born that way
Not necessarily, but we should at the very least call it what it is and segregate it from civilized society

I used to believe that. Unfortunately I'm apparently good looking. Of the 4 homos that I have had real friendships with, 3 have made unwanted moves on me, tried to get me drunk, or shown up in the middle of the night wasted looking to get action. Sorry even the "alright ones" have a 75% chance of being degenerates. You all get the rope.

Murders are born that way too and we put them in jail. Same should go for fags.

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Why be mad at murders since they’re born that way?

Nobody gets mad until it's jammed in their face for the last fucking 20 years... who cares who you fuck or if you can shove a pineapple up your ass.. seriously. Do you care that I'm straight, bang your mom and wipe my dick on your shirt? Seriously give the fag acceptance shit up already.

It is a mathematic improbability that homosexuality is genetic.
Sexuality is like all human behavior and is conditioned. Homosexuality spreads via homosexual abuse. Period
There is no "gay gene".
> This is just Jews lending their shapeshifting to LGBTQP folk

Why should we be mad at psychopaths if they were born that way?

no one on this planet wants to hear about, or cater to a popluation group who's entire human-experience is defined by their fucking sexual kinks.
Imagine trying to organize society around a sample populations sexual preferences. Its utterly fucking insane.
Defining your whole entire worldview through the lense of FUCKING is unimaginably self-absorbed and nationally suicidal.
"GAY" has long surpassed its stage where it is simply a sex-act preference behind closed doors.
Thanks to the agitation of NGO's, freemasons and Jews, 'homosexuality' has become a fully-fledged socio-political ideology, complete with its own 'Agenda' and 'culture'.
Further, "gay" and "homosexuality" are 'identity' groups virtually the same as a 'racial' or 'religious' organizations. One cannot be a 'moderate-gay' within the current order of the Gay identity or agenda.


Society at large then becomes a participant in administering an entirely contrived 'culture-group' whos identity, agenda and motivation are defined purely through the method they achieve sexual orgasm.
>try to imagine any scenario where a large, global culture group whos central concern is 'method-of-orgasm' possibly being good stewards of human administration.

Society simply cannot and should-not tolerate "homo-sexuality" as an identity or culture group.
We must find a way to re-condition our interactions with it back to the way we would deal with other bedroom-fetishes like:
>"white guys who like asians"
>"black guys who like red-bones".
Faggotry MUST revert back to being an orgasm-preference, rather than a globally accepted identity.

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>Why should we be mad at Pedophiles if they are born this way?
literally same argument, kys

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now you know what it's like to be a girl who is friendly toward guys

It's a misguided effort to find affection
Most suffered trauma/no father figure/ low self esteem so they are too broken to feel worthy of a happy loving relationship with a female
Combined with excitement from pure dopamine coomer lifestyle that is gay nightlife.. risky sexual pleasure/drugs/drink
My sister was bartender and worked with them.. they took my heterosexuality as a challenge and if I did to do a female half the shit they tried on me I would be in prison for sexual harassment/assualt

Everyone has temptations that are not appropriate to indulge. Cheating on your wife, murder, rape. Just because you love male ass doesn’t mean you have to fuck it or that you should. Pedophiles are born that way too. But don’t fuck little kids.

Andy Warhol had gay feelings but he wasn’t a fag. He was Catholic and didn’t have sex because gay sex is fucking disgusting and immoral and useless. Sex has one purpose: procreation. Gay sex is like overeating. It’s a perversion.

because they arent born that way. there is no gay gene, as the love to tell us.

homosexuals reproduce through molestation

I have several extended family members who are homosexual. All of them had some sort of trauma and/or were groomed as a child by a trusted adult. (usual a ""counselor"") Many of their homosexual friends I've met have similar backstories, some are abusive, many are incredibly depressed, and nearly all are extremely heavy drinkers and very promiscuous. Those family members all obsess over which of our younger family members they think may also be homosexual.

I love my family members, but I hate this evil in their lives. Homosexuality is in no way equal to heterosexuality. It is destructive, and it "reproduces" through vile and unnatural means. I wish they would free themselves from this curse.

>Sex has one purpose: procreation.
Have you ever had sex without the express intent of creating a child?

Why would that matter either way?

Because they are degenerated scumbags. They are like shit and etero are like apples. If you take shit with apples, the apples will taste like shit.

God doesn’t hate gay people. If he did, he would have sent a disease to wipe them out.

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Go "try" to be gay. Try as hard as you can to get a boner from the giga-chad meme pic. Can't do it can you? Hm.. I wonder why. Moron

>Swap it out with pedophiles who don't molest children.

Nature doesn't have intent. Sex doesn't have a purpose. It's just that species that don't reproduce can't exist.

I'll take a stab at arguing a sorta middle position. I think society ought to be tolerant of different lifestyles, but not celebrate every lifestyle. I don't hate gays, but I dislike everything about gay pride. It is inferior to a heterosexual lifestyle that promotes the continuation of our civilization through procreation and balanced child rearing. In the same way, I tolerate neets and dinks, but I do not believe their lifestyles should be lauded. Their path leads to oblivion too.

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It is a choice. It is a choice to behave that way. I may find hot girls hot, but I don't HAVE to have sex with them. Every day millions of straight men go without for any number of reasons. Only gays apparently MUST have homosex.

It is a choice. You can choose not to engage in a behavior even if you still desire that behavior.

If it isn't actually a choice, then in fact it is a mental illness. You decide.

>Sex doesn't have a purpose. It's just that species that don't reproduce can't exist.
>Food doesn't have a purose, it's just that we need energy to survive.

You for real user?

Are you worried that everyone will turn gay and stop reproducing?

There is no 'gay' gene.

Huge conjecture to say that there is a genetic cause for being homosexual. What are the genetic markers for being gay?

ugly incel
handsome chad

Heterosexual relationships never work this way


I would argue pedophiles are less mentally ill too

Thise fags have nothing on the gayness of this one world globo homo crap.

Food does have a purpose if it was created by people. Sex has a purpose if it was done by people. The purpose of sex isn't reproduction if the people having sex aren't doing it for reproduction.

In clown world a man being sexually attracted to a 15 year old girl is sick and depraved while a man being sexually attracted to another man is stunning and brave


fuck you.
homosexuals have never bothered me one bit, because i simply do not care about other peoples sexual orientation. i don't understand, just mind your own business.

not at all. Like I said, I'm not bothered by homosexuals, but I strongly dislike everything about gay pride. Its a bizarre thing to be proud of. Its a dysgenic behaviour.; its a mental disease are far as I'm concerned.

Why should I care what some fags do with each other? How's that affecting my life? If my kid is born gay, there isn't much to do except to accept that fact of life. On the other hand, he/she won't turn gay from watching and looking other gay people. Being homosexual means your hormones had been fucked up while in mothers womb, you're basically predestined to get fucked in ass. Molestation theory is something only low iq brainlets or fags in denial will propagate.

Born gay. Fine.
Don't let yourself to be manipulated into a stereotype and corralled into a agenda that uses your victim status to attack ,without consequences, the rest of society.
You are being encouraged by "safe" voices to be shitty people.

It is often a choice! I've seen it evolve over a period with various people. My wife runs a Beautician School.

>they are born this way
has it occured to you that the studies used to prove this were politically motivated garbage fabricated on-masse by liberal universities?

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We shouldn't
The only thing we should be mad about is the parade degenerates being sexual in the streets, and the ones who use their situation to remove our freedom.

Nothing matters

Morality doesn't exist

There is no society

We are individual rational economic actors and nothing more

Anybody who says otherwise is a threat that must be neutralized

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No one is born gay. You become gay when you are molested.

The purpose of sex is reproduction, it's just that we smart monkeys learned to jack-off and use contraceptives to get the pleasure but not the kid.

This is astute.

>Anybody who says otherwise is a threat that must be neutralized
That's a value statement. You fail as a nihilist.

They aren't.

If that's true there must have been a person who was the first one to molest a boy. How did he become a gay pedophile?