Are Whites people without space...

Are Whites people without space? Mediterranean and Eastern European countries are muttified whites and only true Europe is Western Europe and Scandinavia. This is a very small land, now i can understand why Hitler wanted Lebensraum.

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Stop race baiting against Uralic people

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I have some Scandinavian heritage with Sami blood

We all do. Look up PIE and proto-Uralic loanwords

Will do. Are you Scandy?

Nords can fuck off back to middle eastern desert

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I am norwegian.

Nice, I am part Swedish and Danish. But I am very mixed otherwise.

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If you are a western or a central european, you are genetically half this half arab

>Le Hitler loved white people and fought for the white race meme
Hitler was about Germany, he only cared about Scandinavians insofar as making them junior to the southern Germans and his opinions of Balts, Slavs, and Celtic peoples varied from inferior to Germans to subhuman.


Literally all modern Europeans are relatively recent arrivals to Europe except Basques and Sardinians who are pre-Indo-European peoples.

Dumbass Mediterranean was teh first civilized society of Europe, Rome had a Colosseum and Greece had the biggest knowledge, math, geometry andd music while nords were busy pillaging their own neighbours and bein hunter gatherers that didn't discover cement and didn't have written language. Literally pale niggers.

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Is that a blue eyes map? I can only read Russian

it says "the distribution of blue and green eyecolors" in russian

Aryans came from Dniper Donetsk and Finland upper Volga.

>Blue eyes indicative of whiteness
yikes. you realize the alleles for bluebeyes are not specific to Europe, right?

You also realize that being beautiful is not unique to 1 race? But nonetheless we prefer the beautiful traits all at once.

Blue eyes
Blonde hair
Pure White skin
Angular face

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Aryans are shitbrown niggers.
>Upper volga
that would be brown eyed and brown haired fatyanovo culture
that would be depigmented half med mutts

Whites = SHG/BHG/ to a lesser extent EHG
everyone else is a fucking Achmed that needs to go back to israel

Aryans originated in Dnieper Donetsk. Not all of them stayed there

Some north-East Slavs are actually whiter than celto-germanics

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The indoeuropeans did not originate in Dnieper if that's what you're talking about.
They originated in Volga-Don basin.
Besides, who the fuck cares, "Aryans" were black haired black eyed asiatic mutts anyway. they blacked northern europeans by introducing to us their shitty languages

Belarusians are almost on pair with swedes when it comes to hunter gatherer ancestry.
Russians and ukranians not really

this map is all you need to know.

frenchmen are the most masculine (western),
whereas finns are the whitest but also somewhat more asian
germanics are in between
tatars (northwestern turks) are at the edge of the europid phenotype

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Tatars aren't on your map, and Chuvash are brown haired brown eyed asiatics, the "eastern" cutoff for europid phenotypes is Lithuanian-Ashkenazi line
The southern cutoff is the tuscan - lezgin line

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theyre basically the same.

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Idk how you can consider ashkenazis to be european.
actually look at abramovich. he is a lithuanian "ashkenazi" who is clearly european genetically

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full blooded ashkenazi jews look like shitalians/arabs

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Retard, nordic natives were mongols.
All whites descend from the med.