I believed in this whole qanon shit for two straight days and now I feel extremely ashamed of myself because of that

I believed in this whole qanon shit for two straight days and now I feel extremely ashamed of myself because of that.

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kek it's like believing the coronaniggers

Q is real and the concerted shilling against Q proves it. You fags aren't on the ball to the point where you will shill against things because you object to them or not. You just do what you're paid to do. Q is real.

Honestly anyone who believes in Q is absolute garbage and deserves a painful death

Trust Sessions

>if everyone calls me retarded that is proof that I am smart

I;m guessing that its just a psyop to further deceive old kekistanis and trump supporters to win their votes during the upcoming elections. Waiting for muh plan that's never going to happen.

Trust the plan.

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This thread will age poorly. I’m taking a screenshot so I can post it and laugh later.

Ill trust the plan when I'll see those mass arrests

>two straight days
lol faggot

you need at least two years of red arrows to be a real Qultist

Trump needs time. He is being attacked and stalled from all sides. You think any normal man can do all he has done in 4 years? NOPE. And it will take at least another term for him to be able to pin these criminals down. You have no faith. You forgot what this is all about. Why we are fighting so hard. Don't give up now

You have until tomorrow for it to kick off, I too looked into this bullshit, did their 30 day of silence math and it ends tomorrow when you start with the schools closing down since this is about the pedos and all. Then there's like 10 days or some shit that ends with the supposed comet (Comet pingpong) landing on the 29th. So I guess they have like the next 11 days to arrest these pedos. Or we all vote for?...Ducking God dammit.

>former Qfag here

any day now, they'll say


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What has he done in 4 years?


Trump bans bump stocks...
-must be 5d chess

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I fucking love this shit.

I miss The Onion. I miss Weekly World News. The only hope these days is for quality content like Q. It exposes the dumb-asses in my life, lets me know what others can't take a joke, and it continues to entertain with satirical relevance every day. For free.

To another 4 years, my friend!

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Me too. I was waiting for the 3 or 10 days of darkness, and even considered the underground shit for a day or so. Now I feel like a moron.

>a thread made by anti-Q redditors, for anti-Q redditors

Which Q posts were those? I must have missed them

Yeah i kinda believed it for while in 2018. It's a deep shame you feel, like a hot flash of cringe while your brain panics and tries to suppress the memory.

I have been passively observing the back-and-forth shilling for 4 years now.

Trump is not the God-Emperor, he will not end immigration, legal or illegal, his Jewish step-son is part of Chabad-Lubavitch, a Sabbatean sect (which should really ring the alarm bells). TPUSA is the MAGA-movement, and anything diverting from civic nationalism, Zionism and legal Immigration will not be tolerated by pseudo-conservative Bolsheviks. It's just slow-motion liberalism while indulging in vague nostalgia.
The crowd thought he would protect the border properly, but that does not fucking matter because he even supports legal Immigration and is restrained too much by the Dems. You do not co-opt MAGA, it co-opts you.

That is jusst my personal take on the circumstances. That said, Q is definitely Kushner-approved. It smells like fucking matzeh balls.

First, Q completely ridicules the idea of pizzagate through pointless and irrelevant blabbering About Trump. He is not the messiah for fuck's sake, unless you're a kike maybe. By making himself such a great target for shilling, he actively causes the less enlightened to also question pizzagate. It's textbook topic dilution if I've ever seen it.

Then, he wants to distract you from the fact that Trump and Epstein were best buddies. Heavily distract.

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>Q completely ridicules the idea of pizzagate
>brought it up a few months ago
Ok Merkel.

>believed in the most autistic LARP since meme president is "billionaire genius"

gormless, gnat-brained goyim, I...

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Ahhh, you'll do better next time anti-Qfags.

>Q completely ridicules the idea of pizzagate
The shills are getting worse

The first 6mo or so I played along because it was fun and cringey and hillarious. Now I'm so sick of it. Fuck Q, fuck Qoomers, and fuck jannies.

You have low IQ reading comprehension.

..... god damn. How the fuck do you even get on the internet with reading comprehension that low.

>just wait 4 more years guise, have faith and trust the plan

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