It's been 27 years, you haven't forgotten, have you Yas Forums?
It's been 27 years, you haven't forgotten, have you Yas Forums?
was it justified to take their guns?
Fuck the feds.
is there any validation to the claim they were trafficking kids and involved in pedo shit?
Absolutely not. It was on false pretenses.
>religious group
>owning guns
This shouldn't be allowed. Nothing of value was lost whatsoever. Fuck these proto-jewish believing retards.
Literally all aligations were false. They were just a bunch of harmless religious nuts who happened to like guns aka literally every white person in the southern US.
That's fucked. Hope they lost their jobs.
what's it like having to go through life with a room temperature IQ?
Thought so
Imagine drawing on the full might of the fed just to massacre some dumb fucking hicks. I think Waco probably marked the beginning of the end of the USA.
Virgin feds get BTFO by chad bible thumped
It's a shame that the Branch Davidians kept showing mercy and letting the attackers retreat. They should've killed all of the initial team, and easily could have.
Can we talk about the real big tragedy that happened?
Fuckin ATF shot innocent dogs... Again..!!!
What is it with these fucks and shooting dogs?
>Rip doggos.
David Koresh was a pedophile.
This doesn't excuse the actions of the feds though.
this country was founded on having freedom of religion. i think all of them are retarded, but they still have that right.
youre not an american if you think otherwise.
>lost their jobs.
nope, i believe they were promoted.
but koresch probably did have mental disorders, im pretty sure he was fucking all their wives, but im not sure about the children.
ive never seen any real proof of anyone being hurt on that property, (before feds came in) so i would say fuck the feds on this one
i haven't forgotten. Fuck the deep-state actors within the FBI and fuck the clinton dynasty.
so why didnt they arrest him outside instead of sniping children and using tanks on families?
>who happened to like guns aka literally every white person in the southern US.
a lot of us like them as well in rural north, buddy
Fucking exactly what I mean.
Feds didn't actually give a shit whether or not he was a pedophile, the only time the pedophile accusation and interviews of the children were ever conducted was well after the ATF/FBI set their sights on the Branch Davidians.
how easily one can co-opt the average atheist into their evil by invoking their hatred for religion.
You are an enemy. make no mistake about it.
they shot puppies in kennels in the front of the complex.
would have mag dumped on them cowards as well desu
Most pedophiles have been molested as children as well.
That's how it spreads.
Feds only saved further lives here. Let's be real here, most of the diddled kids would grow up to diddle kids themselves.
Shame they killed the dogs, tho.
>Nevar 4get, doggos
Fucking savages.
Were they pits or otherwise? Important question.
They made a new movie?
For all practical purposes North Dakota could as well be a southern state.
Same hillbilly redneck shtick
German shepards and Doberman
F indeed. Fuck the ATF.
>so why didnt they arrest him outside
the local sheriff wanted to do that.
ATF wanted their photo shoot.
but they got a lot more than a photo shoot
its just not right.
no. good boy GSD
same can be said for upstate ny. just nobody ever thinks about it
>we must rescue the kids from that evil pedophile david koresh
>burns the kids alive
Anyone stand trial for this? At all?
Any book you guys can recommend on the matter?