Goodbye forever

I spent a week away from this echo chamber and I figured something out about/pol/.

I stopped being angry and annoyed with everyone
I had a peace of mind and stopped worrying about politics
I had more sex with my wife.
I stopped being angry after seeing asians.

This place is trash and you guys should escape it as well you will be more happy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good job, see you in a week.

See you tomorrow user

And yet he came back.

see you soon, user

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when i have sex the first thing i do as soon as i cum is log on to www Yas Forums and see what my friends are up to , then i smoke a cigarette

I should feel ashamed for wasting my cum, but i don't.

See you tomorrow

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Imagine it

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You read this reply you are here forever

Sauce is Jasmine Jnad/Traprapunnzel

lol imagine being such a fucking loser faggot that you take this place that seriously. what the fuck is wrong with you? pol is a fun place to discuss shit, why are you such a serious spergtard? people like you are the problem, you think your life is a movie. guess what? it will never end. you'll forever be jumping from place to place getting sucked into bullshit. why? because it's not this board... it's not that board... it's not this ideology... it's not that ideology. it's you

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Wow we won't miss you. But sadly this thread is a LARP and you'll be back in like 1/2 hour to post another bait thread.

>thick brown girls
sign me up

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And you're back! Welcome back again. The road to more misery is up ahead. Let's go!!!

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You seem worried, rabbi

Enjoy your time off mate. See you when you get back

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I hear ya user, it can get kind of claustrophobic here, but there are some anons who like to keep it real and put out some fresh cud to chew on

Case in point....



You sound Jewish.

>I stopped being angry and annoyed with everyone
if Yas Forums makes you literally seethe, something is wrong with YOU - not the board

Pol is the greatest news aggregator on Earth. If you can't filter through the dry crumbling turds to find the steamy logs of Truth you shouldn't be here.

/o/ you

If you were angry and annoyed with Yas Forums that's because you have no self-control.

That being said, I joined Twitter months ago and found the right-wing community on there to be a lot more cohesive, more mature, more funny, less full of garbage you have to wade through and degenerate bullshit. I only come back to Yas Forums rarely now.


>Sauce is Jasmine Jnad/Traprapunnzel
is it... a trap?

nikki is that you?

best one i've seen yet. kek

No, but she fucks niggers

That's the problem with autists and Yas Forums. This place is literally a funny discussion lounge to shoot the shit with people and have good times talking about happenings and conspiracies, but autists take every post they see here seriously and develop schizophrenia because of it, which turns them into an even worse poster

>he doesnt know Yas Forums is satire

fucking newfags

This is the case OP.
Unless its google captcha doing it. Then i totally understand

Did you find out if coffee is good for you?

>I had more sex with my wife.
>I stopped being angry and annoyed with >everyone
>I had a peace of mind and stopped worrying >about politics
>I stopped being angry after seeing asians.

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Stop posting twerking videos and go fuck your wife some more, faggot.

See ya next week

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>Goodbye forever
>I spent a week away
>Comes back to post a goodbye that he should know already no one will give a flying fuck about.
See you tomorrow fag

Wth how did you know I googled that? Are you a glow bigger?

are you a dwarf too or just your wife in the pic? if you are mind if i double up on her with you.... ive a kinda weird bucket list sexually and 2 dwarfs dont come up a lot.

That's not a dwarf her name is:

Jasmine Jnad/Traprapunnzel

no one fucking cares you monkey see monkey do wild ape

See you later, faggot