For all those who said this was a nothingburger

What are they to say now?

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It's just a flu bro

2 moarrr weeksss RAWWWWUGHHHHHHH.

It's even less of a problem then I thought. Kikes are trying to destroy the West, retard. That's a real problem.

Majority of them were Chinese CCP agents trying to cover up the real numbers with bill gates little sissy boi helping them bot the website.

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it IS a nothingburger, but it has been exagerated beyond salvation. The death ratio is still 0.2% for ALL people below 50. This includes people with underlying health conditions.
We are about to experience the biggest economic crisis the world has ever seen, maybe even worse than the great depression, all to maybe save some boomers.
The vulnerable people should've been the ones to be quarantined.

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Based beaner

Its a nothingburger I still stand by my statement.

It's a nothingburger.

it is a nothingburger, always was
the reaction was the gayburger with aids

Same, but now with cheese

Everybody was kung-flu fighting
Virus spread as fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they cough with expert timing

Not even a nothingburger. At best a nothingslider

What is it, more brutes?

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>where are they know?
Moving goalposts and shitposting

nada burger

It was not even a Nothing McNugget.

The nothing burgers of 2 weeks ago are the empty hospital fags of today

Still a nothing burger if we're going by per capita

Nigga that’s the prophet of Regret.
It was the Prophet of truth who said that quote.

The only person I know who said he had it was refused a test because he wasn't in direct contact with someone who tested positive but they aren't releasing any sort of information on who was this "virus"

Mostly that the panic is more damaging than the virus.

>99% of patients who died of it had another pathology
>75% of them were obese
>most of them were old
>The lung damage is comparable to the one of a pneumonia and heals alone with time.
>Only 20 to 30% of patients on ventilator recover from it, meaning we have no efficient treatment and that it is useless to do a lockdown
>Still not proven if it is really more dangerous than the fucking flu
Why wouldn’t I consider this as a nothingburger? The only real threat I see is the sanitary dictatorship settling by using this meme virus as a pretext.

>What are they to say now?
probably chinese posters directed to spread the virus in the west to share the pain and weaken their enemies.

>What are they to say now?
Doubledown unless they’re pussies.

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It's even less than I thought it was going to be and I had already thought it was going to be absolutely nothing.


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Random antibody testing of Santa Clara country reveals that 2.8-4% of the population already had the virus, but recovered and showed no symptoms. It literally is a nothingburger

This, shit's weak, even for a flu.

the idiots who said nothing burger are still saying nothing burger and will continue to say nothing burger even if 50% of the population dies. they're just faggots and should be ignored

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>if 50% of the population dies
lol seethe more

Let me guess faggot, just wait two more weeks for the second wave?

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Its definitely a triple burger, just not of corona.
Something us definitely going down, but maybe its nit a pandemic.

This. Let people over 50 die lol

Of the total population of the Earth 0.00167% of humanity has ALLEGEDLY died from the hoaxvirus, and that's going by the inflated numbers globalist institutions shove down our throats during fear mongering sessions to create mass hysteria.

That means 99.99833% of the world has NOT been killed by coronavirus. Why are you staying inside again? Is there any evidence social distancing even prevents long-term propagation of the virus? (No)

20,000 people per day die of starvation worldwide. Given the state of the global economy, that number is likely to rise.

Coronavirus response will kill more people than coronavirus will.

Enjoy having your rights taken away like a cuck because you and your shitty family are too afraid to think critically or rationally and do whatever you are told by the TV or some low IQ social media site.

Fucking retards.