Face masks are going to be mandatory soon. You can not buy or sell without it. What do you do user?
Will You Wear The Mark of The Beast?
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this is just the precursor. The mark will eventually be a chip with your medical, financial, etc. data in your right hand.
My face is my mask
But if you wear the mask now, you will take the chip later.
The fuck are you going on about.
I don't wear the mask now. My state is mandating the mask in order to buy and I'm going to wear a bandana that doesn't even cover my face
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask
Wearing clothes is mandatory most places too. Be i real american and strip.(
satan BTFO
as a retail wagie Iove wearing them because customers cant see the faces I make at their dumbass questions
No one cared who I was until I didn't put on the mask.
Trust me. The only big you look in that mask is faggot.
how do you think they're gonna keep track of all this?
Learn to grow your own food.
Pick 3 life sustaining crops and get good at it - quick.
Also buy a gun and stock up on bullets.
It's already mandatory here in San Antonio
>not already wearing a full face gas mask outdoors at all times
It starts here tomorrow night, but the masked robberies have already begun. KEK.
Yes, I wear my half-face and P100 particulate filters and goggles.
I'll make Corona earn her kill/infection.
left cant meme
This whole thing is hyped up dude.
Unless you're 60 years old or above, in which case self-isolate.
I just came back from the store. Masks were mandatory so I worse a bandanna around my neck, covering no part of my face. Nobody cared who I was with or without wearing the mask.
Nothing about that image is left leaning brainlet.
They're never going to be mandatory. This, corona is one big meme
They already are in some places and others starting soon.
Not on my watch D:<
Depends though, if a company is going to disallow you from their property without a mask, then sure, but a government making it mandatory, fuck that.
I'm sorry, I can't take it off. Its illegal.
>capitalism being equated to clownworld
>equating employment to coercion
okay lefty
>Crony capitalism is the only form of capitalism
>All workers right are far left propaganda
You cant be this retarded.
You don’t have to die to end up with permanent damage. I’d rather not take my chances.
The company is being forced to deny you service or they face fines or license revocation. And, they're all going along with it, because they've been specially selected by the government to remain open. Fucking traitors all around.
I'm going to start dressing up as a hassidic jew and claim anti-semetism
Holy fuck you chrisrcucks are so fucking pathetic that you cry end times during any crisis. youtu.be
I haven't work a mask yet.
Probably will not.
I live in a rural county of ~32K souls.
Five confirmed cases.
I'm fit as a fiddle.
I tried to buy a backup p100 for my wife a month and half ago and order got cancelled just before shit started hitting the fan. I do not believe this shortage is the result of boomers panic buying en masse... smells more like the government going to companies like 3M and buying all stock they have plus several months of production that follow