Imagine being not 100% pure blood instead some disgusting mutt like the americans and english.
Imagine being not 100% pure blood instead some disgusting mutt like the americans and english.
Imagine spending money to raise your self-esteem on anonymous imageboard and also giving your DNA to kikes
The special relationship between USA and Russia continues.
I know I am but I'm not giving my DNA to kikes.
Sure thing 25% nigger mutt.
great personal blog faggot.
I wasn't born in muttland
That’s ok. Someone else already gave a quarter of your DNA to them.
>thinking that goberment doesn't already have your dna
get a load of this faggot
>100% Germanic
I'm so sorry.
4th generation Midwest burger here. 100% Germanic blood. Not even soiled with that dirty Slav post WW2 rape blood you see in Germany today.
American Midwest is unironically the purest Germanic blood left on earth.
RIP SlavGermAnons
Yet you still elected Merkel.
Shut up, darkie.
Abortions...what are abortions..?
Dumb mutt
Shut up darkie.
Funny thing is, inbreeding is far more common in Europe than in the USA and Canada. As a whole, Europeans show way more phenotype signs of cousin fucking than any mutt could.
Imagine not knowing your 100% pure blood by knowing in detail your family tree, but asking jew company to tell you. Kraut, Hitler would not be proud of you.
that's racist
>thinking that the government does
get a load of this faggot
Imagine submitting your unique genetic material to a kike owned data harvesting organisation.
shut your fucking mouth goy, we're on to you
Couple that with the post WW2 russki mix and kike holocaust programing and the natural Germanic ethnic expression is about as neutered now as it’s ever been.
Naturally, I hope they break this spell and return to their proud Visigoth and Vandal nature but until they’re able to forgive themselves for the fabricated sins of their ancestors, I’m not holding my breath.
Not like the world gives a fuck anyways. They need to stop apologizing. “Yea, shits made up.. but even if it wasn’t, Jews are the antithesis of Germanic culture and peoples. Of course they can’t and couldn’t be allowed in our society. No shit”
Can’t wait for the day I hear Germans publicly express what many of them already know.
On a serious note, Germanons.. that day getting any closer?
Hello fellow Bavarian, guten tag
None of my relatives have ever gotten a dna test.
Then they wouldn't need these companies.
Oh sorry, Mexico. HAHHAHAHHA
Try Europe, carlos
Shut the fuck up spic we all know you were born in Mexico
very much a mutt, but at least you skipped out on the shittiest parts on earth
You're not onto shit, you inbred cousin fucker.
Not everyone is an illegal spic living in Chicago.
okay then Brisbane boy we'll see
What up fellow Chicago user
Shouldn’t you be called into a virtual teleconference with the ADL right now or something
no it's too early for that shit. looking forward to subverting the american elections this year