French here. Name's Malak al-Rahim. Ask me anything

French here. Name's Malak al-Rahim. Ask me anything.

Attached: ISISflag copy.jpg (900x541, 77.89K)

what's your name

Where is the French version of this board?

In the future I will tell your kind of poster to fuck off back there

Retourne sucer allah stupide parasite

Speak human

when you pray to a moon space rock, isn't that idolatry? qibla is shirk

fuck off larp, muslims don't go on pol and if they did they wouldn't have the balls to post anywhere besides /sg/

are you french?

What country are you in?

>Malak al-Rahim

Plenty of British posting on here though

Kill yourself you faggot loving shitskin.


pick one, raghead. you understand that french is an ethnicity, right? you aren't french because you were born there or moved there dumb fuck.

>fiché S posting

have fun in covid jails

What’s the square root of 144?

You're not french.
I only talk to Pierre

It's a nationality nothing else.
You got a french ID card = you're french regarding the french law.


Kek wtf are you in

This isn't the place to ask for help for your Maths homework

hey, I'm Abdul from Switerland ! How the blacking is going from your side ? Here it's pretty cool, I get to fuck a lot of white girls while being on wellfare ! We will all make it !!!

Suck Allah's dick cockroach

take that mutilated dick of yours and showe it up your ass and drown as you swim to africa.

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Are you a goat rapist?

why isn't qibla shirk? I mean you pray to a rock

Tu n'es pas français avec un nom comme ca ... retourne dans ton pays de merde.

Names fazil from the uk
police girl sucked me off yesterday

Bullshit. France's current cucked government does not dictate biology you fucking moron. No one cares what the faggot frogs make laws regarding.

Go back to fucking school if you actually need a lesson in racial makeup. You're an invader, nothing more. If your home nation wasn't full of low IQ niggers you wouldn't have to invade other, healthier nations. Prove me wrong.

You're a simpleton. Your people will turn France into a shithole just like back home by virtue of your inability to fix the problems back home. You just carried them over to France, and look at it now. It's steaming dogshit now, because of you and your people.

Attached: ISGoatLover.jpg (436x311, 13.66K)

French?? Lol. No.

I'm Abdurrahman ibn al sharmuta, I love Muslim niggers dicking prime Arab virgins

>Ask me anything.

>This isn't the place to ask for help for your Maths homework
but it could be.

How old are you? Just curious.

Imagine believing that western european countries in their XXth century borders = races

No it's a place for us pakis to spy

Imagine believing they aren't STILL their racial tribes.

How fucking programmed are you that you actually believe racial demographics will completely invalidate ethnic cultures and their peoples inside 100 years of globalism. Get fucked ISIS larper. You're one of the dumbest most bluepilled niggers I've had the displeasure of responding to.

The bonus here is that the backlash will be swift and violent. I expect to see millions of invaders murdered in broad daylight. You will be forced out of western nations, round up and your bodies tossed into burning pits and buried. No one will miss you either, because you abandoned your nations willingly, and were already considered traitorous scumbags to begin with.

No one will mourn your loss, because you are refuse from your home nation. This is a fact.

>millions of invaders murdered in broad daylight
I'd say you're 10 y/o not more

Muslims don't worship any rock though. They consider it idolatry and apostasy to worship anything created.

Tons of Muslims here, why do you think people are aware of the Jewish question? Christians and atheists only suck their dick.

>projecting his subhuman intellect
Everyone is a 10 year old to you because you'll never be smarter than one and can't recognize an adult when you're speaking to one, camel fucker.

The weak coward tries to communicate.

Go back to fucking goats, larping nigger. Your religion is garbage just like your people.

Go ahead, explain why you need to move to a western nation at all if your home nation isn't a complete shithole. You can't. All arab immigrants are by default subhuman trash that can't operate a functional, civil and prosperous society, so you leave your shithole and create chaos wherever you go.

This is evident EVERYWHERE.

AMA is for reddit. Go there.

UAE say hi