8Values and Politiscore

Attached: Screenshot_20200418-180704.png (1080x1920, 349.48K)

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Attached: Screenshot_20200222-200846.png (1080x1920, 394.19K)

That's weird. I was expecting a more radical result.

Attached: 8val.png (800x650, 73.15K)

Some of these tests can be fucky. The political compass has no neutral responses and makes too many assumptions. I'm closer to fascism than centrism, but the compass says otherwise.

Attached: Screenshot_20200418-182146.png (1080x1920, 131K)

It thought I was way less authoritarian than I expected.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.26K)

For some reason lots of people get lib left

Attached: Compass.png (766x742, 51.09K)

Attached: 8values.png (1742x1050, 302.37K)

Attached: Long 9axes.png (997x1484, 343.22K)

Attached: Politiscales.png (638x1673, 323.27K)

Now this is more black/white.
You're quite opinionated, I see.

Attached: canvas.png (800x1200, 133.76K)

Attached: gay.png (800x650, 93.5K)

Only reasonable person in the thread rn

Attached: download.png (800x650, 112.71K)

They got it fairly right. NSDAP

Attached: rightwingpop.png (800x650, 73.71K)

Attached: 1n85ae.png (1549x1290, 108.83K)

LOL. Accurate.

Attached: my-politiscales-results_.png (1000x2924, 600.25K)

Y u no gomrade?

Attached: PolitiScale.png (800x1200, 188.16K)

Attached: download.png (800x1200, 257.99K)

I also have a 9Axes result.

Oh shit, already uploaded. I blame beer.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.25K)

Well, yep. Though kinda disappointed not being more radical

Attached: download.png (800x650, 101.93K)

Attached: 9axes.png (800x1200, 209.57K)

>Fanatical Assimilationist
Explains the rest of your values.

Attached: 8values.png (850x650, 72.03K)

only acceptable results. Pic related.

Attached: download.png (800x1200, 248.81K)

Attached: download (1).png (800x650, 113.92K)

lol leave it to the retarded commie to pick "unsure/hesitant" 13000 times to make his results show he's largely undecided. Did you have trouble reading some of the words on the test?

t. only person here that can think for themself

Attached: download (1).png (800x1200, 220.15K)

Pretty accurate I must say. Fuck libertarians and ancaps.

fuck everyone (literally)

Attached: canvas.png (800x1200, 202.93K)

Attached: politiscales.png (530x720, 115.5K)

another good one:

Attached: graph.png (774x628, 33.64K)