Why does every white girl in canada seem to be in an interracial relationship
White women
god I love nurses
because you're trying to shill a phenomenon that doesn't exist
god I hate nurses
Because Canadians are literally the most boring people on the planet.
Really? I was just at the store and every white girl was with a non white man. Asian or Indian.
Dogs don't count as interracial.
Yeshua I despise doctors
who is she?
is she that slutnurse from tiktok?
Because the average white man in canada looks like this
I work around nurses all day. 1/3 crazy, 1/3 at least decent enough looking, 1/3 fat.
Imagine being born like that and NEVER being able to love another person
>white men
>pic with a literal kike
If you have a cute butt Asian dude you can be in my trap harem.
Because they love to sample the world's cocks
Seethe you worthless, yellow-skinned, micro-penis, gook.
Aren’t there mostly Chinese and Indian guys in Canada? They almost never get white girls here.
Oh fuck you found OP! Delet this!
ironic that the guy looks like little dicky
All those white guys fucking gooks
because your people are stupid and want to convert to being niggers, then when they find themselves living in a country they wont suffer to live in they will demand to live with white people.
kike propaganda
It's his name that's important: Lil'Dicky
Why are they doing that? Why do they want to trigger my dick and then arent where I am. The internet starts to make me sick. My autism makes me sick.
>t. Toronto or Vancouver
I changed my mind male nurses are based fuck women
It's either that, quadrupeds, or you.
Based, fuck 1 post by this ID leaf cuckposters
Not worth it. The younger ones are incredibly stupid and the older ones are Karens.
Chinks are ugly as fuck
they're not.
well ones that aren't into that sort of thing would avoid you
one in top left is a boy
would you rather have a cutie3.14 wiping your ass when you get bugmanflu or some creepy bearded gay feakshow?