I need Yas Forums's insight. Is the Netflix series "Waco" based or cucked?

Attached: Waco.jpg (960x500, 68.43K)

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pick one

.t former davidian here!

Yeah, I get it. But who's actually seen it?


its a deliberate bending of the truth, the ATF among others took pictures of the results like a trophy

Attached: Fuck the ATF and fuck the FBI.jpg (1080x1052, 128.65K)

Not me but I do have this image.
I think this is the right one.
I should start naming this shit.

Attached: 1572940648654.png (927x2380, 547.38K)

Mostly cucked.

>.t former davidian here!
Any insights into how things went down that you'd like to share?

Branch or regular?

decide for yourself

>defending davidians
>defending feds

The series blames FBI/ATF exclusively.
The series shows them to be wanton, psychopathic, sadistic mass murderers
The series displays the Branch Davidians and David Koresh as infallible saints who did nothing wrong
The series briefly shows Timothy McVeigh and portrays him (and I wish I was kidding) as rightfully disgruntled citizen who was forced to do what he did due to the circumstances presented to him

In my opinion, they went overboard. I have never seen such vitriolic anti FBI propaganda. They were depicted as literal murderous, bloodthirsty beasts.

One wonders how they even got the series greenlit.

The fact you need to ask if a netflix series is bullshit propaganda or not say it all.

Attached: 1451799411461.jpg (403x604, 78.61K)

>we have to make christians look like inhuman retards
>we have to make leos look like nazis
>we have to portray the christian nicely to make leos look like nazis
>we have to humanize the leos and make the christians nutjobs
imagine being inside your own asshole pumping out propaganda through your dick back inside your anus

Attached: e8362b63d4afe74c5251695f27f127ee[1].jpg (1400x1091, 90.76K)

gtfo faggot

If it doesnt paint the government as the child and women murdering corrupt mother fuckers they are then it's not based.

I was working when the raid went down, got arrested and was asked A lot of questions building layout, weapons and such.....we just had a dream and didnt bother no one........

What do you think Obama has been doing since leaving office?

Working at the propaganda machine known as Netflix.
Along with helping run the deep state.

Attached: 740x.jpg (740x555, 65.51K)

Alright, you fucking glownigger, piece of shit. I'm on to you.

pretty cool kgbbq

there was no difference you know that!

It literally does, though. It literally paints the government as sadistic murderers.

Name one claim of mine that is wrong.

2a babby cope

fuck around and find out what happens when you mess with the fed

Yeah, I was just a little guy when all that went down but I remember.

Based, why do you think the feds were whining that it portrayed them unfairly

lol ok nigger!

/k/ didn't totally hate it. I haven't seen it but scuttlebutt said that its critical of the ATF even though it didn't quite have the balls to charge Janet Reno with killing a hundred children.

Attached: ATF Agents Waco rubble pose.jpg (1280x2100, 1.59M)

It was based and cucked, OP.

Attached: f (710).jpg (888x499, 96.97K)

Glownigger detected

Based Texan

He can't. Everything you said is factually true or your opinion. I think the issue is that you don't realise that everything you said is objectively good as well.