Havent jerked off in hours

>havent jerked off in hours...
>dick feels like its going to explode any second
anyone who says they are nofap is a lying cuck or hates themselves

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But if you hold off jerking for like 5 days your balls get huge

I did /nofap/ for almost 5 months a couple years ago and it changed my life for the better.
I highly recommend everyone try to make themselves do it first for a full week, then for a full 30 days.
It won't give you the full experience but you'll at least know what having the increased energy and focus is all about.

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No fappers are walking memes

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posts like these make me think you were a porn addict rather than masturbation being bad

That's called overactive prostate.
Your prostate is in overdrive because it's used to cooming so much.
You probably have to wake up at night to pee, and you probably are going to get prostate cancer from all the prolactin.

Being a coomer is OK if you get blueballs easy.

I did “nofap” when my girl and I were apart for a time. When I had sex I came in like a minute, while I normally last much longer. Felt insanely good but was kinda embarrassing.

Have NoFappers ever had sex using their strategy before? If they did, they would realize that there is a huge downside of it.

Day 200+ you coping undisciplined bitch suck my balls

I thought it was all a meme but I'm on day 15. Noticing an increase in energy and I don't feel as tired. Was never addicted to porn but I wanted to give it a try.

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Once a girl touch your penis you will cum immediately like this user said

>Was never addicted to porn but I wanted to give it a try.
Even in anonymous form he lies. The question is, to himself or due to his ego?

I’m on day 2 of nofap. Trying to beat my previous record of 4 weeks. Definitely noticed a difference last time. Wish me luck bros.

I am now at around 8 or 9 day of nofap and I have terribls urges, but somehow I manage. They happen accidentally though.

I can do it for 2 days, can't keep it up past that
anyone who says it's not a bad thing to be doing something you can't easily quit is a lying sack of shit trying to console himself with his inability to try

For what it's worth if it helps you, I almost quit when I was at 30 days, feeling like I had accomplished a milestone but also like I had a raging beast possessing my dick that needed to be released, somehow I managed to keep going I think mostly to satiate my own curiosity.
I don't know if it will be the same for you if you keep going but for me at around day 45 it actually started getting easier, and that's also when my dopamine receptors started to begin to unfuck themselves.

Urges are normal, just let them diminish naturally.
If you look at porn they'll amplify and you'll relapse.
Just play some vidya or pick up a guitar. transmute your sexual urges into something else.

Wife woke me up with sex this morning. Feels great man. I love her and our kids and Christ.

That's how it's supposed to be, coomers.

user it’s all a mind set why helped me the most was not wanting a coomer brain, when you want to jerk it next think of your synapses in your brains getting fried, and ask yourself, Do I want to be a coombrain? Do I want deplorable fetishes that don’t even satisfy me anymore? You get satisfied for what an hour before the inevitable feeling returns give it a few days to a few weeks and the crave goes away, don’t be a slave/addict/coombrain

How do you "accidentally" beat your meat?

>Urges are normal, just let them diminish naturally.
Yeah, I try not to find excuses but it's hard as fucking shit.


This is my biggest problem and I have never been a quick buster, actually the opposite any advice?

I didn't want to expand since I'm on phone, but I meant that urges pass and then dick gets flappy.

Do 20 pushups then hop in the shower and spray cold water on your head.
Cold water makes your body think it's being attacked and it kills sexual urges.

Friendly reminder that the optimal retention method for maximal testosterone and minimal indulgence is to masturbate ONCE every week. Testosterone gain caps at about 8-10 days of nofap.

Unfortunately user I think it shows you the old truth that sex isn't fun and that it serves procreation.

I whacked off once in all of 2019 and so far none in 2020. How ya doing coomer?

Do you produce prolactin from regular sex? I've recently been getting laid and from years of cooming I could tell my prostate wasn't what it used to be, everything was fucked and just not working right anymore. Started nutting in pussy no condoms and everything is back to normal almost.

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OMG stop edging mutt

Been nofap for 2 weeks today
Got baptised 2 weeks ago and my goal is to never fap again
Feels good bros
Super alert, able to talk clearly, voice is louder, feel confident in my body, more witty

That's a myth.
Prolactin levels increase for up to two weeks after fapping, and prolactin means more testosterone converting to DHT.
So that means one fap = less testosterone for up to two weeks

Good for you user and God bless.
Keep it up

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As an avid coomer, nofap is definitely more than a meme, I've only ever made to 2 weeks but holy fuck was that a big nut, shot ropes for minutes, wish I took a picture, my whole belly was covered in slime. Am going to attempt for 3 months after this weekend, hopefully my nut can go in/on a woman this time, wish me luck.

Why are you defending cooming so much has your fried synapses turned you to a Jew? Or are you defending your addiction toot and nail backed into a corner like the feeble coombrain you are, you are a weak excuse of a man but you know that your fetishes reflect that. You’re not shit so you have to drag good ones down to feel good about yourself, reminds me of the same behavior of drug addicts I grew up around

I pick up some dumbbells and workout till I’m too exhausted to think about cooming

>jerking off once every three weeks is ideal
makes sense

B But you the jew free porn tells me it's good to jerk of at least every day

Proud of you man keep it up

No because semen can survive for over 3 months. After it will get reabsorbed into your blood and transported to the rest of your body.
Semen has massive amounts of stem cells which can repair your body and even reverse hair loss and tooth decay.

With normal sex you also produce other chemicals that counteract the oxidative ones. As nature intended.

>my whole belly was covered in slime
How does anybody coom anywhere else but in toilet? In the past when I didn't have smartphone with internet I was jerking before my pc and then at least I closed the foreskin so the cum doesn't escape and I can go to toilet. I don't remember how I managed to do it.

I was thinking more along the lines of busting via sex vs fapping I did that before for 2 months and it was the easiest way to quit, it felt more healthy and natural but obviously it’s hard af to find girls to fuck consistently god dammit maybe I need a gf

No , i just have a 8/10 wife ... enjoy being a looser fucking fag !

r8 pls
I have been improving somewhat last month
most I ever did was 15 days last year
I think the picture is self explanatory enough

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I bought an autoblow 2 + all the accessories while high and now I'm regretting it

> plebitors defending wanking then wonder why theyre pathetic in life

I've noticed nofappers to get angry very easily if you question the logic of nofap. I wonder why...

What does orange signify? Couldn’t find the colour red?

Or jerked off without porn?

As someone who did nofap for like 6 months once, I can say it made no real difference other than getting horny from like everything. With fapping you can get that over and dealt with and go on with the rest of your day normally. With nofap you can't do that.

yes orange mean no porn

Rub one out the night before you get laid. Trust me, you’ll still be horny

This. When I did nofap my hair grew back

but have you used it yet?

This is true. Your brain can tell if you're having real sex or fapping the same way it can tell if you're tickling yourself and being tickled.
Real sex has benefits, fapping only has negative side effects.